Chapter 385 Competition 1
Gu Siyu blushed. "I enjoy catching, not eating!"

"Why don't you admit what a man said? No way." Gu Maimai continued to despise this younger brother.

"I have the guts." Gu Siyu yelled unconvinced, then picked up a cicada, and stuffed it into his mouth.

The "咔嚓咔哩" started to eat, and the more you chewed, the more fragrant it became, and the eyes opened wider and wider.

Gu Mai asked with a smile. "How is it? Is it delicious?"

Gu Siyu nodded desperately, as if he had eaten the most delicious thing in the world. "Mmm, um, delicious!"

Before he finished speaking, he took another cicada, and started to eat it again, like a child eating sugar balls, eating one by one continuously!
Seeing that his younger brother ate too much, Gu Maimai clapped his hands. "Enough is enough. You can't eat such a delicious thing alone, and keep it for everyone to share."

"Oh!" Gu Siyu reluctantly stopped to eat cicadas, and then continued to gather around, looking at the golden yellow food.

Zhao Yuhao said with a smile. "If everyone likes to eat it, I will stick to it every day in the future, and then we can eat more!"

Gu Mai pouted. "Your idea is good, but this stuff is a waste of oil. If we keep eating it, the oil bottle will bottom out at the end of the month."

Delicious things really can't be eaten every day, but you can still eat them every day.

Zhao Yuhao thought about it. "Then I'm just trying to figure out a way to see if there is a new method that doesn't require so much oil and still tastes good."

Gu Maimai patted Zhao Yuhao on the shoulder. "Okay, I'll leave this matter to you, I believe you can handle it well!"

Zhao Yuhao nodded seriously as if he was younger than Gu Maimai.Then, he reacted. "You are not as old as me, don't always treat me as a little brother!"

Gu Mai smiled. "My sister has a relatively high IQ, so you can only be my younger brother. Don't argue with me about this."

Zhao Yuhao's mind was full of black lines, and he really felt insulted. "My IQ is not low, and I am still No.1 in our whole age."

It's not that Gu Maimai wants to take advantage of Zhao Yuhao, but she really has no way to treat him as her brother, isn't she just a child. "Since you are not convinced, let's have a competition. If you win, you will be my brother from now on, but if you lose, you will call me sister from now on, and you will be my brother."

Zhao Yuhao has never lost a competition with anyone, and the other party is still a little sister, it is even more impossible for him to lose. "Okay, you can ask."

Gu Maimai thought for a while, and then seriously reminded: "Then I will ask you a question, listen carefully, the question is, you can do it, I can do it, everyone can do it; one person can do it, two people can't do it together , what is this for?"

Zhao Yuhao was stunned. "What's the problem?"

Isn't it a question like how much is 324 multiplied by 71?Isn't this a question that should be tested?
Gu Mai smiled. "This is the problem. If you don't understand, I can repeat it again. You can do it, I can do it, everyone can do it; one person can do it, two people can't do it together, what is this?"

Zhao Yuhao thought about it. "It's carrying water."


"Carrying water is carried by one person, two people can't carry it." Zhao Yuhao said.

Gu Maimai did not directly refute his answer, but called Gu Siyu instead. "Come on, let's carry water together."

(End of this chapter)

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