Chapter 657 Pseudo-Ability User (Eighth)

"The latest report is that Beijing Medical University discovered the murder case on the first day after Christmas, which has been the focus of everyone's attention. Today is the second day. After hard work, the serious crime team has caught the murderer in just one day. Liu, what he likes most is to find young girls in crowded places. According to the murderer, no less than three young girls have died in his hands. The police are currently trying their best to find the bodies of other victims. The reporter of this station will do further follow-up reports.”

When Lin Suyu woke up and turned on the TV, she saw such a piece of news. She didn't think it was a serial killer, it was just an explanation for the public. She picked up her mobile phone and called Han Junye.

"Honey, you're awake, how did you sleep?" Han Junye asked with a smile.

"What do you think, I just got up now, whose fault is this?" Lin Suyu said dissatisfied.

"Mine is mine, of course it's mine, but the harmony of yin and yang is the best beauty treatment. I think my wife must be rosy and rosy right now." Han Junye did not forget to tease.

"Nonsense." Lin Suying scolded with a smile, "I just saw the news."

"That was said to the outside world. It happened that the serious crime team caught this murderer, so we took advantage of it. We can't tell the people that it was the work of a supernatural person." Han Junye said.

"Have you captured that supernatural being?" Lin Suying asked.

"I've caught it, it's Gao Meiren, a shemale." Han Junye said.

Lin Suyu said: "Then the case is considered solved."

"The case is solved, but there will be more things that will happen later." Han Junye said: "Well, come to me, I just need your help for some things."

"Okay." Lin Suying agreed and hung up the phone.

Lin Suying's speed was very fast, but half an hour later, he arrived at Han Junye's office. When he entered, Han Junye's office was not only Lin Suzhe, Tie Xue, and Tidbits, but also Tie Ying, Xue Taozi, Leng Xiao, and Fu Qingshan. Seeing so many people, Lin Suying was also taken aback for a moment.

Han Junye saw Lin Suying coming, and waved her to be beside him.

After Lin Suying sat down, Han Junye continued: "Now it seems that not only the Li country, but also the Gao United States, the island country, these countries joined forces to come to China, and now their purpose is to establish a secret plant gene in China. Research base, so we must get rid of this base before the news is leaked."

"You, Demon Snake, will lead the team to take charge of this task, and you will choose the team members yourself," Han Junye said.

"Okay." Lin Suzhe nodded: "Then let Xiongxiong, Blue Bird go with me." Lin Suzhe said.

"Okay, so Xiongxiong, Qingniao, you guys, get ready to go with the snake to perform this task, wife, prepare some daily-use pills for them, it's best to be able to detoxify." Han Junye said.

Lin Suying made an OK gesture: "Okay, I'll get it later."

Han Junye said again: "The magic snakes are going to deal with this plant gene base. We also have to deal with the supernatural beings who have been fused with plant genes to eradicate Pu Xueer's memory. I learned that there are currently seven people who have successfully fused plant genes. Personally, Park Xueer is one of them, who is good at operating roses, and there are six others, one is good at controlling trees, one is good at controlling poisonous weeds, one is good at controlling aquatic plants, one is good at using vegetation to cover stealth, and the other is good at discovering and controlling Melon fruit, and one who is good at controlling short shrubs, although they are all remote, they are all a kind of wood-type supernatural beings, and we temporarily named them pseudo-supernatural powers.”

(End of this chapter)

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