Traversing the daily life from the Super Seminary

Chapter 1071 Qilin and the Blind Date

Chapter 1071 Qilin and the Blind Date

"Xu Yi, I."

"I I. want to."

Qi Lin faltered and hawed for a long time, but she didn't say anything, but Xu Yi was in a hurry.

"Qi Lin, what are you thinking?" Xu Yi asked.

"I want to ask you for a favor!" Qilin said loudly as if mustering up her courage.

"Hey, I thought it was something. I just wanted to help. I like to help others the most." Xu Yi laughed.


Qilin didn't expect Xu Yi to agree so readily, and she was very pleasantly surprised on her fair and pretty face.

"Of course, it's more real than real gold. Tell me. I'll help if I can help you." Xu Yi patted his chest and promised.

"Actually, it's not a big deal. It's my personal reasons."

When Qilin said this, her face was shy and her voice was very low, like a mosquito snoring. If you didn't listen carefully, you might not be able to hear clearly.

Xu Yi frowned, a personal matter?What could it be?

However, what Qilin said next shocked Xu Yi, and he was quite frightened.

"Xu Yi, I want you to be my boyfriend!"


Xu Yi sat up in shock when he heard this, what is this, a confession?
There is Di Leina in front, and now it is Qilin, so who is next?

"It's not what you think, Xu Yi." Qilin quickly waved her hand, only to realize that her statement was not accurate.

"What's that like?" Xu Yi asked.

"I mean let you pretend to be my boyfriend to meet my parents!"

When she said this, Qilin's face was quite shy, and brilliant clouds rose from her pretty face.

Just like a ripe red apple, people can't help but want to take a bite.

"Oh, so it is like this!" Xu Yi suddenly realized.

He also wondered why Qilin suddenly confessed to him like him, she was really not prepared at all, she was totally caught off guard.

"But why me?" Xu Yi asked.

"You are more mature and stable." Qilin replied.

"One more thing, why do you suddenly want me to pretend to be a boyfriend?" Xu Yi asked.

"It has been four years since the destruction of the Great Gorge until the whole country fell into war and the war with aliens. I am almost 27 years old when I calculate my age."

Qilin said slowly, a look of disappointment flashed in her dark eyes.The most beautiful age in life should be the moment when flowers bloom beautifully, but what you experience is only blood and fire.

But as a soldier, defending her family and country, Qilin never regretted all this.

But now, a rare time of peace.Before she realized the passage of time, his parents were already worrying for her.

Qilin is just a generation of super fighters, she does not have a long or even eternal lifespan like Zhao Xin, Ge Xiaolun, and Liu Chuang.

She may live a little longer than ordinary people, but definitely not by much.Sooner or later, he will experience everything that a mortal can experience, birth, old age, sickness and death, and his beauty will fade away.

"My parents asked me to bring a boyfriend back, otherwise they would arrange a blind date for me." Qilin said, her words revealing some helplessness.

Perhaps in the eyes of the enemy, she is the deadly shooter of the enemy's life on the battlefield.In the eyes of her teammates, she is the supernatural and omnipotent Xuntian Qilin.

But in the eyes of her parents, she is just a little girl!

The sky is big and the earth is big, parents are the biggest!
After listening, Xu Yi suddenly understood.Qilin's words reminded him of something. Four years have passed in a flash.

It's just that the current time doesn't mean much to Xu Yi, so the feeling is not so strong.

But when Qilin thought up to this point, Xu Yi sighed inwardly, and said, "Qilin, when are you going to your house?"

"Tomorrow, today I need to hand over some things to Chief Lianfeng." Qi Lin said.

"Okay, I see." Xu Yi replied.

Qilin ran away with joy on her face, as if a big stone in her heart had suddenly fallen.

Xu Yi went to look for Di Leina again, but he didn't see anyone. Later, he met Lianfeng and told him that Leina had already returned to Lieyangxing, but she would be back soon.

In the west, most of the believers who worship Satan have turned to the Demon Queen Morgana.

Even some believers who worship God have modified their beliefs one after another!
Because God cannot be seen or touched!And the demon queen Morgana is right in front of her eyes, and she can give them all kinds of amazing superpowers.

Western civilization especially worships individual heroism. They can fight alone, but they will never form a group.

The fallen League of Haters is a perfect example!

Morgana also took a fancy to this point, so she set the first faith region in the western country!

And that piece of land in Huaxia is really weird.The people there are down-to-earth materialistic atheists.

And all of them are talents, and they speak clearly and logically, so they are not easy to fool.

At this time, there are about [-] million devil believers in the western countries, and they will kneel beside the statue of the devil queen Morgana every day to ask for blessings.

But most of the time, Morgana is not there, busier than God!

Inside the devil's wings, Morgana saw that Qiangwei had already fallen asleep, so she put on the queen's clothes and opened the wormhole to the council hall of the believers.

"Queen, you are here!" Atuo slowly bent down and bowed to show his respect to Morgana.


Her long black hair was coiled up by a crown inlaid with deep purple gemstones, and Morgana, who was wearing a black dress embroidered with gold patterns, hurried to the throne and sat down with her slender and sexy legs raised.

As far as he looked, there was a mess of foreigners with blond hair, blue eyes, high nose bridges, and loose robes.

Morgana frowned and asked, "What's going on?"

"Queen Morgana, we have spread your faith! Please give us the devil's blessing." A foreigner knelt down on the ground with a devout expression.

A Tuo stepped forward, with a murderous look, and scolded:
"Queen Morgana is here, and I am in awe. I don't need useless speeches."

Atuo was tall and tall, with a terrifying expression on his face.Butcher again, executioner.As soon as the killing intent came out, all the foreigners immediately fell silent, not daring to speak out.

"Ato, tell me." Morgana asked in a deep voice, the demon queen's aura was undoubtedly revealed.

Her philosophy is depravity and freedom, there are not so many rules and regulations, but it does not mean that anyone can be presumptuous in front of her.

These foreigners really have no eyesight at all!
"Queen, the man kneeling on the ground in front of you is the ruler of the Nicholas Page family, the third largest consortium in England. He has successfully spread your faith in England and already has a preliminary follower of 100 million believers." .

"100 million? Not bad not bad."

Morgana looked happy, and it seemed that her demon army was about to expand again.

"Next to you is the pressure three from the ancient Greek family. George, successfully recruited 50 followers for you."

"This is Payne from the Leonardo family of the Second American Consortium"


The more she listened, the more joyful Morgana's face became. It won't be long before the whole of the West will be assimilated by her beliefs.

At that time, the power of demons increased greatly, and those little angels were still beaten by her!
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  PS: Thank you Chu# for your reward.Thank you for the reward on January 1, thank you for the reward, thank you for the reward, thank you for the reward, thank you for the reward, and thank you for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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