Traversing the daily life from the Super Seminary

Chapter 1120 The Birth of Iron Man 2

Chapter 1120 The Birth of Iron Man II

Outside Stark Industries.

Obatan was about to leave, after all, he didn't want negative news that Tony Stark was there when Tony Stark died, which might cause his stocks to fall.

It's just that he needs to go back to the office to destroy some evidence, such as cameras, to avoid being caught.

It's just that he was just about to clear the video from the camera when he discovered it through surveillance.

In the company's employee passageway, Tony's secretary Potts broke in with a few agents in black police uniforms.

In this case, there is only one possibility, and that is that Potts discovered his secret.

Obatan made a decision almost instantly. He took Stark's nuclear reactor and took the elevator to the laboratory to put on the powerful monster-like armor.

The Iron Overlord is an improved super-large mecha based on the Mark [-]. It is equipped with super firepower and inhuman destructive power. It can even fly into the sky. It can be said that it is stronger than the first Mark in every aspect.

After discovering Obatan's secret, Potts quickly suggested Coulson, an agent who had met once.

After Stark got out of trouble, S.H.I.E.L.D. has been secretly paying attention to him.

The accidental crash of the military's J-[-] series of combat helicopters last time was not as simple as it was broadcast on the news.

Instead, J-Shi chased an aircraft that looked like a human being. Because his driving skills were not as good as human beings, he was affected by a frantic bombing by friendly forces and had to parachute to escape.

This is a military secret. They want information about this humanoid aircraft, but they can't track it down anyway.

But S.H.I.E.L.D. is different, their abilities are far more powerful than they appear on the surface!
They can do things that the military can't do, they can keep confidential information that the military can't intercept, and they can still do things that the military can't handle, and they still do it beautifully.

This is S.H.I.E.L.D., and their purpose is to be the best, the most powerful, and the strongest!

Now S.H.I.E.L.D. suspects that Stark possesses some kind of unknown super weapon. After all, with Stark's IQ exceeding [-], it is not impossible to tinker with something earth-shattering.

So the agent came out more diligently recently, and he didn't contact Stark first, because he knew that Stark had a bad temper, and direct communication might be very unfriendly.

It's not that Pepper Potts, Stark's closest secretary, has become his main target!

Now, Potts took the initiative to contact him and asked him to bring someone to arrest the second largest director of Stark Industries.

"Is Obata not here?"

The office was empty, and Pepper Potts looked around suspiciously, and then turned on Obatan's personal computer. Sure enough, the files in it had just been deleted, but she had backed them up before.

"Miss Potts, think again, where is Obatan now? And does Mr. Stark really not need our support?" Coulson asked.

Coulson is more worried about Stark's safety than catching Obatan.

After all, Stark's father, Howard Stark, is also one of the veterans of S.H.I.E.L.D., which means there is an inevitable connection between the two.

"I believe in Tony!" Potts said deeply, and then continued:
"Now we have to catch Obatan, this murderer cannot let him go unpunished."

"Okay." Coulson replied.


At this time, there was a slight shaking sound faintly from the Stark Industrial Building, and the shaking sound was getting closer and closer, causing the entire floor to tremble and crumble, as if it would collapse at any time.

"It seems that there is a big guy approaching!"

Years of experience as an agent told Coulson that danger was approaching.

"Run!" Pepper Potts yelled as if he had thought of something.

After the words fell, more than a dozen agents, including Coulson, all ran out together.

And in the next second, the center of the office floor where they were located suddenly shattered.


A huge metal rattle suddenly appeared, its heavy body directly squeezed the entire office, filling every corner, and with his movements, the surrounding walls were cracked and shattered.

It stretched out its hand to grab the last single agent, and its hard metal fingers directly crushed all the bones of this person, destroying it instantly.

"Power, this powerful feeling is really intoxicating! Tony, you really gave me a huge surprise!"

Controlling the Iron Overlord mecha, Obatan is completely dominated by the mecha's formidable power.

At this moment, he seemed to feel that he was omnipotent.


In a private sea view villa, Tony has reinstalled the reactor of the Mark [-] prototype on his chest.

He stood in front of the mirror and looked at his handsome face. Starting from his feet, the steel mecha covered his whole body piece by piece. As for the helmet, he put it on himself.

"The system is already online, alert, alert, and detect that the energy of the reactor is only 18.00%, which cannot support the operation of the mecha for a long time."

Jarvis' voice was transmitted to Tony Stark's ears, his expression changed, and he cursed in a low voice:
"Shit! I forgot to recharge the Mark [-], even if it's too late to recharge now."

Pepper and the others are in a critical situation. Every second they are late, God knows what crazy things that scumbag Obata will do.

"Oh, right!"

In an emergency, Stark thought of his friend Xu Yi.He quickly asked Jarvis to dial Xu Yi's communication number.


At this moment, Xu Yi was sitting on the sofa at home, his eyes still watching the variety show starring Lao Mei.

As for whether he heard the ringtone or not, there were only a few people who could get through to him.

Either Tony Stark or Nick Fury, there will be no one else except these two.

While thinking about the phone, Skye, who was also sitting beside him, saw that Xu Yi had no intention of answering the phone at all, so he picked it up and pressed the connect button.

On the other side, seeing that the phone was connected, Stark quickly explained his situation, which meant that he needed Xu Yi's help anyway.

Mainly to help him protect his little pepper!

Skye was baffled when he heard this, and felt his head buzzing, and couldn't help saying, "Mr. Stark, I'm Skye."


There was silence on the other end of the phone for two seconds, Stark took a deep breath of anxious breath, and said again:
"Skye, please tell Xu, my friend, that I really need his help now."

After speaking, Stark hung up the phone.Time couldn't be delayed any longer, and he couldn't put all his hopes on Xu Yi.

The reason why I suggested Xu Yi was just to add an extra layer of insurance for myself!

Besides, Obatan knew the cause of his parents' death, and he would never let this old guy go.

The Mark II engine started, Tony took off vertically on the spot, and the roof of the sea view villa worth hundreds of millions was knocked out of a huge crater.

On the other side, Skye focused on Xu Yi, they were very close, so even though she answered the phone just now, Xu Yi must have heard it clearly, and couldn't help but ask:
"Xu, are you going?"

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(End of this chapter)

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