Chapter 463
Xuanyuanxue also suddenly woke up, screaming and hastily tried to cover Xiang Hao's eyes.

Afraid of Xuanyuanxue's embarrassment, Xiang Hao immediately took a few steps back, turned around and left the room, and said in a very calm tone, "Let's study it tomorrow."


After Xiang Hao walked out of the room, he sat cross-legged on the grass and started his own practice.

Xiang Hao is at the peak of becoming a god, and what he wants to think about now is how to break into the realm of reaching the sky.

The realm of Tongtian is inseparable from the Fadong, because it is not a simple matter to transform the Fadong into a realm, and it requires the cooperation of all parties, and the meaning of the word Tongtian refers to the further evolution of the Fadong, which is connected with the sky.

Xiang Hao has practiced for an hour, and has some insights, but Xiang Hao is practicing here, and subconsciously does not want to expose his only magic hole, so he can't let it go. Therefore, although he has some insights, he feels that he is still very far away from the Heaven-reaching Realm.

Of course, the Heaven-reaching Realm is by no means so simple, it has a lot to do with the Primordial Spirit, and the Primordial Spirit has to play a crucial role in order to evolve the Dharma Cave.

Next, Xiang Hao practiced Batianshen Fist on the grass. This set of boxing is unparalleled in strength. It focuses on attacking all the way, fully mobilizes the internal methods, and fully exerts the power of the physical body. This is a very domineering boxing method.

Xiang Hao practiced all night, and when the sun was rising in the east, he practiced Ziyang Tiangong for a while, and then he stopped feeling refreshed.

Xuanyuan Zi'er yawned and rubbed her eyes and walked out the door. When she saw Xiang Hao walking back to the house from the grass, she hurriedly tidied up her somewhat messy hair, and said in surprise, "Brother Xiang, you got up so early."

"Hurry up and wash up." Xiang Hao patted Xuanyuan Zi'er on the head and walked into the room.

Xuanyuan Zi'er stuck out her tongue cutely, and ran to wash up.

After breakfast, Xuanyuan Xue was going to inspect, and Xuanyuan Zier was also going out to hunt. Xiang Hao followed Xuanyuan Zier, and said with a smile: "I will go hunting with you."

"Brother Xiang, how is this possible? You can just practice at home. Cultivation is the most important thing. I'll just do the hunting." Xuanyuan Zi'er said hastily, and Xiang Hao could see that the words came from her heart.

But under Xiang Hao's insistence, Xuanyuan Zi'er had no choice but to agree.

After entering the mountain, the two met a ferocious monster, but Xiang Hao refused to let Xuanyuan Zi'er make a move. He rushed up and killed the monster with the Tyrant God Fist.

"Let me carry it." Xuanyuan Zi'er hurried forward.

"You're a girl, let me do it." Xiang Hao walked back carrying the thousand-jin monster on his shoulders.

Xuanyuan Zi'er looked at Xiang Hao's back and felt warm in her heart. This was the first time she had felt this way since her parents passed away.

Neither of them noticed that behind a bush behind them, the two bandits stood up.

"Isn't that the kid from last night? Why did you get involved with that girl from the Xuanyuan tribe?"

"You are so stupid, the boss was obviously killed by the people of the Xuanyuan Tribe and this kid. What a big business, it's completely a cover, you go to the White Tiger Tribe to report this right now, I'll go back to the village and call the brothers, fuck , this time the Xuanyuan tribe must pay the price."

The two figures rushed towards different directions.

After Xiang Hao and Xuanyuan Zier returned home, Xiang Hao and Xuanyuan Zier skinned the monster beast, and then made the monster meat into pieces. The meat could not be eaten up. Xuanyuan Zier said that it would be transported to the world City to sell.

"I'll go with you. It's boring to stay at home anyway." Xiang Hao said with a smile. In fact, he couldn't bear to see Xuanyuan Zi'er transporting so much animal meat to Jiecheng alone. What does the city of the domain look like.

"Brother Xiang, I really can, you can practice hard at home." Xuanyuan Zi'er said firmly.

"From now on, I only need to be here for one day, so I will do these things, and you are not allowed to intervene." Xiang Hao said involuntarily, and put all the animal meat into the Qiankun bag with his hands raised.

"Brother Xiang, why are you so kind to me?" Xuanyuan Zi'er was about to cry, full of emotion.

Xiang Hao's expression froze, and when he didn't know what to say, there were clamors from outside the tribe, please come to the door.

"That girl named Xuanyuan Zi'er from the Xuanyuan Tribe, get the hell out of here quickly."

"The big brother who murdered me, Huqishan, will pay with blood."

"Come out and die."

There were murderous voices, and Xuanyuan Zi'er's face turned pale in fright, but she subconsciously took her big bow.

People in the Xuanyuan tribe also flocked out of the tribe quickly, staring at the hundreds of bandits with unfriendly expressions.

"Don't be afraid, let's go." Xiang Hao took Xuanyuan Zi'er's little hand and walked outside the tribe.

Outside the tribe, the hundreds of bandits exploded when they saw Xiang Hao appearing together with Xuanyuan Zi'er.

"Little bitch, it really is you who joined forces with this little beast to harm our elder brother. You Xuanyuan tribe must give an explanation today." A mountain bandit roared. The man is covered with scars, and those scars are like earthworms, crawling all over his two arms that are naked in the air, which is indescribably disgusting.

"Heroes, please speak up if you have something to say." Xuanyuan Wuyou's father appeared, with a smile on his face, but his eyes were fixed on the second leader.

"My elder brother was killed, so let's talk about it. Today, we must fight to the end, or we must hand over Xuanyuan Zi'er and that kid, otherwise this shit will never end." The second master said with a strong attitude, fierce.

"Xiang Hao can't hand it over. You see, since Xuanyuan Zi'er is the culprit, how about handing her over to you? Our Xuanyuan tribe has always been in harmony with your Huqishan well water. This is our final bottom line, everyone. Be reasonable." Xuanyuan Wuyou's father said with a smile.

"Just hand over Xuanyuan Zi'er?" The second head's eyes stared evilly at the pale Xuanyuan Zi'er, and his eyes kept sweeping over Xuanyuan Zi'er's fullness.

"Second master, I think this girl can do it."

"Second leader, you just agree. As for that kid, I will take care of it slowly in the future."

"Okay, we agreed, and send that girl over." Er Dangjia said loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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