Chapter 546 Killing Wolf City
After calming down, Chu Er also noticed that there were a few people around him.

These people are the ones who maintain the assessment area, and they are all from the City Lord's Mansion.

A cold sweat broke out in Chu Er's heart. He knew that if he really made a move just now, those people would definitely capture him in the end.

When the time comes, even his own young master will not say anything more.

After all, the selection this time was an order from the Holy City of the Hundred Sects Realm.

The owner of Qingping City, his young master may not take it seriously, but the holy city of Baizongjie is different.

It's not his young master who offended the holy city of the hundred sects, even his father, the master of the Xuanmen world, still can't afford to go around.

"let's go!"

In the end Chu Er took a hard look, Ye Yiming glanced at the closed door, and let out a low growl full of anger.

In the room, Ye Yiming frowned at the moment.

Although the matter of killing Chu San by himself exposed his aura, his current aura is a mixture of three layers of original power, coupled with the improvement of his realm, it is definitely different from the previous one.

From the breath alone, Chu Er could never be sure that he was the murderer of Chu San.

As for He Changqing, he did it even more cleanly, without leaving any clues, and I believe that Chu Er would not be able to find out either.

In other words, Chu Er came to find him, probably because of his previous conflict with Chu San.

However, after thinking for a while, Ye Yiming finally didn't care.

No matter what you do so much, anyway, you and the Chu family are already hostile, so it doesn't matter if there is any conflict again.And in this assessment area, Chu Er didn't dare to do anything to him.

Besides, there are not many days until the end of the assessment in Qingping City. At worst, I will not go out. Anyway, I am practicing by myself, and I am also practicing in the Kingdom of God.

After a while, several thoughts appeared in Ye Yiming's mind one after another, and finally he didn't care about them.

After instructing Bao Ling'er to pay attention to the movement here, Ye Yiming stepped into the Kingdom of God.


More than a month later, dozens of people surrounded the teleportation array area of ​​Qingping City. These were the god masters who passed the initial assessment, including Ye Yiming and Yue Xingwen.And the destination of this teleportation is Killing Wolf City, the main city of Killing Wolf Domain.

The first stage of the assessment has ended, and the next step is to enter the city of killing wolf for the second stage of assessment.

But at this moment, Ye Yiming felt a little depressed. What made Ye Yiming depressed was not other things, but the treasure house of blood.

At this time, Ye Yiming's realm was already the power of 120 rules, but Ye Yiming had consumed 2000 million divine power points to raise his fire rule power to the number of [-] rules.

But in the end, the final reward of the first layer of the blood treasure house made Ye Yiming laugh bitterly.

It's not that the rewards this time are not good, on the contrary, the rewards given by the Bloodline Treasure House this time are not only good, but also too good.

Divine Master Boundary Breaking Pill: This elixir is refined from the power of a large number of rules and countless precious medicinal materials. It has extremely powerful effects. Taking this pill can make people break through the barrier of the divine master in an instant. It has 190 nine rules. The realm of power, entering the realm of the power of two hundred rules.

After the power of the rules breaks through a hundred ways, that is, from the realm of the god master to the realm of the patriarch, every time the power of a hundred rules breaks through, that is, nine ways of 190, nine ways of 290... nine hundred and ninety-nine ways, when these breakthroughs, The difficulty of raising the realm is very high, it can be regarded as a barrier.

Among them, 290 nine paths break through from the god master to the realm of small perfection, and 99 paths break through from the small perfection to the realm of the patriarch. These two barriers are even more difficult to break through.

From this we can see how powerful this Boundary Breaking Pill is.

And it's not just the Boundary Breaking Pill, in addition to the Boundary Breaking Pill, there is also an Advanced Pill that breaks through the realm of Little Perfection.

Small Perfection Advanced Pill: This elixir is refined from a large number of rules and countless precious medicinal materials. It has extremely powerful effects. Taking this pill can smoothly break through and enter the small perfect realm.

very good, very powerful!

This kind of elixir is relatively rare in the world of three thousand gods, and it is also a very precious elixir.

But these have no effect on Ye Yiming, it is a waste for Ye Yiming to take these pills by himself.

God Master's Boundary Breaking Pill?

What's the use of that, Ye Yiming's breakthrough does not need any special pills at all, his breakthrough only needs divine power points.

However, the effectiveness of this Boundary Breaking Pill limits the divine power points it contains. A Divine Master Realm Boundary Breaking Pill is at most equivalent to 200 million divine power points.

And that little perfect advanced pill, although it contains a lot of divine power points, it is only 500 million points.

This made Ye Yiming's hope of speeding up his promotion with the reward of the blood treasure house all come to nothing.

It's not that there are other pills, but for Ye Yiming's current level of spiritual power, those are negligible.

This resulted in Ye Yiming's current divine power points being less than 500 million.

