The young lady has golden fingers

Chapter 984 The first lot

Chapter 984 The Tenth Lot (4)

If it is not someone from the ancient psychic family, the talent in psychic is always limited, no matter how hard you try, there is not much possibility of breakthrough.

But having a magic charm is different.

Momei itself is like an ultimate killer!
If one can control Mo Mei, it means that this person possesses the power of multiple people.

The discerning people present could almost imagine that once the refining method of Mo Mei is researched, how majestic and majestic it will be, and it will kill the Quartet! !
Thinking of this, everyone present was extremely excited, their eyes sparkled, as if they had already seen a very beautiful and glorious future.

At that time, psychics are rampant.

This world can be said to belong to psychics!
Cheng Yi was very satisfied with the reactions of these people below.

So he smiled and continued, "I believe that all of you here are smart people, and you must know what I just meant by now."

"Why do I say that it is not this photo that is valuable, but the value behind this photo? I believe everyone can understand."

The lowest level of psychics, like a swarm of flies, can buzz non-stop around a pool of dirty blood, fighting to the death, showing the ugliest side of human nature.

Dismantle each other.

criticize each other.

Make no secret.

Just like wild dogs, biting themselves and each other until blood dripping, no one can think how good-looking they are.

And now these, slightly more advanced psychics...

It can be regarded as a little bit of progress.

Because I see a bigger world, I won't take off my hypocritical mask easily because of a little gain.

But that doesn't mean they are good things.

Don't look at them complimenting Cheng Yi so much, in fact, each of them has their own calculations in their hearts.

They are all thinking that one day they will be able to climb to a higher position than Cheng Yi, and then step on him.

Then replace it!
Di Jiuyuan is very interested in Mo Mei, but in fact, what she is most interested in is, if she really researches the refining method of Mo Mei...

How can this group of people dog eat dog?

Really little expectation.

But if you think about it carefully, this expectation is completely unnecessary.

The ghost knows this group of mentally retarded people, is there anyone who can catch the demons?
"I'm sure everyone has heard of a saying called Qili Breaks Gold. The reason why my master agreed to put this photo up for auction is because I hope to find like-minded people!"

Di Jiuyuan said hehehe.

What psychics are best at is to take whatever good things come their way.

To share such a beautiful virtue, none exists!

Its name is to hope to find like-minded people. To put it bluntly, it should be because I have no idea, I don't know if I can catch Mo Mei, so I want to find someone to die with.

"Today's photo, the one with the highest price will get it. Whoever gets this photo will be able to directly contact the teacher, discuss with him about demons, and get a share of it."

This is another fatally attractive promise.

Not to mention getting a share of Mo Mei's business, just getting in touch with Cheng Yongdao is what many people dream of!

Necromancers have a very strong Muqiang complex.

Even if I always think in my heart that one day I will trample those strong men under my feet, but in fact, I subconsciously want to get in touch with those strong men.

(End of this chapter)

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