Chapter 780

Before, she had already inquired about the shipping cost. The cheapest one was 200 yuan. She said that 150 yuan could be shipped. He must have no objection.

"That's good. I asked. The cheapest one is 200 yuan." He Beichen said.

Gu Mai said excitedly. "Really? I thought my friend was lying to me. That 150 yuan is cheap, so I'm happy."

"Your friend is very interesting. It's 50 cheaper. Let's go, we'll send the things over there right away." He Beichen said.

Gu Mai smiled. "You don't need to trouble yourself. My friend has already shipped all our goods. He happened to drive here and is going back to the capital soon. I asked him to take the goods away first. But don't worry, others are very happy. Well, there must be no problem."

Well, there must be no problem, because she packed all the goods into the space.

He Beichen trusts Gu Maimai very much, if she says there is no problem, then there must be no problem. "I didn't expect us to go so smoothly, and the things could be shipped back immediately."

"Yes, I also think it went surprisingly smoothly. Does this mean that we will definitely make money?"

"Well, it will definitely go well. When we get home, we'll find a place to sell our things."

"Yeah, we can go to the square, there are a lot of people coming and going."


Gu Maimai has imagined the scene of walking around the streets and selling things countless times.


They were catching the first train the next day, heading back to the capital.

It was already the morning of the third day when we arrived in the capital, and because we didn't bring the keys, Gu Mai came home and knocked on the door for a long time, but no one came to answer the door, so he was not at home.

So she had no choice but to go to He Beichen, both of them were sleepy, they fell asleep directly head to head.

By the time they wake up, it will be past ten o'clock in the evening.

Gu Maimai opened his eyes, and saw He Beichen looking at him with piercing eyes. "...What are you looking at?" His eyes were burning, and he was embarrassed to stare at her.

He Beichen didn't dodge either, and gently stroked her eyes with his fingertips. "It's beautiful, it's twinkling."

"Of course she's beautiful." Gu Maimai said confidently.

He Beichen smiled. "..."

Gu Maimai looked at him with her chin propped up. "Honestly, what do you like more about me, is it my beauty or my personality?"

He Beichen said. "I just like you."

"I know you like me, but I want to know what you like about me!"

He Beichen said. "character."

Gu Mai was a little unhappy. "Then don't you like that I am beautiful? Don't you find that I am beautiful?"

"..." He Beichen looked at her without answering.

"Why don't you say it? Don't I look good in your eyes?"

"No, you are beautiful!" He Beichen said.

Gu Mai didn't have any confidence anymore. "I'm really pretty? You're not lying to me."

"Of course you're beautiful. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, because I like you. No matter how ugly you are, I still think you are pretty." He Beichen said.

"..." Gu Maimai was on the verge of crying.What does this mean?Didn't you say she was ugly?

She can hear this.

He Beichen also comforted her. "So you have to be confident now, no matter what others say, you have to know that you are really the most beautiful one in my eyes, and no one can replace you."

"..." Gu Maimai burst into tears.

"Do you understand?" He Beichen asked again.

(End of this chapter)

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