The young lady has golden fingers

Chapter 1143 Weird Dream

Chapter 1143 Weird Dream

There is no bloody massacre in this dream.

But for some reason, Long Yan just felt that this dream was so real that it was heartbreaking!

The dream was even very warm, the first ray of sunlight in the morning shone into the room, and he gently kissed his little girl's forehead.

Then he stretched out his hand to touch her cheek, and whispered in her ear, "Little Yuan'er, it's time to get up."

No response.

A little girl whose sleep is usually disturbed by someone will usually snort fiercely, then turn over and continue to sleep.

But in the dream, there was no movement.

She was really like a puppet doll carved out of jade, lying quietly on the bed, motionless, terrifyingly quiet.

A dream like a long stream of water, a dream with a little warmth at the beginning, but in the end there is only speechless pain.

Long Yan didn't dare to determine whether the dream was real or not, so after waking up, he subconsciously checked Xiao Yuan'er's breath, and after making sure she was fine, he breathed a sigh of relief.

How could you have such a weird dream?
Long Yan lowered his eyes slightly, and then closed his eyes with deep thoughts.


the same moment.

The silver Ferrari was speeding fast on the road in the middle of the night, and then with a beautiful flick, it stopped in front of a mansion.

Rong got off the Ferrari early in the morning.

No one knew what he was doing when he went out late at night, but some could tell that he seemed to be in a good mood.

However, this good mood only stayed before he entered the door...

After entering the door, she glanced at her own house, and Rong Qingchen's face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

a few hours ago.

Luo Luo thought over and over again, but in the end, he still couldn't figure out what it means to do what is within one's ability.

On the contrary, Shi Tian seemed to have a particularly good idea.

"Have you noticed that the dean is so handsome and unrestrained, but he hasn't seen his girlfriend until now! I think we can find him a girlfriend!"

The brain circuit of snake spirit disease is always beyond the reach of normal people.

When Luo Luo heard this idea, he actually felt quite reasonable.

He just said with a little bit of embarrassment, "But where do I go to find a girlfriend for Dean Rong?"

Slaughtering the sky thief smiled, "This kind of thing is totally beyond my reach!"

The reason why he was able to find inspiration was because of Officer Rong.

Shi Tian fumbled in his pocket, and took out a small card...

The printing on the small card was very poor quality, and there was also a beautiful girl in a bikini with very revealing clothes and a very glamorous expression printed on it.

Officer Rong is also a normal man, and normal men have normal needs.But his occupation and his temperament are destined not to be very pleasing to women, and he works so hard, and he doesn't want to find a wife back, which will drag her down.

Then when faced with normal needs, there is only...

"When I lived at Officer Rong's house before, I found that Officer Rong would have a girlfriend as long as he called the number above." Shi Tian said triumphantly.

Luo Luo stared at him angrily, "Why don't I know about this kind of thing?"

"Of course it's because I'm smarter than you."

"What did you just say? Say it again if you have the ability." Luo Luo's tone was very domineering and threatening.

Shi Tian didn't show any weakness, "Of course it's because I'm smarter than you!"

  A little more today~
(End of this chapter)

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