Chapter 881
Hao Ren knew that Zeng Ji's cultivation was not weak, and he couldn't handle it with one move.In case there was a delay and there was a commotion that caught Qin Shurun's attention, then his going to the Confucian Space would not be kept secret.Therefore, Hao Ren used "Worry Silk" as soon as he made a move.

The "worry thread" wrapped itself around Zeng Ji's body and neck. Once he tightened his grip, Zeng Ji couldn't move. At the same time, he felt short of breath. Hao Ren obediently pulled him to his side.

"Take me to the Confucian space, or I will make you die ugly!" Hao Ren threatened.

"You kill me!" Zeng Ji said in a very hard tone.

"Do you think I will let you die so easily?" Hao Ren sneered.

"What do you want?" Zeng Ji stared at Hao Ren blankly.

A very handsome man, to be Duanmuzheng's wife is clearly greedy for wealth and enjoyment.This kind of person may not be afraid of death, but he is afraid of pain.That being the case, then use the trick you used to deal with him.

Hao Ren turned Zeng Ji's body over and tapped the "Jinshuo" acupoint on his back.Zeng Ji's body shook first, and then twitched.At the same time screamed horribly.

Hao Ren had been prepared for a long time, and pointed again, on Zeng Ji's dumb acupoint.Fortunately, he was quick, otherwise Zeng Ji's high-pitched voice would have passed through the door to the next room.You know, Qin Shurun ​​was meditating in a room a little further away.

About 1 minute later, Hao Ren released the "Jinshuo" point for Zeng Ji.Then he asked, "How was it, how did it feel, do you want to do it again!"

Zeng Ji repeatedly shook his head.Because the dumb acupoint hadn't been released yet, he opened his mouth wide, but couldn't make a sound.

Hao Ren asked again: "Will you take me to the Daru space?"

Zeng Ji nodded again and again.He has never suffered such pain since he grew up.So Hao Ren just moved his fingers, and he gave in.

Only then did Hao Ren untie Zeng Ji's dumb acupoint, and said, "Let me find the passage leading to the Confucian space right now. Remember, be honest. After I achieve my goal, I will release it." But, if you want to play tricks, I will take you out and torture you slowly. You have seen my cultivation base before, and besides Duanmuzheng, no one is my opponent!"

Zeng Ji had already tested Hao Ren's strength in the palm-to-hand match just now.He knew that if Duanmuzheng was not here, even if he teamed up with Qin Shurun, he would not be this person's opponent.

People like Zeng Ji are usually very good at bullying the weak, but when they meet someone stronger than him, they immediately become soft-hearted.He said fearfully, "Okay, I'll take you there!"

Hao Ren asked, "Where is that space passage? Is it far from now?"

"From here all the way to the northwest, it takes about ten miles to walk, in the incense hall of 'Silver Hook Gambling House'."

Hao Ren knew that "Silver Hook Gambling Square" was a big gang, and it had set up many branches from Qin Shurun ​​down.These institutions have to discuss matters every once in a while. Before the discussion, they have to burn incense and pay homage to the spirit of the seniors. Such important matters must not be set up in the gambling house, otherwise it will be disrespectful to the seniors.

"Since Xiangtang is such an important place, there must be guards. Don't tell me you kid is trying to trick me into Xiangtang, and let me be surrounded!" Hao Ren sneered.

"Hero, you are worrying too much. With your cultivation base, what kind of encirclement can trap you! The passage leading to Daru's space is really behind Xiangtang. Anyway, I am in your hands You can arrange it however you want!" Zeng Ji said, "Actually, the incense hall in our gambling house only brings some guards when discussing matters, and usually there is no need for anyone to guard it. If you are worried, you can put it in advance. My dumb acupoint is on point!"

"Okay, I'll just trust you once. However, it's still important to hit the Ya acupoint!" After saying that, Hao Ren really tapped Zeng Ji's Ya acupoint again.

Hao Ren's "Worry Thread" didn't take it back, it was still wrapped around Zeng Ji's body. As long as this guy dared to make any changes, the "Worry Thread" would naturally work.As for the Ya acupoint being tapped, I was afraid that it would be troublesome if this guy called for help on the road later.

Hao Ren walked out of the room with Zeng Ji's body in his arms. He looked around and saw that there was no one around. When he stepped a little, he jumped into the air and flew towards the northwest.

Hao Ren flew all the way, and the properties of the "Silver Hook Gambling House" were all under his feet. There were martial arts arenas, gardens, buildings, horse farms, and workshops. After about ten miles, he saw the incense hall of the gambling house.

It was still dark at this time, and the incense hall was pitch black.Hao Ren released his consciousness, and sure enough, no guards were found nearby.So he jumped down.

"Xiangtang has arrived, how do we go next?" Before asking questions, Hao Ren relieved Zeng Ji's dumb acupoint.At the same time his fingers did not move away.If Zeng Ji dared to play tricks, he would continue to click.

"Go straight in, pass through the incense hall, there is a monument behind the incense hall!"

Hao Ren carried Zeng Ji to the back of the incense hall and saw a stone tablet.This monument was built into the incense hall, and outsiders didn't know it at all.There is an indistinguishable monster engraved on the surface of the monument, which is very ferocious.

Hao Ren couldn't understand the inscription, let alone how to operate it, so he asked Zeng Ji, "What should I do next?"

Zeng Ji took out a broken jade tablet from his close-fitting clothes and put it into the mouth of the monster engraved on the stele.Soon, there was a wave of spiritual energy in front of the stone tablet.

After the spiritual energy fluctuated for a while, the stone tablet disappeared, and then a door appeared in front of Hao Ren.And the jade plaque was suspended in the air inside the door.

Zeng Ji said: "Hero, please!"

Hao Ren sneered: "Aren't you going in with me?"

Zeng Ji hurriedly said: "I won't go in! If Patriarch Duanmu sees me bringing strangers in, he must kill me!"

Hao Ren said, "As far as Duanmuzheng's cultivation is concerned, I don't think much of it. You go in with me, and I will protect you!"

Zeng Ji wanted to retreat further, but Hao Ren grabbed him and pushed him in. Then, he walked into the door himself.

As soon as Hao Ren entered, the scene in front of him changed.He found himself in a hall.This hall is resplendent and magnificent, and it is estimated that the Golden Luan Hall of the Forbidden City is no more than this.Actually, Hao Ren had never been to the Forbidden City before!

There were two rows of chairs in the hall, and nine people were sitting there discussing matters.Hearing the sound of Hao Ren coming in, they all turned their heads to look this way.

An old man was stunned when he saw Hao Ren, and then he yelled: "Xiao Zeng, seal the door for me immediately, don't let this kid run back!"

Hao Ren looked back at the door he came from, but saw that the door had been closed, and Zeng Ji had already collected the jade tablet that was suspended in the air just now.Zeng Ji bypassed Hao Ren and ran towards the old man.

"Leave me the jade token!"

(End of this chapter)

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