Chapter 1393 Like Midsummer 1
The sudden touch made Sheng Xia stunned for a moment.

Suddenly, the body seemed to be awakened, and the pores all over the body seemed to be stretched at this moment.

Sheng Xia pushed the person away, with water vapor in his eyes, looking at the desolation in front of him.

"what happened?"

Leng Qinghan hugged Shengxia in her arms again. Her body was soft and had her unique fragrance. The two hugged each other like this.

Only then did he feel that he really owned her.

Sheng Xia didn't move, he still hugged himself like this.

Her head was leaning tightly on Leng Qinghan's shoulder, and the corner of her mouth was slightly pulled into a smile.

"It's great that we're together again!"

Midsummer's voice was very light, with bursts of joy in it.

"Ah, very good!"

Leng Qinghan let go of her, and gently kissed her on the forehead.


Leng Qinghan asked, his hand gently brushed the broken hair on Sheng Xia's cheeks.


Midsummer nodded.

"Go, I'll take you out to eat something good!"

Leng Qinghan took Sheng Xia's hand, and the two went out.

Sitting in the car, the suspension car started to drive, Leng Qinghan held Sheng Xia's hand again.

Sheng Xia looked at the hands held by the two, raised his head, and looked at the sky.

Finally back!

From the beginning of entering the system, she was a little flustered at first, but it didn't matter later, after all, she could truly be herself in those virtual novel worlds.

That's the kind of self that is truly happy.

Later, he fell in love with Leng Qinghan, and his thoughts changed again.

The reason she went out was to be with Leng Qinghan.

She felt that she would not miss this world, that is to say, she didn't have many other thoughts about this world.

But at this moment, he raised his head and looked at the sky above his head.

The sky in my impression is so beautiful, but it has always existed in my memory.

I thought I didn't care, but at this moment, when I saw the sky in front of me, I found it inexplicably beautiful.

It seems that she is still very moved at this time.

This place is actually really beautiful.

"this is for you!"

Following Leng Qinghan's words, Sheng Xia felt a burst of coldness on her wrist. She lowered her head, and suddenly saw that there seemed to be a bracelet on her wrist.


The sterling silver bracelet has only a few blue stars on it, which shimmer abnormally in this starry night.


Sheng Xia raised his wrist and shook it.

"When did you do this?"

Sheng Xia turned her head and looked at Leng Qinghan with a smile.

"I used to do it when I was bored."

Leng Qinghan turned around for a while, and saw her, with a shiny bracelet on her snow-white wrist.

"It really suits you!"

Leng Qinghan gave a compliment.

"Well, I think so too!"

Sheng Xia shook his hand again, let it hang down, and put it on his lap.

She was still wearing the same set of clothes that she had entered the system before.

Leng Qinghan also noticed, and his hand reached out uncontrollably, touching | Sheng Xia's hand.

Finally got to the place to eat.

Sheng Xia was held by Leng Qinghan's hand and walked in.

This store is pure black, it looks a bit cold and cool.

(End of this chapter)

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