Chapter 1087 Emperor Si VS Dugumo [6]

Di Si suddenly realized that life without Dugu Mo's side is also very good, leisurely and contented, without having to face that cold face, but she still misses him very much, misses him very much.

The next day, she went out to look for a job. Although she had never worked before, she knew how to do it now. She still knew general secretarial work.

So she forged her ID card and graduation certificate to go for an interview, and ended up working as a secretary in a modest company.

Disi thinks it's good to go to work, at least she has something to do, she won't feel like a waste, and she's busy every day, so her head won't think of that bastard all the time.

Thinking of Dugu Mo, she was very angry, she left, he knew, but there was no phone call, what did he mean, did he always hope that she would leave his villa earlier.

Whenever she thinks of this, Disi's heart feels like a pinprick, so she works desperately, and when others are off work, she continues to work and keeps herself so busy.

"Mr. Mo, we have found out that Miss Disi is working as a secretary in the Liang Group."

In the office, the secretary reported to Dugu Mo, who nodded slightly and waved her to go out.

Dugu Mo hooked her thin lips, it seems that she really wants to leave him, but she started this game, so she can end it if she wants.

He turned on the phone, opened the photo album, there were many intimate photos of him and Di Si, he moved his fingers, and sent a few out.

Disi was working, when she heard the phone ringing suddenly, she opened the MMS, and suddenly her breathing froze.

There are three photos inside, one is her naked, one is Dugu silently kissing her lips, and the other is him kissing her chest.

Looking at these hot photos, Disi's face was full of shame and anger. This pervert even secretly took pictures of her while she was sleeping, and even took such lewd pictures.

Disi stared at the photo for a long time, put the phone in the drawer with a bang, and continued to work.

He can do whatever he wants, if he has the ability, he can just release the photo, if he dares to release it, she will never end with him.

Disi was in a bad mood all day, so at night, she locked herself in the secretary's room to work overtime. When Liang Min got off work, seeing that she was still there, she walked in, "Disi, why are you still not off work?"

"Mr. Liang, I still have some things I haven't dealt with properly." Di Si smiled faintly.

Liang Min looked at her and said with a gentle smile, "I'll deal with it tomorrow, go back to rest early." She didn't expect that since IO came back, her smile seemed to increase. She didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing, he How are you doing now?

After leaving IO, she cut off all contact with Li Jin, and never inquired about him. She thought that she would gradually forget about him.

"I'd better finish it!" Disi didn't want to go back, she would feel very lonely if she went back to that empty room.

"It's almost nine o'clock now, let's go! I'll take you back." Liang Min liked Di Si very much. She worked very hard when she came, rushing to do everything, and everything was organized in an orderly manner.

Seeing that Liang Min was so determined, Disi turned off the computer, picked up her bag and went downstairs with her.

"Mr. Liang, I'll take a taxi back by myself." Disi was embarrassed to let Liang Min see him off.

"It's so late, let me see you off!" Liang Min was worried that a girl like her would go to wait for the car so late.

Liang Min sent Di Si to the community where she lived, "Di Si, it's a coincidence that I live next to you."

(End of this chapter)

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