first arrogant mother

Chapter 1752 The assessment changes!

Chapter 1752 The assessment changes!

"Nimma, didn't you just say that if they pass, you will die?"


The student was left speechless...

"Are you going to challenge Tianji next!!!" Some students said excitedly, as if they were advancing again and again.

You can be as excited as you want, even the students in the whole school field became extremely excited!
Aotian was so angry that he vomited blood!

damn it!
As a result, Duan Lian gritted his teeth in hatred for Xiaohuhu!
"This..." Ji Lao went to look at Cang Tianfei, who also looked stunned.

Seeing Mu Che, Xiao Suqian and the others seem to want to challenge Tianji, and the students of Tianji are not calm anymore!
Where did this group of monsters come from?

But Mu Che and the others didn't go to the assessment site at Tianji right away, but took everyone out of the prefecture-level assessment site and took a rest.

"These are really awesome!"

"That's right, speaking of which, that little assistant teacher, will he also be transferred to the prefectural level?"

"It would be great if I could become his student! I also want to become stronger!"

When Chang Feng heard this, he was about to vomit blood!
If that brat was transferred to the prefecture level, he would definitely be tortured to death!
However, everyone was waiting, but they didn't want to hear the shock coming from the assessment site on the Tianji side!

Although Xiao Huhu and the others outside didn't notice it, their expressions changed when they saw Mu Che inside, and they looked towards Tianji!

Many students from Tianji have already come out, and there are still a few left. At this time, they suddenly retreated and ran towards Mu Che and the others, "It's not good, it's not good, you are the sealed monster break free broke the seal, the deacon was swallowed..."

"No, something happened!"

The atmosphere suddenly changed. The faces of Mu Che and the others in the picture changed drastically. At the entrance of the Tianji Examination Site, several students were running wildly. At the same time, a ferocious black beast with black mist came chasing from the entrance. In itself, it is four meters high, with awe-inspiring imposing manner, coupled with a ferocious face, whether it is Mu Che and the others, or the students outside are startled.

"Ah—" A Tianji student who ran at the back didn't even have the time to react, and was directly swallowed by the beast!

Something happened in the camp!
Cang Tianfei and Ji Lao suddenly got up, "Hurry up, disperse the other students first, and be careful of those beasts running out!"

You must know that those monsters are all murderers who were sealed in the Tianji test site, and the level of these monsters is much higher than that of other test sites.

This ferocious beast in front of him is called the Heitian Beast. It is extremely ferocious, and its strength is definitely not something that Mu Che and the others can handle.

While Xiao Suqian and the others were still in shock, another ferocious beast with barbs all over its body rushed from the entrance of the Tianji Examination Ground from behind the Heitian Beast. The speed was as fast as lightning, even more fierce than the Heitian Beast. Swallowed two Tianji students in one gulp!

"I rely on!"

"Isn't it?"

Fatty and the others were all frightened, Xiao Suqian reacted first, "Hurry up, spread out, and get out of here!"

Xiao Suqian reacted relatively quickly, and said immediately, but at this moment, another fierce beast ran out from the entrance!

"Fuck!" At this moment, even Xiao Suqian couldn't help but swear!

(End of this chapter)

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