Traversing the daily life from the Super Seminary

Chapter 1142 Carl's Discovery

Chapter 1142 Carl's Discovery

Dark plane, Hexi's space-based system, world tree.

After absorbing the energy provided by the space gem, the world tree suddenly emitted a strong halo, and even the original three or four feet tall body gradually began to rise, reaching ten feet, twenty feet, getting taller and taller, as if To stand upright.

The dense radiance radiated from the trunk of the World Tree, illuminating a large dark matter world!
"The energy of gemstones is purer than imagined, and its utilization rate far exceeds that of stellar energy." Hexi said.

Under normal conditions, the world tree is only three or four feet high, which is more than ten meters high.

But now, it is a full [-] meters, which shows how intense and huge the energy consumption is.

"Hexi, do you think this tree will really create a world in the future?" Xu Yi asked.

"I don't know if it is possible. The essence of the world tree is the carrier of the supercomputer, a data program, and virtual.

Turning the virtual into reality, this kind of technology is too complicated, even more difficult than using the void ability to create things. "Hexi said.

At this time, the world tree finally changed, and the dense brilliance hanging on the branches, like the Milky Way in nine days, hangs upside down!

The nebulae, galaxies, and galaxies that are visible to the naked eye are being born on the branches of the world tree, and then there are asteroids and various planets.

This is clearly the creation of the world, the process of creating the universe, although it is only simulated.

Xu Yi looked a little familiar. Isn't the scene simulated by the World Tree just the red black star? More precisely, it was composed of galaxies that were referenced by the emerald star.

"This is the first time I have calculated such a huge data cloud." Hexi looked excited.

Following the formation of the simulated galaxy, Hexi began to import dark data information, calculated the time, year and month, and entered the media one by one into the world tree.

With the introduction of information data, the blue enveloping brilliance on the surface of the World Tree began to become intense, and the strands of gemstone energy turned into a whirlpool, and it was still expanding, forming a storm, spreading towards the surroundings, or it could be Understand it as swallowing!

"What's going on?" Xu Yi felt a little bad when he saw this scene.

"I don't know either. The space-based system is working normally, and all the data are normal."

He Xi said, but there was a trace of anxiety between his brows, as if something was out of control.

Moreover, the space-based system has reached this point and it is impossible to stop immediately!

In just an instant, this blue energy storm swept the entire World Tree, as well as Xu Yi and He Xi.


In front of the gate of the void, Karl, the God of Death, quietly looked at the water droplet aircraft in front of him, his face was thoughtful, and his eyes became brighter and brighter.

"This technology is unheard of!"

Standing in the void, Karl, who was about to step into the void world, did not expect that something came out of the door first, not even a living body.

With his knowledge, he can naturally tell that this is an aircraft!

It's just that he has never seen the technology of this aircraft!

The drop-shaped appearance, the smooth material on the surface can isolate all radio waves, and it is in a state of absolute zero.

And inside it, in the microscopic world, the protons, neutrons, and atoms made up of the materials of the water drop spacecraft are actually tightly locked together.

As we all know, molecules are constantly moving, and there are certain gaps, which means they can be destroyed.

But the atoms of this water drop ship are tightly locked together, which means that there are no gaps between the molecules, so they cannot be destroyed!
"Interesting technology!"

Karl saw the structure of the water drop spaceship at a glance, and with his Styx level of technology, he could naturally build something similar.

It's just that technology has reached his age, and it no longer stays in the world of the main creature. What he studies is the void itself.

Instead of creating indestructible materials, it is better to directly create a defensive shield that can absorb energy, a void code, and an anti-matter program!


Karl felt a kind of electromagnetic wave radiation, and the water droplets in front of him seemed to be scanning his body information.

But his body has been transformed into a phantom body, and strictly speaking, he is no longer in the world of the main creature.

Although it can be seen with the naked eye, in fact, both sides are not in the same space and latitude.


The water drop spacecraft released infinite radio waves, and they came to a new universe through the space-time channel, and they couldn't wait to investigate the information of this universe.

And the creatures in front of you are the best research objects!

Karl, the god of death, as the main god of the Styx, how could he allow himself to be scanned by an unknown thing.

A flash of light from his eyes directly blocked the survey radio waves.

At the same time, Karl stretched out his palm and fixed the water drop ship in the void, motionless.

In addition, in the invisible void, the water drop spaceship is scaled down, turned into a model, and stored in the storage box.

"Atoms, protons, and neutrons are all locked tightly and cannot be destroyed."

Carl smiled, another gleam in his eyes.

With a "hum", the surface of the water drop spacecraft started to vibrate slightly. Almost instantly, this indestructible aircraft was a weapon that made the earth fearful in another world.

But in the hands of Karl, the god of death, it is just a toy. "Boom", an inaudible muffled sound, the tightly locked atoms inside the water drop spacecraft were all broken, rearranged, and reorganized.

In front of Karl's eyes, the original water droplet aircraft had disappeared, leaving only the atoms that made up them floating in front of his eyes, allowing him to arrange them.

Void can already redefine the rules, physical rules, anything that can be understood!

Although the structure of the water drop spacecraft is exquisite, it is still within the scope of physics and uses the rules of physics!

"Let me read your message, item from the void!"

Carl showed the danger of the signature god of death, and a light screen appeared in front of his eyes, and endless data information flashed.

"Three-body, harsh environment, solar system, earth, suitable for migration!"

This is the most basic information Karl read from the water droplets, but his intuition tells him that there are deeper secrets.

The light screen is constantly changing, and the data information is fleeting. With the in-depth understanding, Carl's expression of shock never stops.

The droplet flying machine comes from a whole new universe, the universe there is different from the river Styx where he is!

In their civilization, there are no demons, no angels, and no Styx!

The Trisolaran civilization is a first-class civilization close to the solar system. They live in a harsh environment and are looking for new habitable planets.

It is worth mentioning that the solar system in the Trisolaran universe is more than 90.00% similar to the Chiwu star system in his universe, and there is a water-blue star there, just like the earth here.


Suddenly, another pile of data appeared in the information database of the Trisolaran spacecraft, and this pile of data was combined into a video.

In the video, it is in a mine 2000 meters deep underground, in front of the three-body aircraft in front of you, there is a human haunting.

What made Karl even more horrified was that he knew this person!

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  Ps: Thanks for the tip of your name, hell thanks.The current setting of the Three-Body Problem is the Three-Body Problem before the explosion of technology.

(End of this chapter)

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