Divine Doctor Waste Chai Concubine

Chapter 675 Reappearance of Puppet Plants

Chapter 675 Reappearance of Puppet Plants (3)

Murong Xu and Mo Zhe looked at each other, and they both saw playfulness in each other's eyes. This group of blood wolf mercenaries finally came to their door, and it was not for nothing.

"However, do we really have the dragon grass we picked in the deep forest?" There are also tigers and wolves. After walking for so long, they have not seen any tigers and wolves. Murong Chen expressed his concern. Since the first two missions, he doesn't want any mistakes.

"Dragon Tenggrass grows in dark areas, and it likes to climb on cliffs. According to the records left by those old mercenaries who have gone deep into the Holy Eagle Mountain, there happens to be such a cliff in the center of the Holy Eagle Mountain..." As for whether or not the Soaring Dragon Grass has grown, it is not known, but no matter what, you can only know if you have been there. If the Soaring Dragon Grass is so easy to pick, the reward will not be so high.

"I don't know if there are dragons and wolves, but the tiger and wolf are for sure." Murong Xu next to him continued, if there is no monster like tiger and wolf in such a huge holy eagle mountain, it would be too unreasonable.

After all, tiger wolf is not a rare species, and even the first tiger wolf hunted by humans came from Shengying Mountain.

"No matter what, you need to be careful everywhere, and don't be careless." Murong Yi reminded, as the most powerful being in this team, he felt the potential danger of this forest more keenly than the other three. Even with his current heaven-level strength, he may not be able to retreat completely.

In this world, the most unpredictable thing is what kind of danger will be encountered in the next moment, and the most unpredictable thing is safety.

"Boss, do you think those people have followed?" The thin youth of the blood wolf mercenary group looked at the middle-aged man Scar, and asked, his eyes were rolling around, and black threads were faintly floating on his seal.

"Hey, you overestimate those people too, that group of mobs are no better than our legs."

"That's right, I don't even look at what team our boss is leading, but is the kid I saw before really a heaven-level powerhouse? Could the young sky-level powerhouse be bluffing us?" Another mercenary man asked, why is he unwilling to believe that there is such a young and powerful man in this world.

Could it be that the kid was raised on pills?
Their current strength has not even reached the human level, but what is the concept of heaven?

"Okay, you bastards, don't cause trouble for me. Next time, I can't guarantee whether your heads can still be hung on your necks." Still a little apprehensive.

"Skinny man, how long will it take for the treasure you mentioned to arrive?" Scar turned his head and asked the thin boy again.

"Boss, it's not far away. It's probably going to be a day away." The thin boy hurriedly replied, the ray of black air on the Yintang became thicker, and a gleam of red flashed in his eyes, looking at the scarred man with burning eyes Incomparable.

"Okay, I get it, go find something to eat when you're hungry, why stare at the meat in my hand." The man with the scar waved his hand and sent the thin boy away.

That kid, really getting more and more unruly, actually wanted to eat his dinner.

The thin young man turned around, with a bloodthirsty and cruel smile flashing across his eyes, his whole body looked extremely cold, like a poisonous snake hiding in the dark, waiting for an opportunity to swallow its prey in one bite.

(End of this chapter)

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