Well, at most it would add the power of five more rules.

In general, Ye Yiming is now poor again.

It was no wonder that Ye Yiming's face was quite depressed.

However, from Yue Xingwen's point of view, Ye Yiming was worried about the subsequent assessment, which made him comfort him.

But this made Ye Yiming even more depressed.

However, at this moment, Ye Yiming suddenly felt a murderous gaze.

Looking back, Ye Yiming found that it was Chu Er who was looking at him.

Seeing Ye Yiming looking at him, Chu Er opened his mouth, stroked his neck lightly with his right hand, and moved his lips.

From the shape of his mouth, Ye Yiming could clearly see that Chu Er was saying to himself: "You are dead!"

A trace of disdain flashed in his eyes, and Ye Yiming didn't look at Chu Er again, as Ye Yiming's current realm is only lower than Chu Er's power of seven or eight rules.

But if he made a move, Ye Yiming was sure that he would be killed within three moves.

However, a person beside Chu Er caught Ye Yiming's attention.

It was a divine master whose aura fluctuated with the power of more than 170 rules, and his appearance was somewhat similar to that of Chu Er. Needless to say, this person must be Chu Da, but Ye Yiming did not find Chu Fangtian's figure, This made Ye Yiming feel a little puzzled.

Seemingly aware of Ye Yiming's gaze, Chu Da, who had closed his eyes tightly, suddenly opened them and looked at Ye Yiming.

With this glance, Chu Da used some kind of means to shoot out an inexplicable and invisible regular power from his eyes, which instantly shot out to Ye Yiming's eyes, and then passed through Ye Yiming's eyes to reach the depths of Ye Yiming's heart.

With a soft hum in his heart, this inexplicable and invisible power of rules was instantly dispelled by Ye Yiming.

But at this moment, Ye Yiming's vigilance towards Chu Da soared to the highest level in an instant.

So insidious!

Ye Yiming was furious when he thought of the invisible force of rules just now with a hint of order to make him surrender and timidly.

Especially after Chu Da finished all this, he smiled kindly at himself, which made Ye Yiming even more furious.

But at the same time, Ye Yiming also understood in his heart that this Chu University is not simple.

It has been heard for a long time that this Chu University was taught by Chu Fangtian a unique knowledge of their Chu family because of his excellent aptitude, so it seems that this matter is not casually talked about.

At this time, Yue Xingwen also noticed Chu Er and Chu Da's unfriendly eyes on Ye Yiming, so he asked Ye Yiming, "What's wrong?"

"It's okay!" Ye Yiming shook his head lightly, without answering anything.

Yue Xingwen frowned, looked at Chu Da and Chu Er again, and wanted to say something again, but at this moment, a loud voice suddenly sounded.

"Attention all personnel, the teleportation will start now!"

Do you want to send it?
Yue Xingwen's heart skipped a beat. After this was interrupted, he didn't say anything to Ye Yiming.

Suddenly the whole ground shook slightly, and then the teleportation array began to light up slowly.

With a flash of light, Ye Yiming and the dozens of people disappeared in an instant.

This time, the distance from Qingping City to Killing Wolf City was beyond Ye Yiming's imagination.

In Shi Lao's words, that is the distance to teleport dozens of immortal worlds.

But to Ye Yiming's surprise, it took only a few breaths before it was teleported.

With a flash of white light, Ye Yiming's eyes lit up, and then he saw the scene of a sea of ​​people, but what surprised Ye Yiming the most was that when he left the teleportation array, Ye Yiming immediately felt a vast and regular force gushing out from the depths of the earth. out.

Such a strong power of rules!
Ye Yiming's heart was shocked, and then he looked at the huge and invisible city in front of him, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

This is the city of killing wolves?

The billowing white clouds in the high sky are surging, but as long as you feel it carefully, you can find that they are not ordinary white clouds, but the power of rules is extremely strong. the white clouds.

In addition, the entire city was filled with killing intent.

This is not a killing intent towards anyone in particular.

This killing intent made Ye Yiming feel that it was an unyielding killing intent facing the sky.

Soaring to the sky, amazing and resolute!
At this moment, Ye Yiming was completely conquered by the scene in front of him.

Not only him, but everyone who was teleported at this moment has almost such an expression on their faces.

In front of such a city, everyone feels as small as an ant.

"All the divine masters who hold the assessment tokens and are preparing to participate in the second stage of the assessment will all enter the secret realm. The rest of them will all withdraw and wait outside!"

Suddenly, a majestic and loud voice came from the city of Killing Wolf, like a god in the sky, unfathomable.

In a word, it immediately opened the prelude to the second stage of assessment.

The originally quiet crowd immediately erupted into a clamor.One after another human figures flickered immediately, rushing towards the teleportation array marked with the entrance to the wild beast secret realm.

(End of this chapter)

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