Chapter 875
Seeing that Jiang Meng used such a dirty trick at this time, the man immediately flew into a rage.

"You are so vicious at such a young age."

The silver needles used for acupuncture are generally very thin. If there is a momentary mistake, the needle will penetrate into the flesh.

However, is it possible that Jiang Meng only fired one?

"Don't dare to compare with you guys, don't dare to compare, just watch the trick."

Then, Jiang Meng scattered dozens of needles.

The Golden Core cultivator didn't dare to confront the tough, he thought of those cultivators who had been hit by Qi just now, and subconsciously backed away, his first reaction was that the power contained in this needle should be the same as the bullets just now.

The whole person flipped countless times and landed in front of the door owner.

"Master Jin, it seems that there is no way to get any results today, let's withdraw first."

These words hit the heart of the little sect master, the man nodded and waved his hand.


With an order, the monks who were still breaking out immediately stopped and flew away.

In less than a few minutes, there was no one outside Chu City, which was still overcrowded.

All that remains is the devastation left after this struggle.

The soldiers on the city wall were silent for a moment.

Suddenly there was an earth-shattering cry of joy.

Both Chongyang and Jiang Meng breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at each other.

The two walked towards the other courtyard of Chong's family. After a brief exchange, they both knew that the first thing that made the Jin family afraid this time was Jiang Meng, and the second was playing tricks.

Because Jiang Meng's strength increased greatly after using the gun, those people did not dare to approach.

When other monks saw all the guns, they subconsciously thought that the power was the same, so even the monks who were distributed to the guns only had a brief understanding of the performance of the guns, and they couldn't even do basic aiming. A monk is afraid.

However, there is no way to use the same trick a second time.

The Jin family members are not fools, and when they go back and analyze it, they will know the problem.

Therefore, it is necessary to train a group of sharpshooters before the Jin family makes a comeback. Only in this way can they have a chance to resist the second wave of attacks from the Jin family.

In fact, the best instructor is actually Si Jinhan, but now...

Thinking of Si Jinhan's legs and his memory loss, Jiang Meng sighed silently.

When Jiang Meng returned to Chong's other courtyard, he saw a man with a dark face guarding the door.

Jiang Meng had just experienced a fierce battle, so she was naturally a little excited when she saw someone she was familiar with, so she trotted towards Si Jinhan.

"Little brother."

Si Jinhan looked at her without any reaction, but his expression did not ease in any way.

No matter how stupid Jiang Meng was, he knew that Si Jinhan was angry now, and he was quite angry.

She walked over silently and put her hand into Si Jinhan's.

Originally thought that he would throw it away angrily, but Si Jinhan held it firmly in his hands.

If Si Jinhan knew what she was thinking, he would definitely stare at her fiercely. Even if he was extremely angry, he would never shake off her hand.

However, Jiang Meng pushed his hand away, and Si Jinhan's expression still did not soften.

She muttered for a long time, then leaned over and whispered in Si Jinhan's ear: "Little brother, what's the matter, let's go back to the room and talk quietly, in public, save me some face, okay?"

She tried her best to modify her voice into an extremely soft loli voice.

Si Jinhan grasped Jiang Meng's hand tightly.

She didn't know that her usual silence was a fatal attraction to Si Jinhan, not to mention her deliberately soft voice now.

Si Jinhan lowered his head, frowned tightly, and breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the pants are loose, otherwise, he would really be embarrassed in public this time.

(End of this chapter)

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