City Rebirth Supernatural Doctor

Chapter 939 The Black Hole Comes and the Disaster Begins

Chapter 939 The Black Hole Comes and the Disaster Begins (Seventh Update)

No one knows where Han Junye and Lin Suying went, and no one knows where these nine black holes will appear, but everyone can feel that the world seems to have begun to change.

First of all, the sky began to become gloomy, especially depressing, as if the distance between the sky and the earth became much closer in an instant.

On the edge of the sky, is there thunder and lightning flickering, and the cremation of clouds and clouds makes people feel the terrible coercion of heaven and earth.

It seems that there is no wind in the sky, but everyone can feel that the sky is about to change drastically.

Secular TV stations, mobile phone information, and the Internet are constantly announcing various red warnings and orange warnings.

It seemed to be very calm, but everyone felt the tranquil depression before the storm.

No one noticed that a black vortex appeared on the Maya seaside, and gradually the black vortex began to grow larger, like a drum washing machine, the black mist inside was constantly rotating.

With the appearance of this black hole, sea hurricanes began to attack continuously, and the sea water began to be higher and higher.

The tens of feet high embankment began to be continuously impacted by sea water. In just a few minutes, the sea water was already approaching the safety line of the embankment.

The sea water can't get over the dam, which seems to make it very uncomfortable. It began to hit the dam continuously, and there was a feeling that it would not stop until it was destroyed.

With the emergence of hurricanes, the waves are getting higher and higher. People who live by the sea can only hear the roar of the sea water.

At this moment, no one has noticed that there is a moon in such a gloomy sky, and it is a blood moon. It looks as red as fresh blood, and it heralds all ominous omens.

Some people even posted on the Internet, this could not be the end of the world is coming.

There have always been legends about the end of the world, but I don't know when the generals will be generals. Looking at it now, everyone at home feels particularly depressed.

The sound of the wind, the sound of the waves, and the roar of the sound are already unflattering, but at this time, hailstones began to fall.

Hailstones as big as thumbs fell down without any mercy, and landed on roofs, streets, car roofs, fields, and trees.

As long as it is hit, it will leave a little trace. The hail is not only large, but also dense. Such dense hail has caused many houses, cars, dealers, etc. to suffer. Fortunately, most countries with electric lines in the world They all use underground transmission lines, but there are still a small number of countries that have lost power due to hail.

No one knew, it was because the second black vortex appeared.

A wolf howled, and a person appeared. Looking at the two black vortexes, he seemed to be trying to do something, but his meager strength couldn't stop anything at all.

The werewolf under the blood moon began to transform. He was a wolf, roaring furiously, wishing for the departure of the blood moon and the departure of the black hole. These roars vibrated on the sea surface, breaking the waves ready to go ashore.

He kept howling, without stopping for a moment, and while he was howling, all the supernatural beings from all over the world rushed over.

Looking at such a scene, they also know that things are not easy, and what they can do now is to try to stop it all.

Together, they don't have country divisions at this moment, and all they can do at this moment is do everything in their power to prevent this from happening.

It is their mission to prevent the waves from coming ashore, prevent the hurricane from hitting humans, and protect all the people behind them.

(End of this chapter)

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