Chapter 566

"Heh, you are so important to them?" Mo Ling's face was full of disdain.

"You can try." Xian Yu was shivering from the cold, but she was still willing to fight with them.

Mo negative's eyes turned cold, and he said sharply: "Okay, since you are looking for death, I will help you."

After that, he kicked the wooden door open, until the rotten door itself was crumbling.

The biting wind and snow poured into the house, and Xian Yu suddenly had goose bumps all over his body.

This annoying new personality really wants to freeze her to death.

However, things are not over yet.

After Mo Li kicked the door open, he turned around, pulled Xian Yu up, and threw her out of the door.

thrown out the door...

to the door...

outside the door...

Does this count as shooting yourself in the foot?
Xianyu was so cold that he didn't react for a long time!
"Don't worry, you open the door!" Xian Yu beat the broken wooden door with his hands.

Mo Luo closed the door, but it couldn't be closed because it was damaged by his kick, so he even pulled an abandoned table behind the door.

No matter how strong Xianyu is, he can't push a table.

This is an ancient table, made of pure solid wood and thick.

" bastard, you froze me to death, and you are finished too!"

The people in the house were unmoved.

Xianyu soon turned purple from the cold, well, she didn't want to die, she was afraid.

"I was wrong, can you open the door and let me in?"

"It's really impossible, you throw out my clothes!"

She was so cold that her teeth were chattering, and she was almost speechless.

But through the light through the window, she saw that the people in the room had entered the posture of the old monk.

Xianyu regretted it unceasingly, if she died like this, she would not be reconciled to being a ghost.

She hurriedly folded her arms and went to other rooms. Next door was a firewood room. When she arrived at the firewood room, she didn't care about the mess of the firewood room and squatted directly into the woodpile.

Damn it.

Mo Linyuan, if you don't come to save me, your daughter-in-law is going to freeze to death!

Mo Xiaolin, where is your dragon tooth machete?Hacked to death.

The night was getting deeper and deeper, and the cold wind was blowing stronger and stronger. The dilapidated firewood house couldn't stop the wind at all.

The firewood room without a trace of temperature quickly exhausted her body temperature, and she seemed to see Mo Xiaolin laughing wildly while holding a weed in his mouth.

She seemed to see Mo Linyuan's gentle side face, his eyes were full of stars, and his voice was Ye Yu from Bashan...

"Linyuan!" This was the last sound she made.

"Little fish, hold on!" Mo Linyuan panted heavily, unbuttoned his clothes, and hugged her tightly into his arms.

"Damn it, I'll kill you!"

He slapped himself fiercely on the face, his cheeks suddenly swelled up, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

He is the master personality, if he urgently wants to appear, no matter how powerful his personality is, he can't stop him.

So Xianyu was betting, although she almost bet her life on it, but she succeeded.

"You stupid, why beat yourself?"

Beside the fire, Xianyu woke up.

Seeing the blood at the corner of his mouth and the swollen cheek, she knew what had happened.

Mo Linyuan held her tightly in his arms, as if he wanted to rub her into his bones.

"It's fine when you wake up, it's fine when you wake up."

He hugged her and didn't forget to rub her hands constantly.

He was really afraid, what would happen to Xiaoyu if he died.

"I'm fine, glad to see you." Xian Yu said with a smile.

"You can still laugh?" Mo Linyuan said angrily, "Why are you so stupid, what if you freeze to death?"

(End of this chapter)

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