Chapter 416

Lawyer Zhang said so much, but the woman only heard this sentence.

The voice of someone whispering has already come, and it is getting louder.

"The photo of the beating woman in the third photo is quite similar to her. That girl can't be Wang Wei."

"Not only that, but the other photos are quite similar to those parents. They couldn't be that those children were beaten by their parents, and then deliberately framed for Jiang Meng and Shen Chen."

"Is this still human? It's their own. It's not as good as a beast."

The parents panicked completely. They never thought that what they did at home could still be picked up.

I can’t admit it, I can’t admit it if I’m killed. They all have their own official jobs, and some are even in the system. If this matter is exposed, they will be finished. No matter how much money they have, money will come one day How will their family live if they have to spend it all.

The parent representative stood up with a smile: "Well, this may be a misunderstanding, we may have made a mistake or something, let's go back and ask those children how they got the scars on their bodies."

The reporter immediately hit the nail on the head: "Parent, did your sudden rebuttal at the press conference mean that you admitted to this framed incident?"

"My parent, may I ask why you framed Jiang Meng and Shen Chen? Is it for fame or for money?"

The faces of the parents were ashen, but they planned not to say a word.

But if they don't speak, it doesn't mean that these reporters have nothing to write. Not speaking is also another level of acquiescence, acquiescing to these things they have done.

The reporters wrote and drew in their small notebooks contentedly.

The matter of the rich second generation beating up their classmates has been cleared up, but the influence on Jiang Meng and Shen Chen is still very weak, so even if they are wronged, they may be attacked for no reason.

After all, some original sins don't make a whole lot of sense.

Lawyer Zhang left, and this time it was Wang Ming who came up.

"Hi everyone, I'm Wang Ming, the head teacher of Class One (11), and Jiang Meng and Shen Chen are both my students.

I was surprised and unbelievable when I learned that the "rich second generation beating incident" began to spread wildly on the Internet, because, as a teacher, I know and believe in the conduct of my students.

They united with their classmates and led the whole class to get all A's in the first exam in the first year of high school.

I don't know how many people still remember the mudslide that happened in G County before.

On that day, Jiang Meng was the first to discover something was wrong. She did not run away from the place where the mudslide occurred, but returned to the school, and used the radio to remind all the students in the school. It was precisely because of Jiang Meng's reminder that she was able to protect The lives of our classmates one after another.

But Jiang Meng herself was buried in the mudslide.

Fortunately, there was no danger, Jiang Meng left a glimmer of life with her perseverance, and only then did rescue come.

Student Shen Chen even led everyone to carry out the first step of rescue work in the mudslide. A total of ten students and three teachers were rescued. These are all well-documented.

If the "rich second generation" is the original sin, then I hope there can be more such "rich second generations" in our country, because only in this way can our country have hope.

Kindness should not be limited within a certain range, and we should not frame a kind and brave child because of those external appearances. She is not wrong. On the contrary, I am proud and proud of having such a classmate. "

(End of this chapter)

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