Chapter 572

"My master went to find something. She asked me to reach the rank nine master state as soon as possible, and then go out to practice and protect Huazong." Xue Menghan said, "He said... the sky is going to change."

Ye Xingchen's eyes twitched when he heard the words, and he was shocked in his heart. What did Yun Tianyu mean by changing the sky?
Let Xue Menghan reach the ninth rank of Grandmaster, and then go to Huazong to protect Huazong?
"Could it be the Heavenly Demon?" Ye Xingchen thought of the Heavenly Demon in an instant.

"Now I have reached the Grand Master Realm of Rank Six. Before leaving, the master left me some precious medicine, which will allow me to quickly reach the Grand Master Realm of Rank Nine." Xue Menghan continued.

Ye Xingchen temporarily put aside the thoughts in his mind, and nodded slowly.

Yun Tianyu's strength must be so powerful that it will shake the soul, and the treasure medicine he left behind is definitely a peerless treasure, and Xue Menghan has an innate wind spirit body, so he can practice very quickly.

"Um, why did you tell me this?" Suddenly, Ye Xingchen thought of this and asked directly.

"Because you recognized my flowers blooming and falling." Xue Menghan said.

Ye Xingchen was stunned, and immediately looked at Xue Menghan. At this moment, Xue Menghan actually had a trace of tenderness in his eyes.

Ye Xingchen hurriedly averted his eyes, and stopped looking at Xue Menghan. Could it be that after seeing her real face once, he wanted to make a promise with his body?Ye Xingchen thought to himself.


Suddenly, Ye Xingchen screamed, and Xue Menghan kicked him directly off the cliff and fell on the mountain peak.

Ye Xingchen hugged his butt and yelled loudly, "Xue Menghan, why did you sneak attack me?"

"Who made your head full of wild thoughts?" Xue Menghan snorted softly, put on the bamboo hat, and disappeared on the cliff in an instant with a movement of her figure.

Seeing the back of Xue Menghan leaving, Ye Xingchen left the mountain angrily and returned to the inner courtyard.

After returning to the inner courtyard, Shen Yulong happened to come out from the pavilion. When he saw Ye Xingchen, Shen Yulong greeted Ye Xingchen directly.

Afterwards, Ye Xingchen went directly into the pavilion. Hearing what Xue Menghan said today, he was very worried about the Ye family in Huntian City, so only when he is strong can he be qualified to protect the Ye family.

"By the way, I won 100 million spiritual points, go to the spiritual value hall to see what good things there are." Ye Xingchen suddenly thought.

Immediately, Ye Xingchen swam in the wind and went directly to the Spirit Value Hall.

The spiritual value hall in the inner courtyard is different from that in the outer courtyard. Among the spiritual value halls in the inner courtyard, many of them are not available in the outer courtyard, and most of them are very precious.

It was only after Ye Xingchen entered the Spiritual Value Hall that he realized that his 100 million spiritual value was really not enough to buy anything. In this spiritual value hall, most of them started with 100 million spiritual values.

"The artistic conception of the wind volume, 300 million spiritual points."

"Fire artistic conception comprehension volume, 500 million spiritual points."

"Demigod fruit, 800 million spiritual points."


Ye Xingchen felt dizzy when he saw that there were millions of spirit value items on the shelves.

But thinking that after seven days, there will be 500 million spiritual points in the account, Ye Xingchen's mood has been instantly happy.

"Let's see what you need first. If you don't have enough spiritual points, you can buy them after you earn the spiritual points." Ye Xingchen said.

Afterwards, Ye Xingchen began to look at the things in the Hall of Spirit Values. First of all, Ye Xingchen ignored the weapons. Although the weapons here are very precious, the best ones are top-grade spiritual treasures, not even semi-real ones.

Secondly, Ye Xingchen also ignored the exercises. Most of the exercises here are yellow-level exercises, and Ye Xingchen doesn't need them for the time being.

When Ye Xingchen came to the precious medicine shelf, his eyes were glistening. There are many precious medicines here, but the price is also very high.

"Soul Grass..."

"Blue Rain Flower..."

Ye Xingchen saw a lot of precious alchemy herbs and many precious medicines, but when Ye Xingchen was laughing, he suddenly saw something out of the corner of his eye that shocked him.

On the shelf next door, there was only one thing on the huge shelf. This thing was an illusory mass of gas, contained in a bottle.

"1000 million spiritual value?"

When Ye Xingchen saw the price tag under the small bottle, he took a deep breath. This was the most expensive thing he had seen in the Spirit Value Hall.

Ye Xingchen was instantly attracted by the small bottle, and he carefully watched the introduction on the small bottle.

A small air mass actually has a single shelf, and the price is so high?

But after Ye Xingchen carefully read the introduction on the small bottle, he didn't think the price was too high.

At this moment, Ye Xingchen's heart was full of turmoil. It is really against the sky that there are such treasures in the Spirit Value Hall.

The introduction on the small bottle said that the gray air mass inside this small bottle is an air mass extracted from a real weapon, and this air mass can make any two semi-real weapons blend together without any trouble.

A real weapon, that is a legendary real weapon, and this air mass is actually extracted from a real weapon.

