Chapter 245 Brother and Sister Rivalry
She is a rose with thorns, a poisonous lily of the valley, under her docile skin hides a powerful and ferocious soul.

But even so, it still has a fatal attraction.

Shen Qian doesn't dislike her like this, and even has a kind of excitement that is eager to try.

Shen Chunjiang changed his shoes and went to the living room——

"Aqian, since you took the initiative to mention this matter, then I would like to ask, what is your plan? Suddenly, if you say bankruptcy, you will go bankrupt. Didn't the board of directors discuss it before and wait for the acquisition?"

Shen Yu raised her eyes suddenly, and her sharp gaze hit Shen Qian directly.

The latter didn't look at her, and smiled elegantly: "Dad, sit down and talk."

Shen Chunjiang nodded, his expression softened slightly.

Shen Qian seemed to have just noticed Shen Wei, and said in a warm voice: "Wu Wan sits too."

It sounds harmless, as if the two hadn't had any unpleasantness before, and there wasn't any conflict.

When it comes to whitewashing the peace, no one does it better than him.

Shen Yu smiled lightly, with a bit of sarcasm, walked straight around him, walked to the other side of the Shen Chunjiang and sat down.

In this way, Shen Chunjiang is in the middle, and she and Shen Qian are on the left and right.

At first glance, it looks like a family portrait, but in fact, a tug-of-war is quietly kicking off——

Shen Qian: "Mingya has been losing money year after year, and it has become a burden for the group, so we can't keep it anymore. And waiting for the acquisition is far away, so we simply cut through the mess and declare bankruptcy directly."

Shen Wei: "Having said that, you can't ignore the possible losses in the process just because you want to be fast. You must know that bankruptcy and acquisition are two concepts. This is not just a matter of money, but also a matter of the face of the group. If it can't be handled properly, some ignorant outsiders will think that Mingda's internal problems will cause the subsidiary to go bankrupt, then... the gain outweighs the loss."

Shen Qian: "The outside world has no right to comment on internal decisions."

Shen Wei: "As a listed company, the group is obliged to disclose real information to the stock market."

Shen Qian: "It's just a small adjustment. I believe anyone with a discerning eye can see it. This is for the better development of the group."

Shen Wei: "Experts watch the way, and laymen watch the excitement. As you said, can you guarantee that every shareholder is a 'sighted person'?"

Shen Qian: "Make a big deal out of a molehill!"

Shen Wei: "Care for one but lose the other!"


Shen Chunjiang shouted coldly, and the whole world was quiet.

"Look at the two of you, brothers and sisters, facing each other, arguing, what do you look like?!"

Shen Qian's eyes flickered slightly, but his smile did not change, and he was determined.

Shen Hou was not as arrogant as him, she lowered her head the first time Shen Chunjiang got angry, looking like she was being taught, but her eyes were as cold as frost.

Unfortunately, the two men present did not see it.

"Wu Hou, you can consider many aspects and weigh the pros and cons. It seems that you have grown a lot during this time in Minya. Dad is very pleased." As he spoke, he reached out and touched the top of her hair as a sign of encouragement.

Shen Yu resisted the urge to knock off that hand, and sat obediently on the spot without moving.

I already guessed what he was going to say next in my heart, and I couldn't help curling the corners of my lips ironically, and sure enough——

"But Aqian is your elder brother, and he has more experience in this field than you. Therefore, guard against arrogance and impatience, and listen patiently to what he has to say. I believe you will benefit a lot from it."

"it is good."

Shen Chunjiang nodded in satisfaction, and after educating his daughter, he turned to his son again, "Ah Qian, I know you are not impulsive, tell me, what is the real reason why Ming Ya must go bankrupt?"

(End of this chapter)

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