Chapter 734
"Take him down for this prince, take down this pariah!"

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

"let me go!"

"let me go!"

Wu Geng covered his aching stomach with one hand, grinned his teeth, tears flowed down his face, and looked distraught.

Ah Gou's kick was surprisingly powerful, and he almost kicked him out of breath.

Although A Gou was strong and strong, it was the well-trained soldiers under King Zhou who took him down.

How could he, a child who was only ten years old, be able to resist, he was immediately subdued and unable to move.

"let me go!"

"Why do you arrest me? I want to see the king! The king will uphold justice for us."

Ah Gou yelled desperately, but it was a pity that his arms were restrained by two big men, and he couldn't break free at all.

"Boy, be honest." One of the sturdy-looking guards couldn't help but shouted.

In fact, this guard is also for Agou's good, Wu Geng is notoriously domineering.

Now that the young man mentioned King Zhou in front of him again, Wu Geng, who was in the rebellious period, probably felt even more angry.

"I still want to see my father, you lowly inferior person!"

Wu Geng cursed angrily, picked up a long stick and hit Agou on the top of his head, his head was bleeding and his skin was torn apart.

"I really don't understand why the father treats people like you kindly. You are obviously born in a lowly background, but you actually offend this prince."

Wu Geng felt incomprehensible in his heart, so he increased his strength in his hands, chopping randomly with a few more sticks.

But this did not destroy Agou's fighting spirit, but aroused the fierceness flowing in his blood, and roared loudly:
"What a shitty prince, he's just a kid who doesn't understand anything.

I only know how to hide behind people, and I have the guts to challenge your dog one-on-one, and the dog will promise not to beat and cry you.

Hahaha! "

"How dare you speak hard!"

Wu Geng was furious, the faster the attack with the wooden stick in his hand, the more strength he used gradually.

Agou's injuries gradually increased, but his aura gradually increased instead.

Agou has a stubborn temper and has suffered a lot.This Wu Geng is young, but his hostility is extremely deep. "

Watching this scene, Xu Yi kept analyzing the characters of the two children in his heart, and gradually began to think about it, but he did not stop the development of the situation.


Perhaps because of being beaten all the time, the suppressed anger erupted, and Ah Gou's potential was released, and he broke away from two well-trained adult men in one fell swoop!

Like a red-eyed wolf pressing the skinny Wu Geng to the ground, beating him with hammers, and rubbing him repeatedly?

Seeing that their prince was being beaten, the two men went up and pulled A Gou away, regardless of their status, and restrained him again.

"What a lot of strength!"

This is Agou who is in a rage, the only thought in his heart at this moment.

Wu Geng covered his bruised nose and swollen mouth, and stood up rather embarrassed.

Looking at the suppressed smiles of the civilians around, the invisible sarcasm, and the young heart, I suddenly felt a big blow to my self-esteem.

Looking at Agou in front of him, he was filled with angry flames, he was at a loss what to do, he just wanted to severely hurt this lowly civilian in front of him!

The hard wooden stick had already disappeared in his hands, leaving him empty-hearted and lacking in confidence, fearing that he would be beaten again.

Wu Geng quickly groped his body, he was flustered, he needed a weapon.

A weapon that can restrain Agou and save him face.

Start with the cold blade, this is the dagger he used for hunting!

It's just that Wu Geng didn't care about it at this time, and he pulled out the dagger from his trouser leg.

The silvery cold light flickered, and Wu Gengzhang, who lost his mind, didn't even think about the consequences!
Directly slashed at Agou's body with a knife!The spectators around couldn't help but close their eyes, unwilling to watch the next cruel scene.

At this moment, the air condensed at this moment, as if everything in the world stopped working here!
"Dong Dong~"

The clear and audible heartbeat, rapid breathing, frightened and exaggerated faces, and the hustle and bustle of the world all freeze here.

"what happened?"


There was no expected miserable scene, no shouting, and no blood dripping.

The dagger in Wu Geng's hand was clamped between two fingers by a sudden stranger.

The same is also between Agou and Wu Geng, Agou looks at the person in front of him in disbelief.

He really didn't expect that someone would come forward to save him at this time!

This is an indifferent world. Although Agou is young, he has already seen through the essence of the world.

No one since when people changed, became indifferent, without sincerity.

Indifference and intrigue are even more common.Maybe he, Agou, taught Prince Wu Geng out of anger, but more because he wanted to wake up the world.

Wu Geng is just a child, why should everyone be afraid of him and dare not speak out.

Could it be that he has been enslaved by the gods for many years, and his servility has been deeply rooted, and he has forgotten his dignity and freedom as a human being?

Even the king of the great merchants advocated that all men are created equal, and no one is born a slave!
Even a king can lay down his figure and serve as an example to cultivate and work with everyone!
Can't everyone see through?The king wants to liberate people's minds that have been enslaved for a long time, and set them free!
Or maybe it's not that people have changed, but that the world is sick, and people's changes are also symptoms of the world's sickness.

Do not erupt in silence, die in silence!
Agou broke out today, because he didn't want to continue to be Wu Geng's human target, so he could only bear the pain passively.

He had already prepared for the worst, and he might pay a terrible price!

But he didn't expect that in this cold world, there was still a touch of human kindness, and someone helped him.

"You are young, and you have a lot of hostility." Xu Yi spoke slowly, his words not angry but pretentious.

"Who are you, do you know who I am? How dare you stop this prince." Wu Geng yelled loudly.

"Could it be that you still want to strike down with a knife now!"

Xu Yi said with an inexplicable smile, his eyes fixed on Wu Geng.

When Wu Geng saw Xu Yi's gaze, he didn't dare to look at each other, as if everything had been seen through, and he couldn't help but panic to death.

"Why is this man's eyes sharper than his father's?" Wu Geng thought to himself.

Seeing this, Xu Yi flicked his finger, and the surface of the dagger trembled slightly, making a buzzing sound.

As a result, the dagger gradually turned into silver-white powder in the eyes of everyone and disappeared with the wind.

"It's amazing!" Wu Geng praised in his heart.

"This is a miracle! It's God descending!"

The ordinary people around have never seen such a strange method before, they only regarded it as a miracle, and they all trembled in fear, bowed their heads and bowed down.

"You let me go."

At this time, Agou also broke away from the two guards.

His eyes were full of shock, as if the person who saved him seemed to be an extraordinary person.

"Are you a god?"

Wu Geng asked nervously. In his cognition, only gods have such mysterious and unpredictable abilities.

"Then what do you think God is?"

Xu Yi couldn't help asking back, asking this group of common people who bowed down on their heads.

There was no answer, and there was silence.Xu Yi glanced around and said loudly:
"Then let me tell you. If everyone is self-improving and fearless, man is a god, and everyone is his own god!"

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(End of this chapter)

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