City Rebirth Supernatural Doctor

Chapter 685 Burning Money

Chapter 685 Burning Money (Third Watch)
Han Junye's patronage was not just for fun, it was really a patronage, not only patronizing, but also swept away the things that the Emperor's Mansion and the Shogunate had so hard to hide in the secret room again.

After sweeping, Lin Suying said with emotion: "Oh, the islanders are really rich. Last time you wiped it all out, but this time you have it again. It seems that we don't have enough money to sweep it up."

Lin Suying's words made Han Junye laugh out loud. The husband and wife were not interested in playing anymore after scanning. They left after checking out. Of course, it was Yu Jianfei who left.

They walked away happily, but the island country was in all kinds of pain, up and down, inside and outside chaos, the rich man was robbed, the bank was swept away, even the emperor's mansion and the shogunate were patronized again, There are really a lot of internal and external troubles.However, as Lin Suying said, by doing this, she directly set back the economy of the island country for decades. There is no way to do it. The main reason is the robbery of the Bank of Kyoto, which is all the money of the powerful, whether it is Bright and dark, now there is not even a piece of paper, oh, there is a piece of paper, on which is the printed statement that the international bandit is here to visit.

So the islanders understand that this is another good thing done by international thieves.

When the islanders here were crying for their fathers and mothers, Lin Suyu and Han Junye had already returned to Huaxia.

They still returned to Beijing from Ning City, and they went back to Han's house first. As soon as they entered, Lin Suying shouted, "Sister Lin, Sister Lin, our family has a lot of paper that can be used to burn the closet."

Mrs. Lin is the nanny of the Han family, she hurried out after hearing this: "Young Madam, did you buy paper?"

"No, I got it from a friend." As he said that, he asked Han Junye to come in with bundles of island coins.

Seeing this, Sister Lin was surprised and said, "Isn't this money? I've seen it before. It's the national currency of the island."

"This is counterfeit money. It was searched and suppressed, so it can be burned as waste paper." The searched and suppressed money was almost the same, but the counterfeit money, these words made Han Junye laugh.

Aunt Lin naturally didn't know the truth, and when she heard Lin Suying say that, she smiled and said, "That's fine, I'll burn the closet right away."

Seeing Mrs. Lin burn bundles of island national currency, Lin Suyu was very happy, and said softly to Han Junye, "It feels like local tyrants are not as rich as us."

"Just as long as you like it." Han Junye chuckled lightly. Anyway, it wasn't his own fire, as long as his daughter-in-law liked it.

At this time, Han's mother and Han's father helped Mr. Han to come in, saw Han Junye and his wife and said with a smile: "You are back, why don't you call back when you come back."

"Anyway, come back, just come back directly." Han Junye said.

Mother Han at the side saw Mrs. Lin throwing something into the closet, and asked casually, "Sister Lin, what are you throwing?"

Mrs. Lin said: "The counterfeit money brought by the young lady."

"Counterfeit money?" Mama Han became curious, went over to look, and laughed: "It's counterfeit money, it's counterfeit money, but don't burn too much, a little too much, there's a lot of dust in the house."

"Okay." Mrs. Lin didn't understand why Mother Han was so weird, so she threw a few more stacks of island coins, and then went to the kitchen.

Mother Han turned around and said, "You don't have to worry about frightening Aunt Lin, these are obviously true."

"Anyway, it's not our family's. Why not burn it? I don't like the pattern on it, so I will burn it naturally." Lin Suying said really righteous words.

Mother Han said: "If you think you have too much money, you won't invest in me."

Lin Suyu looked at Mother Han seriously: "Mom, we have money and make money to make ourselves happy and live a better life, not to make ourselves slaves of money. You are right. The money It is possible to invest in you, but in this way, we are only living in making money, and forget that the original intention of making money is to make ourselves happy."

(End of this chapter)

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