Chapter 1155
Sunny star, dark night.

The magnificent Lieyang Palace is of extraordinary style.The simple and unsophisticated pavilions and pavilions are scattered high and low.

With such a large palace compound, people who want to live in it should be very happy!
Most people would be like this, but not for Di Lena.

She used to think that this place was a cage that restricted her freedom, maybe she would stay here for the rest of her life, stay in this eternal painting style, be a queen, look down on all living beings from above.

Countless people flock to such a fate, but it is out of reach!

But for Di Leina, such a fate has been doomed since birth!

So she fought, she didn't want to become as rigid and traditional as Pan Zhen in the future.

So she often sneaks to the earth to accept the influence of a young planet's culture.

As long as the Lieyang star is out, even the air you breathe is fresh and free!
It's just that people always have to grow, let alone gods!
All kinds of things on the earth have changed her inherent concepts, making her no longer so disgusted with her inherent destiny.

In a series of battles to protect the earth, she also found her own place.

Now when I go back to Lieyang, and think back to my original thoughts, I feel that I was too naive at that time.

However, this does not mean that she has completely changed her previous concepts. In her bones, she is still the free sun goddess who hates being bound by traditional rigid concepts.

At this moment, on the eaves of the Lieyang Palace, one can see the endless galaxy, which is dazzling.

Di Leina and Xu Yi sat on it and admired the night sky belonging to the scorching sun, which cannot be seen on Earth.

Although the starry sky on Earth is equally beautiful, it is too far away from Ding'an.

So the scene I saw was like countless fireflies emitting white light fixed in the sky, very small.

But in Lieyangxing, looking at the endless stars in the universe at night, they are incomparably close!
Looking up, there are several huge asteroids constantly rotating around Lie Yangxing!

And a river of stars hanging down from the sky, hanging upside down under the night sky, seems to be flying straight down.

Beside the bright star river, there are piles of meteorites of different sizes. I don't know where its source flows and where it starts!

But this didn't make much sense to Xu Yi, he wasn't the kind of poetic, hypocritical person.

"Oh, it really feels like a dream. Xu Yi, there are so many beautiful girls in the Xiongbing Company, why did you fall for this goddess?"

Di Lena turned her head and looked at the man beside her, with a smile on her lips.

"It's better to strike first!" Xu Yi laughed.

"Ha ha."

Di Leina couldn't help laughing, and said: "Why don't you say that you are overwhelmed by the beauty and wisdom of this goddess!"

"Rena, as the Sun Goddess, where is your face?"

Xu Yi looked at the girl in front of him seriously, and sure enough, she was no longer as innocent (stupid) as she was at the beginning!

"What face, if you want face, this goddess will not get you.

You said that if we return to Earth after we get married on Star Lieyang, what will everyone look like? " Di Lena said.

"Isn't this a marriage proposal? Could it be that you want to do it together? And you don't plan to notify your comrades." Xu Yi said.

"It's a long way from the Earth to Star Lieyang, and the Earth is inseparable from the Xiongbing Company.

If they all come to Lie Yangxing, who will protect the earth.What should I do if someone sneaks up on me? "Di Leina analyzed clearly.

"Why haven't I seen you so shrewd before!" Xu Yi's eyes revealed a strange expression.

"That's why you didn't discover the shining point of this goddess!"

With a proud expression on her face, Di Leina continued, "Let me tell you, this is a relationship or not."

I don't know why Xu Yi has the feeling of being forced into marriage. Normally, shouldn't it be that the woman is reserved and the man takes the initiative?

Why did it seem to be reversed when he came here, and why did it seem that Di Leina had set him up for him, and it had been planned for a long time.

"Then end it!"

Xu Yi thought for a while and said, with mixed feelings for a moment, his eyes were looking at the starry sky, and his thoughts were flying.

Di Leina showed a happy smile, imitating Xu Yi to look up at the starry sky, arty.

After a long, long time, Xu Yi's neck became stiff, he turned left and right to activate his muscles and bones, and suddenly asked:
"Leina, where do I sleep tonight? Could it be on the roof?"

Di Leina's face froze, and suddenly a blush appeared on her pretty face, and she whispered:
"Why don't you go to the bedroom of the goddess!"


The next day, the scorching sun was in the sky.

Xu Yi walked out of Leina's bedroom refreshed, with a smile on his face.

Looking at all the magnificent scenes in front of me, I suddenly felt how beautiful and thrilling life is.

"Wake up, I have been waiting for you for a long time. Wang, I want to see Reina and you."

A calm voice came from the corridor at the corner of the bedroom, Pan Zhen stood there like a stone sculpture.

"King?" Xu Yi didn't know that besides the Sun God, Lie Yangxing also had a king!

Pan Zhen seemed to know what Xu Yi was thinking, and with a look of reverence on his face, he explained:
"The king is the Lieyang King, the founder of the Lieyang civilization. He has lived through endless years and witnessed the beginning and destruction of many civilizations in the universe.

Even if the holy Kaisa is there, facing King Lieyang, he will treat him equally. "

"There is such a character?"

Xu Yi couldn't help looking in the direction of the Heavenly Dao Pagoda. His gaze pierced through the void, pierced through the emptiness inside, and looked directly at the existence inside.

It's a pity that the other party is very mysterious and clever, so he can't see much!

The other party's life form is not a common life form of the Shenhe body, it is close to a certain mysterious field.

In terms of cultivating immortals, it is close to the Tao!

Approaching the Tao, and the Tao seems to be very short, but in fact the difference is hundreds of thousands of miles!

"Is this the king!"

Xu Yi thought to himself that he could spy on the other party, but it didn't mean the other party could detect him.

He still has this confidence!
"Why do you want to see me?" Xu Yi asked.

"I don't want to see you, I want to see you and Goddess Leina!" Pan Zhen said.

"Oh." Xu Yi understood.

"Why hasn't Leina come out yet?" Pan Zhen couldn't help asking.

"Girls, they like to tinker with gadgets before meeting people, don't you know?" Xu Yi said.

"I don't know." Pan Zhen replied.

"..." Xu Yi.

The awkward atmosphere continued for a while, but Reina did not come out for a long time.

Pan Zhen's expression was tangled, and he had been tangled since Xu Yi came out of the bedroom of Goddess Leina.

Seeing Xu Yi, he smiled and said:
"Just ask if you have any questions, how uncomfortable it is to hold back!"

Hearing this, Pan Zhen took a deep breath, looked at Xu Yi seriously, and said:
"My son-in-law, did anything happen between you and Goddess Reina last night?"

The last few words were deliberately blurred by the traditional and rigid Pan Zhen.

Xu Yi didn't know what Pan Zhen meant, and said:
"Would you believe me if I said I didn't do anything last night?"


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(End of this chapter)

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