Mrs. Zhan is very fierce

Chapter 386 Slap him

Chapter 386 Slap him
His subordinates continued to report: "Master Zhan died strangely, and his death was very tragic. Anyway, last night, the entire Zhan family, except Young Master Zhan Qing and Mr. Bai, were all injured and unconscious."

"The old man hasn't woken up yet."

"The strange thing is that the servants in the family are fine. I heard from people outside that they were retribution because the death of the big python was related to them."

After listening to his subordinates, Zhan Feng glanced at the little girl beside him.

Seeing that she was still expressionless, he didn't say much, and waved his hands to make his subordinates retreat.

He then led Zhan Lantian and the child towards the hall.

Before reaching the direction of the hall, they heard mournful cries.

When they got to the hall, they saw a dead body parked in the middle of the hall, covered with a white cloth, and they couldn't see how miserable the corpse was.

Kneeling beside the corpse were Zhan Qing and his mother, who couldn't hold back their tears.

When he saw Zhan Qing, Zhan Lantian finally let go of the guilt he had towards him.

Zhan Qing is fine.

She thought that the shot that Zhan Qing blocked for her back then would kill him.

Instead of bowing to Zhan Mu, Zhan Feng directly took Zhan Lantian to see the old man to see what happened to him.

Unexpectedly, just after taking two steps, Zhan Lantian suddenly stopped again.

The reason was that she saw Bai Yechen walking down the stairs.

Zhan Lantian stared at him bitterly, feeling the urge to tear him to pieces.

But reason tells her that she can't now.

Because there are policemen and reporters outside, if she does something now, she will be thankless.

So Zhan Lantian endured it.

But she could bear it, but Lan Yi couldn't bear it.

When he saw Bai Yechen, he directly motioned to the little wolf beside him.

As soon as the little wolf thought that his mother's death was related to that person, he immediately hissed his fangs and rushed towards Bai Yechen.

Bai Yechen was also taken aback and wanted to avoid it, but he couldn't.

The little wolf bit his leg hard with one bite.

Bai Yechen raised his fist and was about to hit the little wolf. Zhan Feng's eyes were quick, and he squeezed Bai Yechen's hand at once, and snorted coldly, "A pet dog bites when it smells bad. Why do you have trouble with a dog?"

Bai Yechen was bitten so hard that he couldn't get rid of it, and the pain hit him. He stared at Zhan Feng in hatred, "Let go, there are policemen outside, if you don't want this dog to die."

Zhan Feng's eyes darkened, and he squeezed Bai Yechen's hand even harder, only to see that Bai Yechen's palm began to turn white.

"Really? Then maybe you are dead, but my dog ​​is still alive and well."

Thinking that he really couldn't get himself burned at this time, Zhan Feng looked at Zhan Lantian and motioned him to let the little wolf go back.

Zhan Lantian only called out, "Come back."

So the little wolf obediently let go and ran back to Zhan Lantian's side.

At this moment, Zhan Feng just shook off Bai Yechen's hand.

Bai Yechen relaxed, covered the bitten place in unbearable pain, looked at Zhan Lantian and Lan Yi, and couldn't help but sarcastically said: "The three of you are finally reunited."

He looked at Zhan Feng, pursed his lips playfully, and said: "But don't forget what I told you before, when I die, someone will accompany me to the funeral."

Zhan Feng was not angry but mighty, his fists clenched tightly.

It is also because of Bai Yeshen's threat that he has not been able to do anything to him so far.

Just when Zhan Feng was silent, Zhan Lantian walked over, raised his hand and slapped Bai Yechen across the face.

(End of this chapter)

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