Traversing the daily life from the Super Seminary

Chapter 1227 Cold Ice's Ghost Chapter

Chapter 1227

The sudden appearance of Liangbing was unexpected, but judging by the tone of her speaking of Laska, it was obviously extraordinary.

Moreover, Laska seemed to respect Liang Bing very much, and she called Sister Bing very much like a big sister.

"There are so many people around, Laska, take us to a place with a quieter environment." Liang Bing ordered in a commanding tone.

"Yes, Sister Bing." Laska laughed again and again.

Then he took the lead to open the way in the crowd, and the two men around him also stood on both sides, guarding like bodyguards.

"Laska, you can be regarded as a playmate who grew up in Apocalypse City when I was a child.

Although he is a bit playful, he has a good heart and has always wanted to pursue my sister.

It's a pity that this guy is too weak, and sister Kaisha doesn't like him. "Liang Bing said.

"Oh." Xu Yi responded with a clear expression.

Subconsciously, he thought it was a scene where the second ancestor bullied men and women, and then he made a symbolic move...

Wait why does he think this way?
"Leng Bing, how did you find this place?" Keisha asked.

She and Xu Yi came out alone, and they didn't tell anyone!

"Ruoning told me that she knows where you usually go," Liang Bing said.

"Miss Keisha, you won't blame me, will you?" Ruoning behind her was a little cautious.

In fact, she didn't want to pay attention to Liang Bing, but she couldn't help it.

And she was also very worried about Kaisha, Xu Yi was a complete stranger to her!
Can the lady stay with a stranger?So I simply told Liang Bing.

"Of course not, you are also worried about my safety." Keisha said, her expression did not change, and she could actually guess it with her mind.

"Sister Bing, Princess Kaisha, why don't you come to my father's newly opened manor, the teahouses around are too low-grade!"

Laska, the son of the Minister of Alas, went back and forth, and said expectantly.

"To your manor?" Liang Bing said.

"Yes, the scenery in the manor is very good, with mountains and water, flowers and birds, and the dishes cooked by the most famous chef in Apocalypse City." Lasga said.

"I won't go." Keisha refused directly.

"..." Laska.

"Sister, you're fine today anyway, why don't you go shopping." Liang Bing said.

It's a pity that Keisha didn't say anything, Liang Bing turned his attention to Xu Yi again, and said:
"Xu, do you think so?"

"I can do whatever I want," Xu Yi replied.

"That's a promise. Sister, you see everyone going, why don't you come along too." Liang Bing tugged on Kaisha's arm, swaying and coquettishly saying.

Keisha couldn't help showing helplessness on her face, she was very spoiled, she took Liang Bing's hand away, and said:
"All right!"


Outside Tianqi City.

Hua Ye looked at the city wall in front of him, where he was beaten to death a day ago, and carried back to Tiangong City like a bereaved dog.

As the saying goes, where you fall, you will stand up!

Now he is back again, he wants to wash away the humiliation, he wants to regain the dignity he lost like a man!

"Young master, Tiangongwang hopes that you will not reveal too much during this trip, and Tiangongwang hopes that you can take down King Caesar's daughter."

Next to Hua Ye was a middle-aged man wearing ancient Roman armor.

However, it can be seen from his words and body shape that he is also a male angel whose potential has been activated by meteorites.

"I know! I can feel the vigorous power brewing in my body. This power is more than enough to control two girls, hahaha." Hua Ye laughed, a smug smile appeared on his wretched face.

Immediately, the two of them walked towards Tianqi City, all the way unimpeded!
The manor of the Arras family covers hundreds of hectares of land.

Its architectural style is similar to a classical garden, because it incorporates natural elements such as mountains and rivers, but it also has some western sentiments. It is made of marble.

Presumably the designer of Arras Manor should be a very thoughtful person with advanced ideas!
The servants in Laska ordered the manor to set up an extremely long nanmu table on a green grassy field.

The melons and fruits on the table are dazzling, and the servants serve all kinds of delicacies without interruption.

Laska is proud of his spring breeze, and it is an extremely honorable thing for him to invite Princess Keisha to the manor for a talk.

Although Princess Keisha is not interested in him, he still won't give up!
He believes that what is created by the city of gold is made by gold and stone!

"Princess Keisha, Sister Bing, you can eat whatever you want, you're welcome.

Although this place is not comparable to Tianqi City Mansion, but other than that, no one can compare to our Arras family. Laska patted his chest and promised.

"Okay, seeing how sensible you are, I'll just accept it!" Liang Bing was not polite, and took a bite of a bright fruit.

Keisha shook her head seeing her younger sister's appearance, but didn't say anything.

"Ahem, brother, you can do whatever you want."

Laska looked at Xu Yi and coughed lightly, which was actually quite embarrassing.

"Well, just call me Xu." Xu Yi nodded and gave him a kind smile.

"Sister Bing, it sounds like you are in danger in Merlot Forest. What is the situation? I'm really worried, little brother."

Laska sat on a chair, tidied up his appearance, and randomly found a topic to try to liven up the atmosphere.

"You also know about this?" Liang Bing chewed the fruit, making an indistinct sound in his mouth.

"Yeah, of course I know." Laska said.

"Actually, I encountered a group of killers with malicious intentions while hunting in Merlot Forest.

You know that a beautiful woman like sister will definitely be coveted by many people, and there must be more right and wrong. "Liang Bing said.

"Cough cough."

When Xu Yi was drinking water, he suddenly choked, and couldn't help but smile.

Keisha was the same, looking at Liang Bing angrily, why did she speak so carelessly, she was a princess after all, why didn't she pay attention to her image at all.

"Then, Sister Bing, how did you escape?" Laska couldn't help asking.

"Hehe, who is Sister Bing? That's the daughter of King Caesar, who is the most brave in the entire Melo Continent. What are mere killers? I'll wipe them out with a snap of my fingers."

Liang Bing's face was neither red nor out of breath, and he said seriously.

"Wow, Sister Bing is really amazing!" Laska couldn't help admiring.

He actually believed in Liang Bing's nonsense!

Although Keisha knew the facts, she didn't reveal that she knew that her sister had a good face.

"Sister Bing, can you tell me the specific process in detail, so that I can also publicize such glorious deeds for you." Laska asked.


Liang Bing's complacent expression froze, the specific process?How does this make her say?

She couldn't help but put her eyes on Xu Yi. Sure enough, people can't brag, and if they blow one thing, they have to use another circle, endlessly.

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(End of this chapter)

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