Just when Ye Xingchen was shocked, a staff member suddenly walked up to Ye Xingchen and said loudly: "Every student will be as shocked as you when they see this introduction."

"This air mass is indeed extracted from the real weapon, but it is just a broken real weapon, so the effect of this air mass is reduced, and it can only be used to fuse the half-truth." The staff introduced.

Ye Xingchen nodded, even if it is a real weapon that is incomplete, it is definitely an existence that surpasses a half-real weapon.

Ye Xingchen worked hard to control his mood, staring straight at the small bottle on the shelf.

If I get this air mass, can I fuse the Qingtian Sword with the Soul Refining Sword?After the two half-truths are fused, will they be promoted to the real level?
Thinking of this, Ye Xingchen's face was full of smiles, and he was very excited.

"A long time ago, a master of the academy brought it back from the outer courtyard. Every student was shocked when they saw it, but none of them were willing to buy it." The staff continued.

That's true, even if this air mass has the effect of fusing semi-true weapons, but looking at the entire Fengling Academy, both inside and outside the academy, except for Ye Xingchen, a freak who has two semi-real weapons, other students, even if they are as strong as the first dragon and phoenix tablet. One's Xiao Feng, probably not?

Of course, Ye Xingchen didn't know if Xiao Feng had it, he was just guessing, maybe Xiao Feng had a great chance, maybe he got one.

In short, even if there is a strong person who has a semi-true weapon, it is impossible to have two at the same time like Ye Xingchen.

Without two semi-true weapons, this air ball is of course not attractive to them. No one is willing to fuse their semi-true weapons with the best Lingbao, they would rather not.

"Since no one is buying it, is the price of 1000 million yuan too expensive?" Ye Xingchen asked in a low voice.

The staff member shook his head and said, "This is the decision of the high-level college. Even if no one buys it, the price cannot be lowered."

After the staff finished speaking, they left slowly, leaving Ye Xingchen alone.

"It's very suitable for me. I want to earn spiritual points quickly to buy it." Ye Xingchen looked at the small bottle and muttered to himself.

This air mass is called Fusion True Qi, and Ye Xingchen has already planned to earn spiritual points to buy it, when the time comes to fuse Soul Refining Sword and Qingtian Sword.

Afterwards, Ye Xingchen left the Hall of Spiritual Values, and then went straight back to Pavilion No. 20.

"In these seven days, I want to stabilize my realm as soon as possible. After seven days, I can get 500 million spiritual points by defeating Qi Xinzhi. Adding the current 100 million, it's only 600 million. It's not enough." After Ye Xingchen returned to the pavilion, he sat down cross-legged , muttering to himself.

Afterwards, Ye Xingchen didn't think too much about it, and directly entered the practice.

The attraction of fused zhenqi to Ye Xingchen was too great. Ye Xingchen was already imagining that after getting fused zhenqi, he would fuse two and a half real weapons.

Although after fusion, the fused weapon cannot be turned into a real weapon, but at least it is the best among semi-real weapons.

As Ye Xingchen started practicing, there was an uproar in the inner courtyard. They were all shocked when they learned of the battle between Ye Xingchen and Qi Xinzhi.

"This Ye Xingchen can't rest at all. First he defeated Lin Yunxiang, and now he dares to challenge Qi Xinzhi, the No. 13 powerhouse of the Dragon and Phoenix Monument. It's really ignorant."

"That's right, Qi Xinzhi's strength is high. I heard that he has recently successfully advanced to Rank Nine Grandmaster Realm, surpassing Lin Yunxiang by many blocks."

"I heard that Qi Xinzhi wanted to challenge Ye Xingchen, but Ye Xingchen agreed arrogantly."

"Where is the location?"

"It is said that seven days later, it will be on the Xinsheng Square in the outer courtyard. We should go out and have a look at that time."

Not only the students in the inner court were discussing the battle between the two, but even the outer court was buzzing. After all, Ye Xingchen and Qi Xinzhi were both students on the Dragon and Phoenix Monument, and they were never seen at all.

And when the whole Fenglingyuan was buzzing, in a hidden thatched hut in the inner courtyard, a spoiled old man looked at the inner courtyard of Fenglingyuan with a trace of anger on his face.

"Hmph, Ye Xingchen, I'll let you live a little longer. You're jumping so fast now that you won't be able to cry when the time comes."

The ruined old man was the one who smashed Ye Xingchen's nine puppets and wanted to kill Ye Xingchen.

Ever since he received Lin Qingxian's warning, the old man did not dare to attack Ye Xingchen any more, and stayed in his thatched hut, paying close attention to Ye Xingchen's every move no matter what.

Moreover, he had already planned in secret and figured out a way to deal with Ye Xingchen.

Ye Xingchen is too evil, spoiling the old man does not want Ye Xingchen to grow up, and when Ye Xingchen grows up, it will definitely pose a threat to him.

And based on his relationship with Ye Xingchen, Ye Xingchen will definitely regard him as the first target. For the sake of his nephew Bai Xuantong, he will completely kill Ye Xingchen in the cradle.

"Hmph, the dean can't come out in the thunder field. Except for Lin Qingxian's background which makes me afraid, no one in the Fengling Academy can stop me."

(End of this chapter)

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