The young lady has golden fingers

Chapter 1255 Calculation

Chapter 1255 Calculation
Today's young people, for the sake of image, are simply desperate!

The old man with the white beard shook his head and sighed, with an expression that the world is going downhill and people's hearts are not old.

There are black dots slowly moving down from the meridians of Longyan's temples, constantly swimming on his face, protruding from time to time.Then it drilled in from the cervical artery in the neck, and I never saw the black spot come out again.

Long Yan's sitting posture was very upright, with a straight look.

The hands are clenched into fists and placed on the lap, which is the standard military sitting posture.

However, in the end, he gradually began to lose his hold. He began to tremble when he clenched his fists, and his lips began to murmur.

The old man with the white beard had actually been observing.

This unreliable old man has always lacked empathy. Even if the person in front of him is in great pain, he is still laughing and joking, as if watching a play. This is quite similar to his little apprentice.

He has been observing, just to see how strong Long Yan's endurance is!

After all, it is the blood of the World Destroyer!

Compared with ordinary people, it is so much better!
The mother and child insects have been in the question for so long, but they didn't show a particularly gaffe-like expression, which is amazing!

Beads of sweat began to appear on Long Yan's face, but he didn't seem to notice it, and instead started to chat with the old man with white beard, "Anyway, you're idle, why don't you tell me, little yuan'er thing."

The corners of the old man's eyes drooped, "Don't you already know everything you should know?"

To have the ability to let the little girl take him back to the emperor's house, it seems that the position in the little girl's heart really cannot be underestimated.

"I want to know, being a teacher for a day and a father for life, since you are her master, why didn't you take on the responsibility of protecting her?" He could feel that there was something in his blood vessels that was constantly sucking blood, making him I can't help but tremble all over.

The old man with the white beard was like an old urchin, sitting on the dusty bed, playing the role of a tumbler, swaying back and forth, "Protection? To protect her as a dodder flower that can only rely on others, or Protect her as a pure and kind greenhouse flower?"

When the old man with the white beard spoke, his expression was still so unreliable.

But there was a trace of compassion and determination in his eyes.

"Young man, the fate planned by Tiandao is not so easy to break free. She was born with a bloody iris. This kind of powerful power that psychics can't have in their entire lives, is destined to pay a lot of things!

To enjoy the heaven-defying strength possessed by Scarlet Iris, one must bear the curse it brings.The bloody iris was originally the most evil thing, and people who had not experienced wind, knife, frost, and sword, who were not evil enough and vicious enough, would not be able to suppress it. "

"You have been emphasizing the so-called fate, are you so sure that in the end I will save Xiao Yuan'er as you planned?"

The white bearded old man in front of him was extremely unreliable, Long Yan knew it very well.

But in his unreliability, there is also how to strategize with confidence, as if everything is being calculated.This kind of person is the scariest person. He always seems to be laughing and joking, but he has counted everyone in without making a show.

Fortunately, as his master, he is sincere to Xiao Yuan'er.


(End of this chapter)

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