The strongest perspective doctor

Chapter 975 What a Big Lie

Chapter 975 What a Big Lie
"Sir, can I not satisfy you in bed?" After the madness passed, Asi asked faintly, snuggling into Hao Ren's arms.

Hao Ren was very surprised: "Asi, why do you say that? Did I neglect you somewhere?"

Asi shook his head and said, "Msister-in-law has always been very kind to me and never neglected me. I know this very well. However, when I got up to go to the bathroom just now, I found that you were not on the bed. Did you go to find another sister?" ?”

"No, I didn't find anyone!" Hao Ren said hastily.

Asi didn't believe it: "Sister, please forgive me if I can't satisfy you. From what I see, doing this kind of thing is similar to fighting. Your cultivation is too high, and our sisters' cultivation is far inferior to yours, so I can't satisfy you." It's normal. If it doesn't work, you can marry a few more. If you're embarrassed, I'll tell them!"

"Don't, don't talk nonsense!" Hao Ren was embarrassed, "I went to Heavenly Prison City while you were asleep!"

"What are you doing in Heavenly Prison City? Have you entered the 'Quxiangfang'?" Asi was anxious, "Sir, how can you flirt with those women! With our family's financial resources, what kind of beauties are you? Can't find it?"

"Who do you think your husband is?" Hao Ren didn't know what to say, "I just went to buy a piece of jade!"

"Jade? What jade? Where is it?" Asi asked.

Knowing that Asi didn't believe it, Hao Ren went to the corridor of the villa and brought in the piece of uncut jade.

As soon as he saw it, he knew that this uncut jade really came from the Heavenly Prison City.She asked, "Master, what are you buying this rough jade for? Others buy finished products, but you bought a semi-finished product!"

Hao Ren smiled and said, "I bought this uncut jade not for decoration, but for food!"

"Make food? Whose food?" Asi didn't believe it at all, no matter how good his teeth are, he can't bite into jade!

Hao Ren smiled and said, "I won't tell you now, you will know after dawn!"

Asi Buyi: "Master, just tell me!" As she spoke, she burrowed into Hao Ren's arms, trying to get the answer out of Hao Ren's mouth by being coquettish and cute.

It's good that Asi didn't act like a baby, but this act of acting like a baby drew Hao Ren's anger again.

Hao Ren said wretchedly: "If you want to know the answer, it's fine, you can do it with me again!" As he said, his hand climbed up the mountain of Asi again.

By the time they finished this round of homework, the sun outside was already high.Someone outside the room knocked on the door a few times, probably urging them to get up and have breakfast!
Hao Ren immediately got out of bed and got dressed.As soon as he opened the door, he saw Han Yan and the others standing in front of the door.Han Yan smiled and said, "Master, you are really crazy, I have never seen you get up so late before!"

Hearing what Han Yan said, Asdu felt embarrassed to go out.At this moment, she had already forgotten the trouble of asking Hao Ren's question.

After breakfast, Hao Ren took out the piece of uncut jade and said to everyone: "You all come with me to feed the birds, and see what I do, and you do the same. From now on, Phoenix will be familiar with you!"

As soon as Xuan Xuan saw the uncut jade in Hao Ren's hand, she knew that he wanted to feed Phoenix with jade chips, but she didn't say anything.Just go along with everyone.

The family came to the birdcage.At this time, the two phoenixes were making trouble in the cage. After seeing Hao Ren and the others, they hid in a corner of the cage instead, as if they didn't like people.

Hao Ren held the jade in his arms, and with a thought, he quickly absorbed the spiritual energy in the jade.Then the uncut jade began to become soft and fell to the ground, turning into a pile of powder.

Seeing the jade chips on the ground, two phoenixes ran over immediately and shouted happily.However, their bodies were still in the cage, and their necks were not long enough, so they couldn't eat jade chips even if they wanted to, so they squeaked anxiously.

Hao Ren grabbed a handful of jade chips from the ground, put his hand into the cage, and let Fenghuang peck at him.The two phoenixes moved their heads closer, sucking on the jade chips and cooing happily.

Hao Ren saw those phoenixes in the orthodoxy space, all of them could speak human language.These two little phoenixes obviously don't know how to speak human language when they are adults.However, as a kind of spirit beast, the phoenix has an extremely long lifespan. If they want to wait until they reach adulthood, Hao Ren doesn't even know if he can live to that age.

Soon, the jade scraps in Hao Ren's hands were eaten up by the phoenixes.Seeing that Fenghuang liked eating jade chips so much, Han Yan and the others each grabbed a handful of jade chips and put them into the cage.The two phoenixes ate happily again.

Recently, even Xiao Sihua and Xiao Siwen followed the example of their mothers, each grabbed a handful of jade chips and brought them to Xiao Fenghuang's mouth.

Little Phoenix also seemed to like children very much, and they rushed to eat from Sihua and Siwen's hands.While eating, they fondled the faces of the two children with their short, yet-to-be-grown wings.It seems that after just a meal of jade chips, they became familiar with each other.

At this time, Xuan Xuan asked: "Brother, why didn't you think of feeding the phoenix with jade chips yesterday!" She had personally accompanied Hao Ren to use jade chips to lure Pixiu before, and she already knew the magical effect of jade chips.

Hao Ren smiled and said, "I thought about it yesterday, but I don't have any jade at hand, so I had to delay until today!"

Xuan Xuan asked again: "Then where did you find this rough jade?"

Hao Ren said: "Last night, while you were sleeping soundly, I went to Heavenly Prison City and bought two yuan!"

Ah Si finally knew what Hao Ren did for buying uncut jade.

But everyone asked in unison: "You bought two yuan, why did you only see this one. Where's the other one?"

Hao Ren smiled wryly and said, "Every time I go from the valley to the Hell Forest, I have to pass a unicorn lair, and there are more than ten unicorns there!"

"And the unicorn?" Several beauties and wives all opened their mouths.

Dragons, phoenixes, unicorns, and wild beasts have always been animals in folklore. Now they have seen live phoenixes. Since Hao Ren said there are other spirit beasts, they must really exist.

Hao Ren said: "I often come in and out of the Qilin's lair, which also caused a lot of trouble for others. So, yesterday I turned that rough jade into jade crumbs and let the Qilin family eat it. But those Qilins are all Big guys, they are far bigger than elephants, how can such a little rough jade be enough? There is no way, tonight, I have to go to Heavenly Prison City again!"

Hao Ren made such a big detour just to set up an ambush for going to Heavenly Prison City.

Then, Hao Ren said: "You don't know how greedy those unicorns are, such a big pile of jade chips, they lick them up as soon as they stick out their tongues. So, I may have to stay in Heavenly Prison City for an extra two days this time." For three days, get more jade crumbs, feed the unicorns enough, and let them satisfy their hunger!"

As for the bet with Lei Gong, Hao Ren didn't mention a word, because those words can only worry the wives.

These beauties and wives are really deceiving!

(End of this chapter)

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