Traversing the daily life from the Super Seminary

Chapter 774 The Combined Attack of the Angels

Chapter 774 The Combined Attack of the Angels
"You grandson, let's see how your grandpa Liu will cut you!"

A powerful and deadly iron fist sent the rushing Void Warrior "Fury" flying away.

Its huge body lay directly on the metal splint, and the crisp and heavy impact sound was like a bronze bell in a temple, endlessly.

At this height close to space, it still spreads very far, very far.

"It's pretty hard!"

Liu Chuang flicked his wrist, picked up the black axe, held his arms tightly, and posed as a warrior who "slashed Huashan with strength", jumped high in the air with one foot, and slashed down.

"This is Nuoxing God of War!"

Through the fight just now, "Nu" has read the information of the human beings in front of him, and knows Liu Chuang's identity.

After all, the name "Nuo Xing God of War" originated in the De Nuo galaxy 1 years ago.But majestic and majestic, it shocked all civilizations in the entire universe,
He is the super soldier with the strongest single combat power representing the known civilization of the universe.

Even the holy Kaisa back then admitted that in terms of single-body attack, no civilization, any living body could rival Nuoxing God of War.

Later, the god-killing weapons of the angelic civilization produced the flame sword and even the holy silver wings in batches.It is the secret plan launched by the Holy Kaisa to deal with Nuoxing's Killing God.

The god-making project of Promise Star is far ahead of most civilizations, and it also encountered the so-called bottleneck, which led to the destruction of the galaxy.

Facing the black axe, "Nu"'s metal arm liquefied into a silver-white scimitar about two meters long, blocking it in front of his chest.


"Clang clang clang..."

Seeing that the attack was blocked, Liu Chuang directly used Cheng Yaojin's three-axe attack mode!

One big slash, another combo, three combo slashes.An ax is stronger with an axe.

Like the waves of the great river, the turbulent waves hit the shore, one wave is higher than the other, the momentum is like a rainbow, unstoppable.

"It's quite capable! It was just a warm-up!"

Liu Chuang spat with disdain on his face.With the attitude of an old hooligan and a gangster, he swiped the black ax again and slashed down.

Although "Rage" is a mech warrior, its mobility is unparalleled, and it can be called a war harvester.

But in the face of Liu Chuang's powerful attack, he couldn't do anything else. He was suppressed and tired of defending.

This is no different from two years ago, when the heroes were all funny, rookies, and pitting teammates against each other.

But now, people will grow up after all, and it is impossible to be passively beaten forever.

From Liu Chuang's dark and mature face, you can see shallow scars and scars that can't disappear. These are the witnesses of blood and fire in the past two years!
What Nu is facing is no longer an older social gangster with super genes, but a super soldier who has fought bloody battles, a real god of war who protects the country and the people!
"Break it to me!"

Liu Chuang stared angrily, his face was flushed, and he was roaring with all his might.

The aura of the black ax held tightly in his hand accumulated to its peak state, turning into a black awn that cut through chaos, opening up the world.


The crackling sound of metal spread.Under the angry and unbelievable gaze, the knife in its hand broke!

"Screw you!"

Liu Chuang did not give the Void Warrior a chance at all, and put the black ax back.

At the same time, a person quickly approached, holding "Nu"'s body twice as tall as him tightly with both hands!


This seemingly indestructible mecha was torn in half by Liu Chuang, scattered into a pile of metal parts, and fell to the ground.

Nu did not die immediately, because its head was not damaged, and it was still conscious. He asked in a skeptical tone:
"Is this the Nuoxing God of War?"

Liu Chuang leisurely walked up to "Nu"'s head, squatted down, and said:
"Nuo Xing God of War, I don't know. Now you are facing a super soldier from Huaxia Xiongbing Company, code-named Great Wall No. [-]. Do you know?"

"Great Wall One?"

Obviously, the wisdom of "anger" cannot understand what Liu Chuang said and what the Great Wall means.

"Kacha", Liu Chuang stood up and crushed "Nu"'s head with a hard kick.

"It's much easier to clean up this thing than before. Hey, Mengmeng, is your side okay?"

With a smile on his face, Liu Chuang approached the interior of Pioneer's flagship with an ax on his shoulders, looking like a black boss.

"Brother Chuang, immediately!"

Rui Mengmeng from the other direction looked at Pi who was stuck immobile on the metal wall with half of her black knife, and said slowly: "It's time to finish you."

After that, he also used great force to smash Pi's metal mechanical body, and simply drew the black knife and chased Liu Chuang.

On Chaoshen No. [-], only He Weilan and Qilin are left to guard. Relying on the energy shield made by Ge Xiaolun, their safety is no problem.

Moreover, Qilin who had just prepared a new weapon "God's Punishment" was even more powerful. Her sniper headshot made the area within a thousand meters an absolutely forbidden space, and no Taotie dared to break into it.

Because once you step into this field, you will be smashed to pieces by the sniper rifle "God's Punishment", and you will have no resistance at all.

The God's Punishment Sniper Rifle can be said to be the strongest and sharpest weapon on earth today except for Ge Xiaolun's great sword and Liu Chuang's black axe.

Not only can it use the No. [-] armor-piercing projectile, but it is also equipped with a flame-level armor-piercing projectile, which is at the same level as the angel's flame sword.

Especially its abnormal penetrating power and ultra-long sight distance.Even the divine body, or the fourth-generation divine body, is as fragile as paper in front of it.

"It's time to show real technology!"

After Liu Chuang violently broke through the hatch of Pioneer's flagship, Qilin's divine punishment had already included the other party within the range of sniping.


This is just a corner of the entire war, and it is extremely insignificant compared to the overall battlefield.

Because most of the gluttonous warships were held back by high-ranking angels headed by Zhi Xin.

One or two high-ranking angels may not be able to change the direction of the battle, but five or more, according to the fighting style of angel civilization, this will be an invincible team.

Five in one, Sunshine, Leng, Fanxing, Lingxi, and Yitian formed a circle, standing on top of the stars, they were incomparably dazzling.

The blades of the flame swords in their hands touched together one by one.

"Large Flame Bombardment!"

The general flame bombardment is enough to instantly destroy a small city, and the power of the large-scale group attack launched by five high-ranking angels is even more immeasurable.

Golden rays of light appeared and erupted from the tip of the Flaming Sword.Streams of solar energy are directed into the blade of the Flaming Sword from nearby stars.

The pitch-black sword body is covered with red-striped grooves, filled with the energy of the sun.

Among them, a huge golden energy ball gradually gathered, like a miniature version of the sun, extremely hot.

As the golden energy ball lifted into the sky, it flew towards the gluttonous spaceship troops.

With a "boom", the little sun turned into countless meteorites emitting flaming meteors and landed.

Just like the gorgeous fireworks under the night sky, they are incomparably beautiful and shocking, and then gradually submerged the spaceships of the gluttons, burning slowly.

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(End of this chapter)

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