Chapter 235

Xiao Jiang was immediately annoyed. "I asked you just now, if you stole it from the cafeteria, why didn't you admit it. Now that the evidence is solid, you have to admit it, don't you?"

Gu Maimai raised her cheeks, talking loudly. "Uncle Wei, please listen carefully. I have never stolen it, and I have not admitted that I stole it. I borrowed it. I need a big white pot for labor, so I borrowed it from the cafeteria."

"You are a young child, but you are very good at sophistry. You don't talk about stealing, but about borrowing." The guard felt that he couldn't explain this little girl, and his tongue was tied in anger.

Gu Sijia was on the side, very happy to make up the knife. "I just said she was stealing. She's been quibbling all the time. You don't believe me, so why don't you let her go? Now that I know what I said is true, isn't she full of lies?"

Gu Maimai glared at Gu Sijia. "..."

Gu Sijia continued to provoke. "Why are you staring at me? If you stare at me, it's not you who stole it?"

Gu Maimai ignored this idiot and continued to emphasize with the guard. "I did not steal. Why do you want me to admit that I did? Can borrowing and stealing be the same concept?"

The guard gnashed his teeth. "Then why didn't you admit that the pot belonged to the cafeteria when we first asked you?"

Gu Mai asked. "When did you ask if this pot belonged to the cafeteria? You said I stole it from the beginning, but I can only tell you that I didn't steal it. Is there something wrong?"

The pickets were so questioned that they kept their mouths shut. This kid's verbal skills are really good and impeccable. They really didn't ask 'is this pot from the cafeteria'.

Wang Baogui said to the head of affairs at this time. "Purser, I really lent this pot to Gu Maimai. In fact, I also want to report to you first, and then wait for approval. But you are not here. I think I can deal with some small things first, and then I will talk to you later. You reported it."

The purser frowned, "Why did you lend the pot to this kid?"

Wang Guigui said with a smile. "Because this little girl has to serve some sick female workers, some girls seem to have stomachaches often, and then they boil some medicine for these female workers to adjust their bodies. I heard that this is a good thing, and this pot It was originally in the factory area, but now it’s not out of the factory area, so there’s no reason not to borrow it. In particular, isn’t it always unusable, and just put the ashes there?”

When the purser heard this, it made sense. "Okay, it's all for women workers, we have to support this! This pot is right to borrow!"

Wang Guigui breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately saluted. "Thank you Chief Purser."

Followed by the purser and discussed with the guard. "I don't think this matter is a big problem. We also agreed to borrow it. Is this little girl okay? Let's forget about this matter?"

The guard here doesn't want to just let it go, since it has been proved that the pot belongs to the cafeteria, the problems in it must be investigated carefully.In particular, they must establish the strength of their own department for defense, so how can they just forget it. "No, we must have evidence to prove that Wang Baogui and the little girl did not collude with each other to steal, so we can release him."

"Ah?" Wang Baogui's legs went limp again.

Gu Maimai is also going crazy, but she also understands the conflicts between departments, the security side... must reflect the strength of the security department, or their department will lose any sense of authority?Isn't leadership in vain?

 At the end of Chapter 256, it has been slightly changed, please read it again!
(End of this chapter)

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