Chapter 1079 Qilin's Father
"biu, biu..."

In this messy street, fierce gunshots can be heard endlessly, and the dazzling white laser beams fill the entire street.

More than a dozen heavily armed soldiers carried the latest weapons matched by the Xiongbing Company, and fought fiercely against Taotie.

And the Styx Void Warrior swung the two-meter steel knife quickly, and all the laser rays were cut to ashes as the blade touched.

"Just this kind of junk weapon can hurt my perfect exoskeleton mecha body.

This is a man of steel blessed by my god Karl. "

The void fighter "Shang" roared, and suddenly the mechanical wings flew into the air, setting off a powerful torrent.

I saw him swinging down the silver steel knife with silver luster in the air, chopping towards the ground.

The sharp blade turned into a slash towards the soldiers, and the concrete poured on the ground was cut in two like tofu.


Seeing this, Qi Ju roared, raised the five-star black shield and placed it across his chest, and the others followed suit.


There was only an explosion, and the eardrums were pierced with pain. More than a dozen soldiers were slashed and flew out, but because of the shields, they only suffered some damage from the shock, and their heads were in a daze.

Moreover, all the shields in the soldiers' hands were densely packed with cracks, and they could no longer withstand another blow.

"Damn it!"

An anxious look flashed across Qi Ju's eyes, but fortunately, the common people had already evacuated early, so they didn't feel ashamed of their trust in the people, even if they died, they would have no regrets.

It's just that, I really feel sorry for my gentle and virtuous wife and that well-behaved and sensible daughter.

"Hurry up, I'll hold it back." Qi Ju roared, ready to buy time for the brothers in the team.

"No, Team Qi, we must be together even if we die. As brothers, how could we leave you alone."

The soldier in the dark green uniform said that the others did too, and there was no one who was greedy for life and afraid of death.

They are the guardians of the people, running on the front line, fearless of death.

If even they shrink back, how can the earth survive in this universe where the jungle is preyed upon by the jungle?

Qi Ju was so moved that her eyes filled with tears, with these brothers around, she would die without regret.

But facing this mecha warrior with their strength, they have no chance of winning at all.

"Stand back, let me come!"

At this time, a heavenly voice that seemed to save the world suddenly spread to the bottom of the soldiers' boys!
They will never forget this moment in their lives, above the building hundreds of meters high.

A figure descended from the sky like a magic soldier, and it fell with a "boom", and the ground shattered, raising a cloud of blinding dust and smoke, just blocking them and the aliens.

When the smoke dissipated, Xu Yi's figure appeared, looking at the soldiers behind him, he said, "Stay back, there may be a big commotion after a while."

Qi Ju looked at the young man in front of her, her mouth was parched, and she murmured, "Comrade, who are you?"

"Xiongbing Company, Instructor Xu Yi." Xu Yi said something, and then looked at the Styx Void Warrior.

"Heroic Company!"

"It's from the Xiongbing Company!"

"We are saved!"

The soldiers in the back looked joyful, and it was rumored that the Xiongbing Company was a group of young people with special abilities.

In the eyes of ordinary people, they are gods, an army of millions of soldiers specially formed by the country to deal with extraterrestrial forces.

Qi's expression was strange, because his daughter was in the Xiongbing Company.And the name Xu Yi is so familiar, I seem to have heard it somewhere.

"People from the Xiongbing Company?" The mechanized body of the void warrior "Shang" showed emotional fluctuations, obviously he had heard of the name of the Xiongbing Company.

But Xu Yi didn't exist in its database at all!

It was the first vanguard fleet of the Gluttonous Legion to attack the North Star, and did not participate in the Battle of the Great Gorge.

Because I heard that the North Star is the capital, if you break through here, you can win the whole China!

It's a pity that the North Star is guarded by several high-ranking angels. They have been fighting against the angels and have not returned to the main ship to update the database in time.

Afterwards the army was defeated, they were intercepted by human soldiers in mid-air, failed to keep up with the large army, and had to hide under the North Star.

Until today, I really can't stand the garbage discharged by human's underground pipeline system. I am going to come out to breathe, and then it is detected, and I have to fight with human beings.

I heard that the Xiongbing Company is a group of black armors, but the human beings in front of me don't seem to have any?

"Comrade Xu Yi, be careful. This robot is not easy to deal with, and it may have some kind of power that we don't know.

Moreover, the liquefied steel knife on the arm is extremely sharp, it may be dangerous for you to deal with him alone.

Do we need to hold back?Still waiting for fire force support. "Qi Ju suggested.

Only he was the wisest person present, and he did not become blindly confident because of the arrival of the Xiongbing Company, ignoring the strength of both sides.

"Thank you. It's just a minute of delay, and this monster will probably do more damage to people's property." Xu Yi laughed.

At this time, the void warrior "Shang" had already been activated. For Taotie, being able to kill a soldier of the Xiongbing Company would be an incomparable honor, and he could once again receive the blessing of Karl, the god of death.

The mechanical wings shook violently, but the huge mechanical body did not affect the speed of the void fighter "Shang" at all, and there was no hindrance in the air.

"go to hell!"

Swinging down the steel knife, "Shang"'s mechanical arm has the strength of tens of millions of catties.With this knife, let alone a concrete road, even a small hill has to be cut away.

But when meeting Xu Yi, the results are always unexpected.Just listen to "boom".

"Shang"'s metal steel knife was snapped off by Xu Yi's head and shattered into pieces.

"What kind of head is this!" Shang was shocked, but this was also its last consciousness.

Because then Xu Yi sneered, he stretched out his arm and grabbed the big iron sheet in front of him, pulled it hard, "cracked", and tore half of his body in two, as fragile as a rag.

"Squeak, squeak!"

The air was filled with the sound of metal rubbing, and the Void Warrior, who was still mighty just now, was dismantled into a pile of scrap iron in a blink of an eye, and scattered all over the ground.

The ordinary soldiers behind were stunned. It was just an arrogant iron mech, but it turned into a spare part in a blink of an eye.

"Where the hell are you!" Although "Shang"'s body has been dismantled into countless parts, its life source is no longer from the huge mechanical body, but from the brain.

The Void Warrior blessed by Karl, the god of death, only keeps a bunch of data in the brain, and everything else is completely mechanized.

The best and fastest way to kill them is to decapitate them!
At this time, the two bright bulb eyes on "Shang"'s head flickered, a little weird and funny.

"I am you……"

Before Xu Yi finished speaking, he stomped on "Shang"'s head and splashed engine oil all over the floor.



At this moment, there was an urgent voice, and at some point, Qilin actually got out of the building and ran towards them.

"Whose father is this?" Xu Yi was puzzled, looking around, there was nothing special.

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(End of this chapter)

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