Chapter 1110 The danger of Zanzan, time waits for no one

So far, the six rescuers sent by the Ping family have all been captured alive.

Fortunately, Chu Yujiang and Ling Yun did not disgrace their lives.

And the person that Quan Hanting caught at the beginning, after being interrogated by Shen Yu and using the corpse as bait to lure the enemy into the bait, can finally be buried in the ground.


It is to ask useful news from these people!

Twelve people were detained in twelve interrogation rooms. Quan Hanting and Shen Yu split up and interrogated six people each. He took Ling Yun and Shen Yu took Chu Yujiang.

From early morning to dawn every day, the basement on the first floor is brightly lit.

In the daytime, super high-decibel noise was played, preventing everyone from falling asleep. Once someone was found to have fallen asleep during the surveillance, Ling Yun and Chu Yujiang would use the most painful methods to wake them up.

No one would be foolish enough to try, so they could only hold on to sleep!

In three days, some of the 12 people surrendered one after another.

On the fourth day, the hardest mouth was successfully pried open.

Shen Yu and Quan Hanting gathered the things they had reviewed, and finally came up with three useful pieces of information——

First, the Ping family has not completely avoided the world these years, and still maintains business contacts with the outside world, but the partners are single, and they are all "reliable allies" after careful selection.

Second, the descendants of the Ping family have mastered science and technology far beyond the modern level. They have the most gifted brains and amazing hands-on ability. No one except the direct descendants knows what incredible research results they possess.

Thirdly, the entrance of the direct descendants of the Ping family is in Qianshan Town, Southern Province!The mountains are stretching there, the climate is suitable, and because of the traffic congestion, few outsiders set foot there.


When Zan Zan's inspection report was faxed from P University Laboratory, and Shen Wei saw the data marked in red on it, she knew that she couldn't delay any longer.

"I'm going to the southern province." Not to discuss, but to tell Quan Hanting directly of her decision.

The man was not surprised by this, but he still advised her to calm down: "I agree, but wait until Mr. Zou's examination results come out, okay?"

Shen Yu's expression was cold and hard, which was caused by the tense muscles caused by extreme tension.

And the root cause of all this...

Quan Hanting took away the inspection report in her hand, glanced at the few red-marked data, and stabbed hard in the heart.

The intense pain made him almost suffocate.

The Ping family, Yan Jin, and the hidden man behind the scenes—all deserve to die!

"Sixth Master." Chu Yujiang came in from the outside, with the wind blowing under his feet, and seeing that Shen Yu was there, he nodded slightly at her.

"What did you find?"

He handed over a document: "This is a rigorous investigation, and the information shows that this identity has nothing to do with Jingping Yan's family."

It should be just a coincidence that they are all surnamed Yan.

While Quan Hanting looked through the documents, Shen Yu also browsed them. The investigation was very detailed, and the final result was indeed as Chu Yujiang said, this "strict" is not the other "strict".

With a click, Quan Hanting closed the document.

It means that this speculation has temporarily come to an end.

Only then did Chu Yujiang open his mouth to report the second matter: "The prisoners of the Ping family have all been dealt with, and those who should be resettled have been settled properly."

"Okay. Get ready. You should go to Nan Province soon."

Hearing this, Shen Yu couldn't help but startled: "Actually, you don't have to—"

"No need for anything?" Quan Hanting interrupted her: "Do you think I'll let you take risks alone?"

"Not alone, I will bring the second and third sons together."

Quan Hanting snorted coldly: "Don't think I don't know, these two people kidnapped you in the first place. Zanzan's current situation, they are also inseparable. If it weren't for the fact that the two of them were really loyal in the past three years, I will never allow them to stay by your side!"

Shen Wei was silent.

At the beginning, the second and third sons were used due to the situation. On the one hand, she was short of manpower, and on the other hand, she needed to get information about the Ping family from these two people.

Therefore, she promised to spare their lives.

Later, the two regarded her as the main one, and they really cared about things, so Shen Wei entrusted her with a heavy responsibility, and she was able to use it smoothly.

"But your body hasn't recovered yet..." Shen Yu frowned.

"The cold has been eradicated, the others are minor injuries, it doesn't matter."

Shen Yu didn't speak, which meant that she still didn't agree.

