Chapter 1161 Tell a Story
Xianyu and Mo Xiaolin arrived at the palace, and the eldest princess was anxious in the room.And the little uncle Lan Yan didn't see it.

"Princess, didn't you say that the Ninth Prince is here? What about others?" Mo Xiaolin asked.

The eldest princess looked dignified, and said: "He just put down his salute and entered the palace. He was full of dust and dust, and he didn't rest."

When Xianyu and Mo Xiaolin heard this, their expressions became more dignified.

Put down the salute, and enter the palace in a busy manner?

Didn't he even bother to talk to his eldest sister?
"Then you see...?"

The Eldest Princess waved her hand and said, "Emperor Dongyou couldn't possibly be unprepared. He must have sent news to the southern kingdom. Father already knew about our plan to send troops."

Xianyu and Mo Xiaolin looked at each other, but they didn't know what to say.

The eldest princess sighed: "At first I thought I could delay it for a few months, at least after the Chinese New Year, but now it seems... If it is the emperor's intention, I have no choice but to ask you to go back now."

Not only can't help them, I'm afraid... I'm afraid I can't even help Princess Duan and the prince.

The eldest princess was very distressed, she didn't want to leave her trip in vain, and when she returned, she would have to be punished.

Provoking a war between the two countries is a major crime, and helping them escape from the southern country is also a major crime.

Xianyu looked at her and sighed: "Princess don't worry, in fact, the Holy Emperor knows that we escaped."

"What?" The eldest princess looked surprised.

Xian Yu said: "Actually... Actually, we injured Wu Zhu, captured little Wu Zhu and escaped."

The eldest princess: "..."

"I haven't told you about this, because I was afraid that you would think that I was disrespectful to Wu Zhu. But I am different from you. I grew up in Dongyou, and I really can't accept sacrifices from the southern country."

The eldest princess has never been in contact with sacrifices, so she doesn't know what secrets there are in the temple. Anyway, the previous emperors worshiped the witch gods inside, and told everyone that they should be protected by the witch gods inside so that everyone can live and work in peace and contentment.

When the Holy Emperor said so, the people believed it.

"What's there?" The eldest princess asked everyone's curious question, "Why can't you accept the sacrifice of the temple?"

Xianyu was silent for a moment, and said, "You also know the story about the Southern Kingdom being the last paradise in the world, right?"

The eldest princess nodded slightly and said: "We have known these stories since we were young, including the legends of witch gods."

Xianyu also nodded slightly, "Yes, so the person living in the temple is really a witch god. She is still alive, but she has spent too much effort. She usually sleeps, and only wakes up during the annual sacrifice."

Xianyu thought about it and decided to continue this legend.

If "she is still alive" can make the southern country continue to be the last paradise in the world, even if this lie exists for thousands of years, it is worth it.

The eldest princess was a little surprised, but only a little surprised.

The stories she heard were like those of Xianyu, but she didn't expect it to be true.

"The sacrifices of the emperors of the past..."

Xianyu said: "The so-called sacrifice is just to use the blood of the holy emperor to warm and nourish the body of the witch god. Back then, the witch god spent too much of her own blood in order to reproduce human beings, and fell into a deep sleep. She had to rely on that blood to be able to recover.

But human beings are passed down from generation to generation, and the most primitive divine blood is getting less and less. Only a very small number of people have such blood in their bodies, and among them are the successive emperors. "

After all, Xian Yu looked at Mo Xiaolin.

(End of this chapter)

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