Chapter 389 The Second Identity of the Oriental Girl [4]

"Grandpa, don't worry, if Murong Wei still dares to harm our Dongfang family, I will burn his palace directly." Dongfang Bingwu clenched her fists and said domineeringly. Bandit, murder and set fire at every turn, ouch, she didn't do it on purpose, she also had to, in order to survive, she had to be so ruthless.

Only by being ruthless can she stand firm here and protect the people and homes she needs to protect!
Dongfang Rong couldn't help crying when he heard Dongfang Bingwu bandit's words, and he couldn't help praising her for her courage. The Dongfang family can produce such a descendant. He thinks he can explain to the old ancestors. It seems that he can also do some things. told her.

"Bing Wu, there are some things I don't know whether I should tell you." Dongfang Rong suddenly sighed, with a deep look on his old face.

Dongfang Bingwu frowned upon hearing her grandfather's tone, as if she knew he was about to say something important.

"Come with me!" Dongfang Rong glanced outside and walked towards his study.

Dongfang Bingwu and Dibeicheng exchanged glances and immediately followed.

"Grandpa, what do you want to tell us?" Dongfang Bingwu asked uncontrollably, and Dongfang Rong told her with a deep expression that it must be an important and amazing thing.

"Actually, this Dongchuan country originally belonged to our Dongfang family." Dongfang Rong clenched his fists with a hint of anger in his tone.

Dongfang Bingwu and Dibeicheng both showed surprise on their faces after hearing this. Dongchuan Kingdom belongs to the Dongfang family, which is a bit unbelievable.

Dongfang Rong stared at the window deeply, his old face was full of anger.

Back then, the Dongfang family fled to Xuantian Continent. At that time, the land was in chaos. There were no countries, only various alliances, and all forces were in turmoil.

The ancestor of the Dongfang family was a brave and aggressive person. Along the way, he met some heroes. Finally, everyone formed an alliance. After a few years, Xuanyu mainland was divided into four.

At that time, the alliance led by the ancestors of the Dongfang family won the land of Dongchuan country. In the end, he sat on the throne of Dongchuan country amidst the shouts. Therefore, another brother who led everyone to fight with him felt dissatisfied. He was named Murong. Yes, he's been plotting against him ever since.

The ancestor of the Dongfang family was also a shrewd person, so he naturally knew what he was thinking. At that time, because they were fighting together, he just turned a blind eye.

So in their generation, Dongchuan Kingdom still belonged to the Dongfang family. After the brother named Murong died, his descendants did not give up taking Dongchuan Kingdom under the name of Murong's family.

In this way, the descendants of the two war gods began to plot against each other, and in the end the Dongfang family still lost, and Dongchuan Kingdom fell into the hands of the Murong family from then on.

At that time, the imperial palace was destroyed, only the ancestors of Dongfang Rong's father's generation escaped, and ended up living among the people. They changed their name to Dongfang, but in fact, their last name was not Dongfang.

After Dongfang Bingwu heard what Dongfang Rong said, his eyes kept blinking, and his heart surged. In this way, even if he destroyed the palace, it would not be considered a wrong thing. Damn, this Dongchuan country was originally their Dongfang family. of!

It turned out that Murong's family were the robbers, and they even robbed Dongfang's property.

After knowing such news, Dongfang Bingwu said secretly in her heart, what a Murong family, when she finds Kunpeng and comes back, the first thing she will do is to destroy the Murong family.

(End of this chapter)

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