The young lady has golden fingers

Chapter 663 Sunshine is really beautiful!

Chapter 663 Sunshine is really beautiful!

Gu Sangyu shook his head helplessly.

This little fox keeps saying that she is over 20 years old, but, in her opinion, she may just be too old, but her mind is immature.

Looking at the current situation, it is clear that he is still a child who has not grown up. How can he have a mature and steady temperament?
Boss Long, after so many years of being a vegetarian, I finally met a destined person, but the result is still far away, and I have to cry bitter tears for it!

When the car got closer and closer to the main house and villa——

The little girl who was floating around restlessly in the car suddenly disappeared without knowing when!


Di Jiuyuan was really impatient.

At the moment when he captured that just right distance, he couldn't wait to return to his own body.

Well, about 500 meters.

In other words, she was at most 500 meters away from Shen Wan!

As long as the distance between her and Shen Wan is kept within 500 meters, she can stay in her own body!
In Longyan's room.

The little girl lying on the bed moved her fingers, then blinked her eyelashes like a small fan, and then opened her eyes.

Di Jiuyuan stretched out her small palm and shook it in front of her eyes. After confirming that she had returned to her body, she didn't even have time to put on her shoes, so she stepped on the floor barefoot——


Running to the window, I just wanted to stretch out my hand to pull the curtains open, but I was worried, so I took my hand back.

When she was burned by the sun, the severe pain had cast a psychological shadow on her.

So to be on the safe side, she first stretched out a small finger, like an ant crawling, slowly stretched to the gap in the curtain, touched the glass window with her finger, and then felt the warmth brought by the sun on her finger slowly. slowly spread.

That kind of feeling, for those who have never seen the sun, is like a small ray of sunshine dancing mischievously on the hand, it is the most amazing feeling!
"Hmm..." Di Jiuyuan licked her lips evilly.

Then she stretched out her palm and pulled the curtains cleanly!

After the curtains are opened, sunlight pours in through the glass windows, as if the whole world is instantly brightened!It was a very good feeling, like a person who has lived in the abyss for a long time without seeing the sun, and suddenly saw the sun. Although it was dazzling, he couldn't help squinting his eyes and tilting his head up. Go and see!
"It's really beautiful!"

The sun in the sky is really beautiful!
When she occupied Shen Wan's body, although she had seen the sun, after all, she was not using her own body, so she didn't feel much about it.

It's as if Shen Wan lives in the Mo family. Although she is also a rich and powerful family, she is also a wealthy daughter, but after all, it is not her real home, so she is always trembling and unable to hold her head up.

Di Jiuyuan was happy.

Happy like never before!
In this happy moment, what does she want to do most?

She wanted to hold Long Yan's hand and walk around under the sun.

Uh, should I hold Second Aunt's hand first and go for a walk under the sun, or should I hold Long Yan's hand first?
Di Jiuyuan frowned and pondered, this is a problem.

This problem, for the time being, has not figured out why.

If the major general knew that his rival in love was nothing to fear, and that the one who really threatened his status was his second aunt, he would be dumbfounded!

 Gu Mucheng: I'm really excited, my purse can finally be given away!

  Mother Jiu: My son, I think it's better for you...not to give it away...

(End of this chapter)

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