Chapter 975 The Story of the Emperor Phoenix [111]

During working hours the next day, Dihuang's face was full of happy smiles.

"Dihuang, what makes you so happy?" Female colleague No. [-] approached Dihuang and smiled.

"I know, it seems that Chief Li invited her to dinner last night." Female colleague No. [-] said slyly.

"Officer Li never invites me to dinner, Dihuang, did he send those roses?" Female colleague No. [-] asked curiously.

Listening to their words, Dihuang was about to speak when a cold voice interrupted her.

"What are you talking about here? Are you guys gossiping during work hours?" Liang Min walked up to the four of them with her arms folded and snorted coldly, especially when she looked at Dihuang, her eyes were even more icy cold.

Dihuang stuck out her tongue and admitted her mistake, "Mr. Liang, we were wrong, and we won't chat carelessly in the future."

"Come with me, I need you to do something." After Liang Min finished speaking, she turned and walked towards her office.

Dihuang looked at the three colleagues next to her and followed immediately. Dihuang had been busy for a whole day after that. Nest in the reference room.

She only slipped out when she got off work. Jun Fenghua wanted to take her out for dinner at noon, but she was afraid that she would not go for a long time, because Liang Min had sent a message that she had to tidy up before leaving get off work today.

When she returned to her office, Dihuang's back was sore.

"Dihuang, are you okay!" Female colleague No. [-] stepped forward and asked concerned, Dihuang smiled and shook her head to express that she was fine.

"Let me tell you, you'd better not mess with that Liang Min." Female colleague No. [-] said.

Dihuang blinked and said with a light smile, "I didn't mess with her..." She also saw that Liang Min seemed to be the one who asked her to sort out the information.

"You don't know! Liang Min likes Chief Li, she must have been jealous when you went to dinner with Chief Li yesterday." Female colleague No. [-] said in a low voice.

"Is that so?" Dihuang was stunned, then smiled slightly, "I will pay attention to it in the future."

She will not be alone with Li Jin in the future, lest her family Jun Fenghua be jealous, she will spend time coaxing, and offend Liang Min, she does not blame Liang Min, if someone goes to eat alone with Jun Fenghua, she probably will It will be the same mentality as her.

Sometimes the more you want to avoid something, the more it will find you. Dihuang felt it today. When she left the office, Li Jin suddenly appeared and stopped her, asking her to find a piece of information for him .

Dihuang wanted to shirk it, but seeing that other colleagues had left, she was a subordinate, and this matter was her responsibility, so she had no choice but to deal with it.

This process took more than an hour. When she sent the materials to Li Jin, he didn't let her go, and she was too embarrassed to leave. What if there was something wrong with the materials?The boss is so dedicated, is she going to run away first?
In the end, Li Jin gave her a faint smile, "The information is very good, thank you."

"Mr. Li, this is what I should do." Anyone would be happy to receive a compliment, and Dihuang is no exception.

"Let's get off work together!" Li Jin picked up the coat behind the chair, stood up and said calmly.

Dihuang was slightly stunned, and seeing him walking towards her, she had no choice but to nod and say yes, she wondered if Liang Min would make trouble for her again tomorrow, but if she made trouble again, she would not be an ostrich. Nothing happened.

PS: I recommend a friend's book, author: Ji Jin, the title of the book is "Capturing the Rich: Rejecting Favor and Escaping Wife and Playing Cheating", if you like it, you can go and read it~~~
(End of this chapter)

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