Chapter 260 Let's see who is ruthless!
After lunch, Lu Xiangsheng, Yang Guozhu, Hu Dawei, Xuanfu Counselor Zhang Yan and others delivered the iron masks for Wang Dou.

There are more than [-] pairs in total, and Wang Dou just assigned them to the firecrackers of Wen Fangliang who took over the defense line.These firecrackers were in high spirits, holding their iron masks and looking left and right, and then each of them put them on.Immediately, a group of evil spirits from the Palace of Hades appeared in front of Wang Dou. They stared at each other, only their dull hip-hop sounds came from behind the mask.

All the gunfire soldiers generally felt that it was difficult to see things after wearing the mask, and their reactions were much slower, but no one took it off.In the battle in the morning, the Tazi soldiers only shot at people in the face, and many of the brothers were always hit by arrows. The tragedy made them secretly terrified.

Now it’s all right, with iron masks, and eight-petal iron helmets on everyone’s heads (the outer edge is wide, a bit similar to the helmets of the British Army in World War II. For details, see the helmet style in Andy Lau’s "Three Kingdoms: Seeing the Dragon Unloading Armor", which is similar to the eight-petal helmets. The hat and iron pointed helmet are very similar.) Put on the chain mail inside the body, then put on the fine iron breastplate, and finally put on the warm red cotton wool coat, then you will be safe.

In Wang Dou's army, including the heavy soldiers, the whole army has excellent armor, which is considered luxurious in the Ming army.

At this time, most of the Qing army, which had not moved for a long time two miles away, finally moved. Amidst the sound of horns, their chariot flags were pushed densely again.Surrounded on three sides, it was as dark as an ocean with no end in sight.

Lu Xiangsheng's Central Military Headquarters issued an order for the entire army to be on guard, and Wang Dou's Central Military Headquarters also issued an order. Wen Fangliang's men, who were warming up behind the earthen wall and making a scene, quickly lined up and began defense preparations before the fierce battle.

The Shun Township Army trained strictly and responded quickly. Soon, Wen Fangliang led the army to stand ready.

He has three commanders under his command, and each commander has two teams of firecrackers, led by the deputy commander of each commander.Each general will lead the spearmen and sword and shield soldiers in the chief, and stand behind the firecrackers for defense.There are nearly a thousand soldiers of firecrackers, pikemen, and swords and shields in the three generals, and densely packed armored warriors are lined up behind the earthen wall.

All the troops are dressed in red cotton wool coats and red cotton wool cloaks, an exciting fiery red color.

Behind these soldiers, Wen Fangliang led his own guards, and the department did not accept them at night. The town officials, the standard-bearer golden drum soldiers, and nearly 200 people, together with the general supply team of Qianzong, commanded the battle in the military headquarters of Qianzong.He sent out a series of orders, and there was a lot of noise in the formation.

The town officials of the Ministry led the patrol flags and began to patrol for defense.If the general defense lines are insufficient, the sergeants are timid, etc., the town governor has the right to severely punish them on the spot.Relevant responsible officers will also be severely punished.

The deputy chiefs of the various headquarters continued to issue orders to ask the firecrackers of each team to check the loading of the gunpowder in their own gunpowder. Except that the matchlock was not ignited, the rest of the gunpowder had to be loaded now.The team officers and team lieutenants of each team also carefully checked the situation of the sergeants in their teams.

The Shun Township Army's various war regulations have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the usual training is strict, so that one level is higher than the other, so that Wang Dou can command the army as easily as he can.In his army, it can be said that he does not need any famous generals, he only needs to fight safely according to the regulations.


Just like in the morning, when the Qing army marched another half mile, on the high platform inside the Shunxiang Army's defense line, the five Hongyi six-pound guns of the Dubiao Battalion fired again, and the shells whistled past.

Drawing on the experience of the artillery of the Shunxiang Army, the team officer of the artillery team ordered several artillery salvos of his own every time.Every time five big iron balls and dozens of small iron bullets roared out at the same time, the results of the shelling were more significant than in the morning.The Qing army was in a mess and suffered heavy casualties.

The Qing soldiers were protected by shield vehicles and had experience in avoiding the artillery fire of the Ming army in the morning, but the iron balls flying around and the bloody stumps they brought out still caused waves of commotion among them.

When they entered within one mile, there were loud thunderclaps from three sides of the Xuanda camp, and smoke billowed everywhere.A nest of fronts with a range of one mile, a hundred tigers running together and other big rockets roared away again, forming a rain of arrows that covered the sky and covered the earth.

Compared with the arrows shot by manpower, most of the soldiers in the first few rows of the formation are threatened, and the rockets fly high and deep, no matter whether the front row or the back row are unavoidable.Rockets are also famous for flying randomly. You don't know whether it is flying straight or turning, or coming from the sky. The direction is unpredictable and everyone is in danger.

