The young lady has golden fingers

Chapter 911 An Accident in the Dragon Family

Chapter 911 An Accident in the Dragon Family (4)

"What happened?" Long Kesong asked nervously.

A faint light flashed in the eyes of the black-clothed bodyguard under the sunglasses, "The old man said to go back as soon as possible."

"I'll put the book away and go back."

Long Kesong hurried into the classroom. After packing his schoolbag, he found that Xu Yinyin was still sitting still, so he ran over and said to Xu Yinyin, "Yinyin, hurry up, there is something urgent, I have to go home."

"Wow..." Hearing this, there was laughter in the classroom.

Under the ambiguous eyes of the classmates in the class, Long Kesong pulled Xu Yinyin out of the classroom, and after getting into the car with the bodyguards in black, Long Kesong suddenly frowned.

Why did he suddenly feel something was wrong with this matter?

The car was driving, and Long Kesong didn't know why, but he felt a little nervous in his heart, and then reached out to shake Xu Yinyin's hand...

Xu Yinyin glared at him.

Long Kesong, do you want to die?
How dare you take advantage of me!
"Are you a newly promoted member of Team A?" Long Kesong asked calmly.

The private bodyguards of the Long family have always adopted an elimination system, from A pair to E team, in order.There will be a promotion system every month, only those with skills can be in Team A, and those without skills will be eliminated from time to time.

"Yes." The man in black who was driving the car looked down.

"Then your skills must be very good!" Long Kesong immediately said pleasantly, "Team A has not had a newcomer promoted for a long time! Find a time, and I want to learn from you!"

The vigilance raised by the man in black disappeared again, and he replied obediently, "Okay, young master."

Long Kesong's hands trembled immediately.

Xu Yinyin also felt that something was wrong.

In the past few years, all the bodyguards of the Long family had clear regulations when they entered the job, and they were not allowed to compete with the young master.One reason is that Long Kesong is young and reckless, if these bodyguards try their best when sparring with him, they will inevitably be injured.And most of these bodyguards don't dare to use their full strength, and then they won't be beaten by this brat like Long Kesong!
A hard-bodied tough guy who relies on his good martial arts for a living has no reason to let Long Kesong play with him.

So Mr. Long simply issued an order not to allow Long Kesong to fight with all the bodyguards.

Right now this...

Long Kesong looked at Xu Yinyin, swallowed, and Xu Yinyin asked him what to do with his eyes.

How to do?
How to do?
Long Kesong also wanted to ask others what to do!

Brother Long was so anxious that he wanted to go crazy, but he still had to show a calm look.

Finally, I seem to have thought of a good idea...

Long Kesong first stretched out his hand to touch Xu Yinyin's little hand, Xu Yinyin withdrew her hand, and then stared at him.

Long Kesong refused to let go, this time he directly put his hand on Xu Yinyin's lap, as soon as he saw it, he was about to reach into his skirt.

Xu Yinyin blushed with anger.

A slap on the back of his hand made a crisp sound.

Hearing the movement, the man in black raised his eyes and looked in the rearview mirror. After realizing that it was something between a young man and a young man, he continued to drive with a clear expression.

Xu Yinyin has the heart to kill Long Kesong.

I thought he would restrain himself, but in the end...

In the next moment, Xu Yinyin saw Long Kesong's face approaching, and Long Kesong's big face appeared in his crystal clear pupils, and he even put his mouth on her lips! !
Xu Yinyin was in a daze at the time!

(End of this chapter)

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