The queen is my favorite

Chapter 840 The Concubine Has a Way 2

Chapter 840 The Concubine Has a Way 2
Beitangsi's face was extremely livid, and his heart sank. Someone pretended to enter his harem, but he didn't realize it. This was his negligence.

In the past, he didn't care about the women in the harem at all, so he didn't pay much attention. Now it seems that he needs to investigate carefully, lest there are other people mixed in, which will be detrimental to the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

Such a deliberate attempt to sneak into the palace must have no good intentions.

He couldn't let the enemy's tricks succeed.

"What did you find out?" Bei Tangsi looked at Su Mo, who didn't expect her to find out such a thing.

Su Mo smiled slightly, "The concubine only found out that she is not Yabi, and Yabi admitted it just now, but she doesn't want to say who ordered her to go undercover in the palace. The concubine asked my brother to continue the investigation."

Bei Tangsi held her hand and stared straight at her.

"Your Majesty, what are you looking at?" Su Mo tilted his head and asked in confusion.

"I used to think that you had nothing to do in the harem, but now you really impress me." A rare smile appeared on Beitangsi's handsome face.

"that's it!"

Su Mo said loudly suddenly.

"..." Beitangsi was startled by her voice, and the smile on his face disappeared instantly.

Su Mo immediately reached out and pinched his face, "Smile, Your Majesty, you should smile more, you look so handsome when you smile, it makes this concubine feel that his world is bright."

"..." The corners of Beitangsi's mouth twitched.

In fact, he had never really smiled before. Before meeting Su Mo, he almost forgot what it was like to laugh.

But because of her, he found himself laughing subconsciously occasionally.

And it's a smile from the heart, not a hypocritical smile on the surface.

"Your majesty, I know that you are the king of a country, so you can't laugh and laugh like ordinary people. You can be majestic when facing ministers or dealing with things, but you should smile instead of always keeping a cold face." Su Mo smiled. Said briskly.

She really wanted to see him smile.

Since she came here, she really hasn't seen him smile sincerely a few times.

He only smiled once they got on good terms.

"I've never laughed before." Beitang Si said looking away.

Su Mo looked at his side, inexplicably feeling a sad aura about him.

She knows why this is because he didn't have a good childhood.

Or it can be said that since he was a child, he has never been really happy at all. He is living according to other people's requirements, so he is like this now.

"Things from childhood are over, you have to learn to laugh more in the future, otherwise when our children are born, you will always frighten them with such a cold face." Su Mo said as he tugged at his clothes.

Beitangsi quickly turned to look at her, "Our child..."

"Of course, don't you want your concubine to give birth to you?" Su Mo said with a smile.

She felt that she had been severely slapped in the face at this moment.

After all, she was completely unwilling to give birth to him before, but now she has an idea.

Although he didn't get the warmth of his parents when he was a child, she believed that he would be a good father.

Perhaps with a child, he can come out of the shadow of childhood.

Su Mo pursed her lips. She really couldn't understand why his mother and concubine hated her child so much.

"I want to, I really want to." Beitangsi said forcefully.

He had never thought about this before, but now that Su Mo mentioned it, he was really eager.

(End of this chapter)

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