Moreover, the sound of rocket launches is like thunder, and horses with poor mental quality often jump in surprise and are unwilling to move forward.

However, with the experience of the morning, these Qing soldiers who attacked, each of them tried to find some protective objects on their bodies and hands.Therefore, these waves of rocket shooting, apart from alarming many Qing army horses, did not cause too many casualties.

Hundreds of tigers ran together and waited for the big rockets to shoot. Not long after, there was an even more violent sound from the Xuanda camp. It was the bombardment and firing of the three-faced Buddha wolf machine guns, flying guns, flying knives, flying swords and other rockets. Many horses of the Qing army It was a violent commotion.

Facing the heavy rain of artillery and rockets from the Xuan Da army, the Qing army finally approached about [-] steps in front of the three-sided formation, and stopped still.Moreover, their waves of chariots were separated further apart, apparently to avoid the artillery fire at the gaps behind the earthen wall.

Seeing them standing there for a long time, Xuan Da's sergeant was puzzled, Wang Dou stood on the high platform of the Shun Township Army's Central Military Headquarters, and also guessed the intention of the Qing soldiers: "Could it be..."

Soon the answer was revealed, and there was a lot of noise and crying from the Qing soldiers, and then a large group of Ming people were whipped and driven to come.They were men and women, old and young, all in ragged clothes, carrying dirt loads, resisting mud bags and other objects, and staggering on their feet.After a while, the Qing soldiers behind them whipped them wildly and knocked them to the ground.

Seeing them getting closer, Wen Fangliang's blunderbuss soldiers were dumbfounded, and Zhao Xuan also stared blankly at the people, not knowing what to do.Xuanda's defense lines on both wings also fell silent, obviously encountering the same situation.

The Qing soldiers escorted the captured people to attack the city. Wang Dou had encountered it in Shunxiangbao, but the situation is different now.He summoned Wen Daxing, the head of Ye Bu Shou Bai, who was beside him, to his eyes, and ordered in a low voice: "Get ready, you will lead Ye Bu Shou to attack later, and catch more slaves and come back."

Wen Daxing accepted the order in a solemn voice, and immediately ordered his subordinates to get ready, everyone prepared their horses, weapons and ropes.

Then Wang Dou hurried to look for Lu Xiangsheng, but he saw that Lu Xiangsheng came over in a hurry, his face sinking like water.Beside him, Yang Guozhu and Hu Dawei, who looked hurried, were obviously two wings of defense. They also encountered the same situation, and they came here to report to Lu Xiangsheng.

When Lu Xiangsheng, Wang Dou and others came behind the earthen wall, the people were whipped and came only a few dozen steps away from the first low wall and ditch. You could see the desolate and fearful expressions on their faces.Through the back of those common people, you can also see the Qing soldiers dodging behind them.They kept shouting and cursing, raising the whips in their hands from time to time, and every time the whip was lowered, a rain of blood was formed.The curses and shouts of those beaten people were even more desolate.

Seeing this situation, Wang Dou, Lu Xiangsheng and the others were extremely resentful. Wang Dou said in a deep voice, "Minister, if you don't disperse these people, our Xuanda Camp is in danger of being breached."

Lu Xiangsheng shook his head sadly: "How can this governor have the heart to attack the people?"

Yang Guozhu and Hu Dawei looked at each other with anxious expressions. If they encountered this situation alone in the army, they would have ordered the firing of guns.But with Lu Xiangsheng in front, who would dare to bear the consequences of massacring the common people?
Hu Dawei suddenly said: "At the end of the day, I will see that those people are thick and strong, and they are most likely dressed as slaves and thieves. It's no harm to kill them."

Lu Xiangsheng shook his head, he knew at a glance whether those common people were disguised by the Qing army.Unlike the generals, he didn't care about the imperial censor's impeachment, but he couldn't bear to attack the people.But if you don't have the heart to attack the people, what if they add ditches?

Yang Guozhu said: "Perhaps we can select soldiers with excellent archery and archery skills to shoot and kill the slaves and prevent them from approaching."

Having said that, he sighed, this method can be said to have little effect and no effect.

Lu Xiangsheng clenched his teeth and wanted to order to fire several times, but held back.

The common people timidly leaned forward and would soon reach the front of the trench.The densely packed Ming army artillery and blunderbuss in front of them made them terrified.A woman seems to be a lady from a certain place, with a beautiful appearance, but at this time her hair is disheveled and her appearance is extremely haggard.

Naturally, a woman as beautiful as her could not escape the ravages of the Qing army.She was only wearing a thin underwear, shivering in the cold wind.She was a woman with small feet, struggling to hold a bag of soil with both hands, with a numb expression, and staggered forward.

Suddenly she staggered and fell to the ground, and a Qing soldier behind her whipped her head and face with a whip, and she rolled on the ground crying bitterly.

She shouted: "Tartar who killed a thousand swords, you kill me..."

"……Kill me……"

Her mournful voice spread far and wide, and everyone who heard it wept.

