The young lady has golden fingers

Chapter 375 This surprise is really unexpected!

Chapter 375 This surprise is really unexpected! (2)

Lu Qi's heart is almost broken, he doesn't know what the situation is now!

Obviously this is the time to discuss with Boss Long during the day, and he doesn't know why, but now he can't connect to Boss Long!
Di Jiuyuan looked at the screen where the video connection was initiated again and again, and then no one answered, and the connection failed.

With one hand on his cheek, he turned to look at Lu Qi.

"Your surprise..." Di Jiuyuan smacked her lips and said meaningfully, "It's really surprising!"

When Lu Qi heard this, he almost knelt down.

Boss Long, today is my younger brother’s birthday, I’ve never seen you cheating my brother so much, how can I explain it to Sister Yuan now?
"Sister Yuan, I really didn't lie to you! I told Boss Long today..." Before Lu Qi finished speaking, Gu Sangyu, who was standing beside him, twisted his waist.

Lu Qi yelled "Aww".

"Are you stupid, you still want to involve Boss Long!" Gu Sangyu said silently, Lu Qi bowed his head aggrieved.

Is it true that I met Mr. Long at this time today...

Di Jiuyuan naturally knew that Lu Qi, a mentally handicapped person, would not dare to lie to her, and this matter was probably related to Long Yan.

Throwing the computer aside casually, Di Jiuyuan's expression couldn't tell whether she was happy or angry, but looking at her half-smile, it made people feel panicked.

"What are you looking at me for?" Di Jiuyuan stretched out her foot and kicked Lu Qi, who was in a daze, "Isn't it going to be a birthday? Tell me, there are some good shows, and I have given you gifts. Don't tell me you There is no more content for this birthday party!"

Lu Qi came to his senses and nodded, "Yes, yes, sister Yuan, do you want to sing or play games?"

"What's the point of singing while playing games?" Di Jiuyuan replied without thinking.


at night.

Yanmen headquarters far away in Jiangcheng.

In the almost watertight underground building, various high-tech organs emerge in endlessly.Although it was late at night, the lights were as bright as day.

No one knew that the most remote mountain in Jiangcheng would be hollowed out and turned into a fortified underground building.

In this underground building, just after a brutal bloody battle, the white tiles are covered with blood and broken fleshy limbs, and there are still people who are still alive, covered in blood but stubbornly half-kneeling on the tiles, with hatred in their eyes. Keep a close eye on the crowd walking slowly towards this side.

A tall man wearing black leather boots and a black mask walked in the front, with a fierce and stern aura, looking at the blood on the ground without any fluctuations in his eyes.

"Among this group of people, is there any top ten killers?" The man's voice was deep and cold, and it was really nice.


"Since there is no one, then there is no need to keep alive." When the man spoke, he revealed a special disregard for human life.

As soon as these words came out, the remaining killers who were already exhausted all looked fierce.

Even if you are exhausted, you have to stand still!
Otherwise, there is only a dead end!
The white tiles and the red blood stains are intertwined, the color is bright and pure, seeing the six or seven killers rushing up in an instant, Qin Bai raised his gun, but Long Yan raised his hand to stop it.

"It's been a long time since I did anything, today I'll practice my hands." Long Yan said calmly, exercising the muscles and bones in his wrist.

Lifting his legs, the black leather boots swept across the air, fighting with those desperadoes. In less than a moment, the killers who were about to fight bloody just now fell to the ground.

Not dead, still breathing.

"Kill them all." Long Yan ordered.

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(End of this chapter)

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