The queen is my favorite

Chapter 746 You Dare to Come 5

Chapter 746 You Dare to Come 5
Because the harem already has someone he cares about.

Hearing this, Su Mo felt a warm feeling in his heart, "Let's get them out together, and restore the peace and tranquility of the harem, and let you worry less and concentrate on your own affairs."

After all, he is the emperor, so he shouldn't waste his time dealing with the affairs of the harem.

But if the harem wants peace and tranquility, it may not be so easy.

After all, it is a place where women gather, and everyone wants to climb up, and intrigue is inevitable.

Hearing her words, Beitang Si was a little moved, he didn't expect her to be so considerate to him, he thought she would have complaints in her heart.

In the next second, he pulled her into his arms and hugged her tightly.

They will definitely not be like the father and other concubines in the harem.

After all, he saw no emotion in them at all.

Although the father and emperor had his mother and concubine in his heart, the mother and concubine obviously did not have him in her heart.

The queen mother has her father in her heart, but her father does not have her in his heart, let alone other concubines.

"Can I bring food in, please?"

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, followed by the voices of people in the flower building.

"Come in." Su Mo said.

The door of the room was pushed open, and then two middle-aged men brought in the food and fruit.

"Please take your time, the three of you. If you have other needs, you can come to us at any time. We will go out first, so as not to disturb your meals." The man on the left said with a smile on his face, and then led another person to go outside, and finally closed the door.

Beitangsi and Su Mo quickly walked towards the table.

When Wen Qi saw them coming, she immediately sat up straight.

"Eat, we won't be able to eat properly when that man comes back later." Su Mo looked at Wen Qi and smiled lightly.

Wen Qi nodded her head like a pest, thinking that she would meet that man later, she felt uncomfortable all over.

It's not that I'm embarrassed to face it, but it just doesn't feel good.

After all, she was thinking of never seeing each other again.

Who would have thought that they would be separated that morning, and that they might meet again that night, which was completely out of her expectation.

Just as they were halfway through their meal, there was a knock on the door.

"My lord, can I come in? The guest downstairs is back." The bustard's laughter sounded outside the door.

Su Mo's eyes lit up, and he quickly put down his chopsticks.

Wen Qi looked towards the door, suddenly she couldn't keep calm anymore.

"Let's go downstairs and have a look." Beitang Si said, put down his chopsticks, got up and walked towards the door.

Su Mo followed quickly.

Wen Qi dawdled for a while, but got up and followed.

The four of them quickly arrived at the door of a certain room on the fourth floor.

The bustard knocked directly on the door.


A cold male voice sounded in the room.

"My lord, it's me, Xu Hui, the manager of Hualou." Xu Hui said with a smile.

"What's the matter?" The man's tone was cold and impatient.

Xu Hui smiled and said, "There are three guests here looking for you, and they said that you would definitely like to see you, do you want to meet?"


The people in the room did not speak immediately.

"My lord, I think you will be willing to see us. After all, you went somewhere to find someone today, didn't you?" Su Mo looked at the closed door and said meaningfully.

For a moment.

The door of the room opened.

A young man dressed in ordinary clothes appeared in Su Mo's line of sight. He looked good, but he was not sure whether he had a human skin mask on his face. He did have an extraordinary aura.

At first glance, he is not a child living in an ordinary family.

"Who are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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