The strongest perspective doctor

Chapter 849 Make friends with the director

Chapter 849 Making Friends with the Director ([-])

"Sir, help!" Maslova trembled all over and struggled, but she couldn't shake off the wire.

Hao Ren was watching from the side. As long as Maslova's dantian was not full, he would not rescue her.Now, he just wants to cultivate her ability to save herself.

"Don't panic, concentrate your thoughts on both hands, and use your thoughts to block the energy of the current!" Although he didn't help, Hao Ren gave advice.

With Hao Ren by her side, Maslova was much calmer than in the morning.She did as Hao Ren said, and she really blocked the energy of the continuous current.His hands also automatically flung the wires away.

"Okay, now, your dantian is full again!" Hao Ren said, "Next time, if you still need to use Thunder and Lightning Qi, just do it like this!"

"Hmm!" Although Maslova gained true energy, she was also sore from the electric current.She snuggled into Hao Ren's arms, not wanting to move.

Hao Ren injected some zhenqi into Maslova to let her recover from fatigue, and then said with a smile: "The energy in the current is not obtained through your cultivation. After entering the body, the meridians in your body need to be activated Transformation. During this process, you will feel very uncomfortable. From now on, as long as there are no major problems, you must persist in practicing every day!"

Then, Hao Ren taught her the secret of meditation and breathing: "If you blindly use electric current to replenish energy, your dantian and meridians will be damaged. Therefore, you must often beat people to breathe, which is to restore the dantian and meridians. The best way to meridian, and it can also expand the dantian!"

Maslova nodded again and again: "Sir, I will definitely do as you say!"

After dinner, Hao Ren said to Maslova, "Take me to the police station, and I will help you deal with him!"

Maslova was overjoyed: "Okay, thank you, dear!"

Maslova drove her "Maserati" and brought Hao Ren to a street in the city.The police station of the city of Turukhansk is on this street.

Hao Ren knew that Maslova would not do it lightly, so he said to her: "Do you have a photo of the director? If so, let me see it, and I will take you to his office directly. If there is no photo of him, then we will It’s very troublesome to search from room to room. I don’t want the chief’s subordinates to know that the chief has been dealt with by us, it will make the chief lose face, and he won’t be able to restrain his subordinates in the future!”

Hao Ren's idea was correct.If he fixes the chief in front of the police, it will be difficult for the chief to do well in the future.And if this kind of thing gets to the ears of the boss, the boss will definitely find a way to replace the director.

If a new director came, it would only cause trouble for himself.You can't come to a bureau chief, just give someone a blow!When it comes to that point, Maslova will follow in Saarinen's footsteps.

Maslova took out her phone and pulled up a photo.She said: "This was taken last year when our gang leader hosted a banquet for the chief. The man in the police uniform is the chief!"

Hao Ren couldn't help but sneered: "The director is eating with the boss of the gang, and he doesn't even bother to take off his uniform, that's arrogant!"

After seeing the photo of the chief, Hao Ren used his consciousness again to search every room in the police station, and soon he found the chief in a luxurious office.

Hao Ren and Maslova got out of the car, and he said, "Hold me around the waist, and I'll take you around the sky!"

When Hao Ren detonated the barracks, Maslova knew that his lightness kung fu was very good, and he could fly in the sky like a bird.She had long been looking forward to the day when Hao Ren could take her and pretend to fly with her.

Maslova hugged Hao Ren's waist tightly, and Hao Ren stepped on his feet and jumped into the air lightly.With his zhenqi running, he walked against the wind in the air, and he arrived at the roof of the director's office in an instant.

At this time, there was only the director in the room.Hao Ren pushed open the window and flew in with Maslova.

Suddenly there were two more people in the room, and the director was startled.He looked up and recognized Maslova immediately.The director said angrily: "Maslova, you are so brave, you know, your case has been committed! I am arresting you everywhere, how dare you come here! Just wait, I will call someone to arrest you!" Send you to prison!" As he spoke, he drew a pistol from his waist.

The chief spoke Russian, and Hao Ren couldn't understand a word.But when he saw the director draw his gun, he knew that this guy was going to use force!

Hao Ren pulled Maslova behind him. Then, he strode towards the director and said in English with a sneer, "You still want to shoot? You can shoot here!" own breasts.

Although the director could understand English, he didn't know where Hao Ren came from.He asked coldly: "Who are you? What do you want to do?"

Hao Ren still sneered: "Who am I, you will know in the future. I am here this time to make friends with you! Don't you think we are very destined?"

The chief pointed the gun at Hao Ren's chest, but Hao Ren was not afraid at all. The expression of turning a blind eye to the pistol made the chief shudder.He said sharply: "I don't know you, why should I make friends with you? You stop! If you go any further, I'll shoot you!"

Hao Ren ignored him at all and walked directly to the director's desk.The director was afraid that Hao Ren would get too close, so he seized the opportunity to grab the gun. He hastily pulled the trigger and shot Hao Ren in the chest.

With a "bang", the bullet was ejected and hit Hao Ren's chest.The director took a step back habitually to prevent his blood from being splashed.

However, to his surprise, Hao Ren was fine, except for a small hole in his chest, which he didn't even shake.

"What's going on? Could it be that this kid is wearing a body armor? No, we're so close, any body armor has penetrated! Also, the energy of a bullet ejected from the chamber is so great, no matter what, it can knock the opponent over. Why is this kid not moving at all?" For a moment, countless question marks appeared in the director's mind.

What made the chief even more horrified was that when the bullet he fired bounced out, Hao Ren caught it with his hands.You know, the temperature of the warhead is very high, isn't he afraid of scalding his hands?
The director has played with guns for 30 years, and has never encountered such a thing today, and he dare not shoot a second time.

Hao Ren played with the bullet in his hand, and then squeezed it lightly. The conical copper alloy bullet was crushed into a flat shape by him!

"Are you a man-bear, or a Hulk?" As a senior police officer, the chief knows a lot, not only about the man-bears in his own country, but also about the Hulk in the United States.

"Don't care if I'm a man-bear or a hulk, I'll just ask you, can I make friends with you?" Hao Ren asked.

"Yes, yes!"

(End of this chapter)

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