Chapter 792
Lin Youyou walked out without hearing Ouyang Mingyue's answer.

In fact, Ouyang Mingyue would not answer this question either.

Even Ouyang Mingyue himself didn't understand this question, and he didn't understand it himself.

Lin Youyou was a little dazed after going out.

It's really a bloody plot!

She definitely would not have thought in this direction before.I just inadvertently thought about it in this direction, maybe she was right.

The sisters turned against each other because of a man.

Hohohoho!Isn't this really a bloody eight o'clock Korean drama?
No, no, no, now Korean dramas are not so bloody, only more bloody, not so bloody.

Lin Youyou just wanted to be alone.

"I want to be quiet." Lin Youyou said, waving at the others.

"Who is Jingjing? Empress, please go and ask Jingjing to come here."

Lin Youyou rolled her eyes, and smiled inexplicably at this cold joke.

Hahahaha... who is Jingjing?
Quiet is quiet!
"Get back!" Lin Youyou laughed idiotically for a while, and saw that the people around her were puzzled, but it was not a day or two for the empress to be puzzled.

Hearing the sound of retreating, everyone retreated.

Lin Youyou walked aimlessly, her mind empty.Don't let yourself think about anything, don't think about the relationship between sisters in the past, don't think about what kind of relationship Ouyang Mingyue has for Nan Fengjin.

Don't think about what the wedding between Ouyang Mingyue and Murong Ye means?
After letting go of myself, I finally said that my heart seems to be much better.

However, he closed his eyes as if he had absorbed the essence of the sun and the moon, and felt refreshed for a moment.

However, I was refreshed, and the moment I opened my eyes, I felt that it was not good all of a sudden.

She came to the door of a deserted hall.

If she remembers correctly.She has also been to this hall before, and this palace is more dilapidated and miserable than before.

There were still people living here before, and it was a very desolate place. Because there was such a person living here, it seemed even colder and indifferent.

No one lives in it now, and there is a tangy smell of decay.

Why is she here?
This is the palace where Murong Ye lived before.

How could she accidentally come here?

go now.

Because my heart skipped a beat, I always felt as if something bad was about to happen.

Sure enough, Sen's cold voice came from behind the fuck.

"Since you're here, why don't you stay for a while?"

Hehehehe... Lin Youyou sneered that piercingly in his heart.It was almost creepy to laugh.

What a cheat!Actually met.Really so unlucky!It was Murong Ye!Fuck!God, what a scam!
Turning around, he saw Murong Ye standing there in the hall, dressed in black, with a trace of loneliness and indifference on his face.

I don't know if she was wrong, but she seemed to see a trace of nostalgia and joy on his face.

Miss what the hell?What the hell is joy?

This is not scientific!
"Hehehe... I seem to be lost." Lin Youyou said.

The conscience of heaven and earth, the sun and the moon can learn from each other, she really got here because she got lost, maybe she accidentally went wrong, and she came here.

Then there is another conscience, she absolutely did not come here to meet Murong Ye.

She did want to see Murong Ye before, but she was forced. She just wanted to ask him if he planned to celebrate the New Year here.There is no other intention.

Only now!

Why does it seem to make people want to be crooked.

Especially when Murong Ye looked at her with deep eyes, there was no such penetrating meaning.He seemed to look at her with a gentle look of joy.

What the hell is joy and gentleness?This style of painting is wrong!
She really didn't come here on purpose.

But I heard Murong Ye's deep voice, "I thought I would hate this place very much, because this place is the most humiliating experience in my life."

Here, he is the proton abandoned by Nan Chu.

He lives in what seems to be a cold palace, no one cares about him, no one cares about him.

Living here, there is no light to be seen.Paralyze yourself with cold water every day to remind yourself of the fact that you are still alive.

What is more terrifying than death is the endless loneliness, the endless loneliness and loneliness, and the endless night without any light.There is only revenge in my heart.

With hatred and darkness in his heart, it is the only motivation for him to live like a walking dead.

"Heh... But I actually came to this place again, and I don't hate it at all. I even miss it a little..."

Lin Youyou was surprised, she really didn't hear it wrong, it was nostalgia, and she really didn't misread it, what floated out of his eyes was really nostalgia.

Miss such a ghostly place?Or do you miss something else?
Lin Youyou thought.

I didn't want to think about it anymore, I turned around and wanted to leave this place immediately.

However, Murong Ye grabbed his arm.

"I suddenly figured it out, this place was never what I missed."

After a pause, he looked straight at Lin Youyou, but his cold voice was filled with inexplicable affection, "It's you."

"I remember here, I have it in my hand, the medicine you gave me. You told me that there is still hope in life, life is bright, and my fate is up to me."

"Now I have everything, I have achieved it, and my destiny is controlled by myself. I didn't believe in hope or light before. But when you appeared, I really seemed to see the light."

Fuck!Is this a true confession?
Lin Youyou's eyes widened, she couldn't believe it.What's happening here?Isn't this style of painting right?

Maybe it's because the weather is not so good, everyone's mood is a little turbulent, and if you are not careful, you will start to hurt the spring and autumn, and miss the past.

"I really should go." Lin Youyou said to Murong Ye.

But he was still held back by Murong Ye.

Even if the place is the same place, the time is not the same time.

No, even at the same time, she, Lin Youyou, would not do this.Her choice was still obvious.

"Murong Ye, I'm very glad that what I did with little effort back then will help you so much." Lin Youyou said.

"Easy to do?" Murong Ye asked in disbelief.

"No matter who was that person at that time, who was your person who lived in this palace, if I saw it, I would tell him so. Seeing that person, I seemed to see myself at the beginning. I saw my own shadow in my body."

Lin Youyou said.

That's right, I just saw my own shadow in the dark.

Murong Ye was like a replica of himself.

(End of this chapter)

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