The young lady has golden fingers

Chapter 622 Jiang Ting's Panic

Chapter 622 Jiang Ting's Panic (2)

The woman who was brought here looked young, and she was pretty good looking. Immediately, many men in the tent surrounded her, commenting with great interest.

Many men can't help their eyes light up.

What's more, a bulging mass suddenly appeared below. If it wasn't for the fact that his boss didn't speak, these people would probably pounce on it immediately.

In the final analysis, it was because there were too few women to be seen in this ghostly place!

If you hold back any more, your whole body may explode!
"Miss Jasmine, I have another question..." The bearded man looked at the terrified little cutie on the ground, couldn't help swallowing, and then rubbed his hands.

"I remember that your leader has never been involved in human trafficking, and he has never harmed the elderly, women and children. He seems to be a very principled man. Why this time?" He was really just curious.

It's not like he hasn't seen the leader of Yanmen before.

He also admires this man. Few people in the Tao can clean themselves like that man.With a woman as beautiful as Miss Jasmine, as the leader, he was able to keep his hands off her hands!

The bearded man said that he couldn't figure it out at all!
Moreover, Yanmen's discipline and morality are also greatly admired by people on other paths.

If you say you don't get involved in a certain item, you definitely don't get involved.

Jasmine sighed very sadly, and she seemed regretful, "I don't know the details of this matter, but I just heard that this little girl is not very sensible, and touched the scales of our leader.

You also know that our leader has always been a very mild-tempered person, and this time he seems to be pissed off!
He said that he would be kept at the border for three months, and after three months he would be brought back to settle the ledger. "

What Jasmine said was of a very high standard.

It almost completely blocked Jiang Ting's possible way out.

If she didn't say this, there might still be a one-in-a-thousand chance that this group of mercenaries would feel pity for Jiang Ting. They worked a lot and felt that she was doing a good job, so they thought of keeping her.

But as soon as these words were spoken, people heard that they had touched the head of Yanmen. Who would keep this hot potato in their hands?
"That's why I have to ask Brother Seven!" Jasmine said with a charming smile, "This man, you and your brothers can play with you as you like, but don't play him to death. I still want to bring him Going back to work, I don’t know, can Big Brother Seven help with this?”

Just play!
Don't play to death!

When Jiang Ting heard this, the fear in her eyes deepened, and she became more and more afraid!
I feel as if I have entered a place like hell!

She was right, this place is indeed hell!

This is a place where laws and morals are not respected at all. Everyone is licking blood on the tip of a knife, and no one will feel pity or compassion.

Whoever has a harder heart will live longer!
Women in this place are just toys for venting!

The rules of survival here are also very simple, as long as you are strong enough, you can live longer, there is no so-called intrigue, the simplest and rudest.

This is destined to not be able to adapt to Jiang Ting, a young lady who has lived in a greenhouse since she was a child, matured a little earlier than ordinary girls, and is a little more cautious, so she thinks highly of herself.

 Jasmine: Do you think I look like a Rafflesia flower?Why did the author name me a white lotus?

(End of this chapter)

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