Quan Hanting sighed: "Wu Hou, I already owe my son too much, I can't be absent anymore, do you understand?"

After a while, she finally nodded: "...OK."

"Don't worry, I will bring Chu Yujiang and Ling Yun with me, and the third brother and Xiaoqi will stay and take care of Zanzan."

In addition to the ordinary sense of "care" and "nursing", the "care" here also means to protect Zanzan's safety.

He wasn't sure if this was a play to divert the tiger away from the mountain. If the other party wanted to attack Zan Zan, then their departure would give the other party an opportunity. Quan Hanting would not allow such a thing to happen!
In addition, he also contacted Zhan'ao, and his grandmother had dispatched a group of An's secret guards to relieve his worries.

"...So don't worry, Zanzan is safe staying in Jingping."

In this world, if even the An family can't protect someone, then no one can.

Quan Hanting arranged everything in an orderly manner, Chu Yujiang and Ling Yun each took orders, made preparations, and deployed in advance.

Everything is ready, just waiting for a definite result from Mr. Zou.

Two days later, Zou Lian came out from the basement.

"Young master's illness was indeed brought out in the womb. In terms of Chinese medicine, it is a congenital deficiency. The root cause of this deficiency comes from the father's body and the mother's body. On the one hand, Liu Ye's cold air invaded the body, and he was also exposed to laser radiation. , the disease-carrying gene will appear; on the other hand, the mother has been injected with drugs of unknown composition, and is pregnant in a very short period of time, resulting in residual drug components in the body and directly acting on the fetus."

"Uncertain factors from the father's body and the mother's body interact with each other. Under the balance of the two sides, the young master is lucky to live until now. As long as this balance is maintained and is not broken, there will be no danger of life. But the human body It's amazing that each cell reproduces and each organ operates according to its own rules, combined with external forces, environmental factors and other influences, no one can predict what trend will develop in the next second."

This is uncertainty.

Only by removing this uncertainty can we get rid of it once and for all, otherwise we will always be in fear.

Zou Lian: "The genetic changes caused by laser radiation are irreparable. From the moment the fertilized egg is formed, the genes have been determined and will not be changed by external forces. As for the impact... there are good and bad."

Genetic changes can only go in two directions—either for the better or for the worse.

More specifically, it may be manifested in superior IQ, excellent physical fitness, etc., and may even be accompanied by some special functions. Of course, this is very rare. Zou Lian's knowledge is only from book theory, and no specific cases have been seen so far. .

The mystery of genes, human beings' existing exploration is only the first step in the long march of thousands of miles.

"However, the low resistance caused by drugs can be cured, but the premise is to find out the ratio of drugs, so as to prescribe the right medicine."

Shen Yu and Quan Hanting looked at each other, and sooner or later, the Ping family would have to go.

The medicine comes from the Ping family, and the person who tied the bell must be untied.


"I'm very worried about Zanzan's current physical condition," Shen Yu handed the faxed document to Zou Lian, "Three high-risk indicators have appeared in the inspection report."

Mr. Zou took it and read it. It is true that he is good at Chinese medicine, but it does not mean that he does not understand Western medicine.

He roughly scanned the whole data, and waved his hand at Shen Wei: "Zan Zan's current balance is indeed in jeopardy, but it's not as serious as you imagined. After these two days of reading, listening and asking, I have roughly figured out his situation. As of now In other words, the drug in the little guy’s body has very little effect, and his resistance has not declined, so the red-marked data should be due to the effect of cold.”

"It just so happens that Liu Ye still has some leftover medicine. With the natural hot spring water, it is easy to control with traditional Chinese medicine. But I can only guarantee that his condition will be stable within a month. You should find the medicine from that year as soon as possible, without going into details. As for the ratio, as long as you bring back some raw medicine, you can analyze it by borrowing a machine."

In other words, Shen Yu and Quan Hanting have only been together for less than a month!
After Zou Lian finished what he should say, he turned and left.

He also has to prepare the little guy's medicine. Although it is the same medicinal material as Quan Hanting, due to their different physical conditions, the ratio and dosage will be adjusted accordingly.

As soon as he left, there were only two people left in silence.

After a while, Quan Hanting said calmly: "Leave the day after tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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