Mrs. Zhan is very fierce

Chapter 203 Will it change the DNA

Chapter 203 Will it change the DNA
Thinking of Zhan Qing taking the little girl away, he raised his hand to check Zhan Lantian, and asked her with concern, "Did he do anything to you just now?"

After asking this question, Zhan Feng found that the little girl had a wound on her wrist.

He frowned, took the little girl's wrist and asked, "What's going on? How did you get hurt?"

Zhan Lantian laughed, the snake coiled around her waist made her a little breathless.

So she pulled out the snake directly, and the snake body was naturally wrapped around her arm.

When he saw the snake, Lu Sheng was so frightened that he slammed on the brakes, and his heart was in his throat in an instant.

When Zhan Feng saw the snake, he suddenly became uncomfortable.

Because he finds this animal disgusting.

But this little girl likes it, and he can't deprive her of her interest.

"It was bitten by Qingqing, because it sucked my blood, and then it grew from so small to so big. I was thinking about feeding it so big in the future, so Zhanfeng, can you help me prepare one?" The place where Qingqing lives?"

Zhan Feng, "..."

The snake bit her, she was fine, but the snake got bigger?

What is the principle?
Looking at the little girl's bitten hand, except for a little blood, there was no redness or swelling, as if nothing happened.

Could it be that there is something wrong with this little girl's blood?

But didn't he ask the doctor to examine her before, and the blood was also checked, and there was nothing wrong with it?
How come the snake can grow bigger as soon as it sucks her blood?
Zhan Feng thinks this is too sci-fi, obviously he doesn't believe it.

He held the little girl's hand, pulled the pocket square from his suit pocket on his chest, and tied it around Zhan Lantian's wrist.

"Boss, snake, what a big snake? Why aren't you afraid?"

Seeing the little girl wrapping the snake around his arm, and seeing the indifferent and calm look on the boss's face, Lu Sheng couldn't sit still.

"There's nothing to be afraid of, drive your car well." Zhan Feng said casually.

He was thinking about a question.

The little girl is innocent by nature, so she won't lie to him.

The snake may have grown bigger because it sucked her blood.

Zhan Feng suddenly thought that when Nian Xi was born before, and he was born prematurely, he was bigger than ordinary children.

Was the growth of that year related to this girl's blood?

If it had something to do with her blood, would that change his DNA?
Zhan Feng shook his head, forcing himself to withdraw his thoughts.

What is he thinking!

How could it be possible for her blood to fuse with his DNA, causing the DNA of the past to change!
He must have thought too much.

But I don't know why, since sending Nian Xi away, Zhan Feng feels that he sleeps very restlessly every night.

I can even dream about that child sometimes.

No, he still has to find a better doctor to examine this girl later, to find out what's wrong with her body. Why does the snake grow bigger after it sucks her blood?
"Zhan Feng, you need to find a super big place for me, you know? I want to feed Qingqing to such a big size." Zhan Lantian gestured.

She put the snake on her shoulder and kissed it every now and then.

Qingqing was so obedient, she kept rubbing against Zhan Lantian's face, and whispered in Zhan Lantian's ear, "The man next to you is so handsome, I really want to go to him, but I'm afraid he will strangle me to death."

Of course, what Qingqing said in a childish voice, other people could not understand or hear her.

All they could see was that the snake kept spitting and hissing.

(End of this chapter)

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