Mrs. Zhan is very fierce

Chapter 208 There Is No Abnormality

Chapter 208 There Is No Abnormality
Because it was a doctor who had made an appointment in advance, under the leadership of Lu Sheng, Zhan Feng directly led Zhan Lantian to draw blood for testing.

After the blood is drawn, the test results will not come out until a while later.

Zhan Feng asked Lu Sheng to go back to the company first, and he took Zhan Lantian to eat at a restaurant near the hospital.

After eating, I went back to the hospital, and the test results just came out.

Zhan Feng asked Zhan Lantian to wait at the door, and he went into the doctor's department to get the results.

The doctor handed the result to Zhan Feng and told him, "There is nothing abnormal about the girl's blood, and she wasn't infected by anything. It's normal, so you don't have to worry."

Zhan Feng took the test results, and what was shown on the list was indeed normal.

No abnormality?
Then why did the snake grow bigger quickly after sucking her blood?

Zhan Feng still couldn't believe the result, and asked the doctor, "Are you sure it's normal?"

The doctor nodded firmly, "It's normal, so don't worry."

"Then tell me, under what circumstances, the snake will grow up quickly after sucking human blood?"


Hearing Zhan Feng's words, he thought he was joking.

How could there be such a sci-fi thing.

The doctor smiled and replied Zhan Feng, "Impossible, we are all people in the 21st century, how can we believe in those illusory things in movies."

Zhan Feng didn't believe the doctor when he saw it, even if he asked again, he couldn't find out why, so he didn't say much, and left with the result.

As soon as he walked out of the department, Zhan Lantian greeted him, and asked with a smile, "How is it? Am I sick?"

Zhan Feng shook his head, put his hand on Zhan Lantian's shoulder naturally, and led her away, "No, you are healthy."

Some things cannot be explained by science.

It's also possible that he really doesn't have a relationship with Nian Xi, so that's it, let Xiao Nian Xi stay with his father, as long as he can grow up healthy and healthy, it's also great.

As for him, for the rest of his life, just hold the little girl's hand and walk on.

"Let me just say that I'm not sick. If you insist on dragging me to see a doctor, isn't this a waste of money?"

Zhan Lantian complained dissatisfiedly, sat in the car, tilted his head and thought about it, and suddenly looked at Zhan Feng who was sitting in the driving seat with a smile, and said, "Zhan Feng, why don't we go to the supermarket?"

Zhan Feng glanced at her, thinking of the last time she went to the supermarket, how dare he take her there.

So he flatly refused, "No, I'll let someone buy whatever you want."

"I want to buy eggs. There are a lot of eggs. I also want to buy a cage this big and put Qingqing in it. Otherwise, I'm afraid it will slip out of the room and scare sister Zhiyi."

Zhiyi's elder sister is so afraid of snakes, but she can't bear to lose Qingqing, so she can only lock him up and raise him.

"I'll get someone to buy it."

"Then can I buy some more animals to raise?" Zhan Lantian asked cautiously.

Zhan Feng couldn't help staring at her, and answered irrelevant questions, "Just like animals so much? Didn't I tell you to study hard and go to a university next year?"

"I read it well. I know all the textbooks that sister Zhiyi gave me. If you don't believe me, you can test me at any time. I think you should go to work sometimes. I'm bored, so I want to raise more small animals."

I don't know why, but she just likes animals very much.

No matter what kind of animal it is, running or crawling, small or big, she loves them all.

The most important thing is that she can communicate with animals, but others don't have this skill. Isn't this a business opportunity?

(End of this chapter)

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