Wang Dou came out more and more, and shouted to the outside of the wall: "The elders and sisters outside, the left and right are dead, it is better to fight with the Tartars. I, Wang Dou, the guerrilla general of Baoan Prefecture in Xuanfu Town, assure you that after the war, I will definitely fight against the Tartars." Set up a temple for you to sacrifice! I, Wang Dou, promise you that I will kill more Tartar soldiers and avenge you."

He shouted to Wen Fangliang beside him: "Get ready to fire."

Wen Fangliang said in a low voice: "General."

Wang Dou said sharply, "Get ready."

Wen Fangliang gave the order, and immediately the firecrackers in the front row behind the earthen wall got ready, lit the matchlock of the firecracker in their hands, and aimed the black muzzle outward.The people outside the wall cried bitterly, and they came hesitantly under the whipping of the Qing army behind them.


There was the sound of firecrackers like popping beans, and the firecrackers of the Shun Township Army in the front row of the earth wall fired together, and immediately the people in front of them fell to the ground one by one with blood mist.Amidst the deafening sound of gunfire, the common people were stunned at first, and then they shouted in unison: "The officers and soldiers opened fire."

The Qing soldiers in heavy armor would collapse under the volley of gunfire from the Shunxiang Army, not to mention these civilians who have not received the slightest training and have no ability to protect them.

They screamed in horror and rushed back. The whips, knives and guns of the Qing army behind them could not stop them in the slightest.Those Qing soldiers chopped them down one by one, and then these people were trampled to the ground by a large group of fleeing civilians, and a sharp voice came from the crowd: "Sisters, they are all dead, fighting with the Tartars. "

Under their frenzied attack and coercion, the Qing soldiers behind them also had to flee backwards.

Lu Xiangsheng closed his eyes in pain, and then he shouted: "Fire the cannon, fire the cannon, I will take care of everything!"

With the sound of hoofbeats like thunder, Wen Daxing led dozens of nights and rushed out from a passage. Seeing the cavalry rolling out of the earth wall, the people scattered and fled in panic.Within two hundred steps from the Qing army's chariot position to the earthen wall, they were all over the place, with many escorting Qing soldiers in between.

Seeing these people rushing back like a tide, the Qing army shot waves of arrows in the formation, regardless of enemy or friend, all of them fell to the ground.

The horseshoes of Wen Daxing and others overturned countless people. They shot left and right on the horse, and they shot down the Qing soldiers one by one.Or stabbing with knives and spears, Qing soldiers rolled down beside them one by one.For a while, their horse ropes were like ghosts and ghosts, one by one, they were accurately placed on the heads of each Qing soldier in the crowd.

After the Qing soldiers were caught by the noose, they didn't stop. After letting them drag their horses wildly, they rode their horses directly to another passage, occasionally mentioning the civilian women beside them who were running for their lives.Wen Daxing was also short, and mentioned the woman who was whipped earlier on the ground.

Soon, the civilians in the open space or their own sergeants were shot through passages, and some sentry cavalry rushed out from the Qing army formation, but Wen Daxing and others went out quickly and came back quickly, and they all returned through another passage soon. .

The sentries of the Qing army rushed up, and the gunmen of the Shunxiang Army behind the earthen wall fired fiercely.


This time Zitu was up and down, before Lu Xiangsheng, Yang Guozhu and others could react, Wen Daxing and Ye Bushuo had already returned, and besides capturing dozens of Qing soldiers, they also rescued nearly two hundred Ming women.

Lu Xiangsheng was overjoyed, seeing all the rescued women and people who were either in shock or weeping with joy, he said repeatedly: "Hurry up, put these people down on their horses, so that they can be resettled."

Wang Dou added: "Minister, after these women are resettled, they need to be checked carefully to prevent spies from being mixed in."

Lu Xiangsheng nodded approvingly, and ordered Chen An to lead the men to send these women into the camp. They paid special attention to the woman who was whipped earlier.After she was put down by Wen Daxing immediately, her eyes were wide open, and she was already dead.

Lu Xiangsheng let out a long sigh, his face was full of pain, and Wang Dou also hated him extremely.

After the captured Qing soldiers were dragged back by their horses, some died on the spot, and some roared like thunder. One by one, they were laboriously captured and tied up by the spearmen inside the earthen wall.A Qing army who seemed to be assigned to the Eight Banners Manchuria and the Red Banner was assigned to Shiku. He roared like thunder and struggled desperately: "You lowly Nikan, I will kill you..."

Wen Daxing stared blankly at the woman he rescued for a while, seeing her expression of unwillingness to die.He suddenly snatched the gun from a soldier beside him, threw it heavily, and smashed it on the head of the allocated Shiku.The Pashku helmet had already fallen off, and his brain immediately burst into flames, spurting blood.Wen Daxing's hands kept smashing his head into a pile of meat, and he still smashed it hard.

Lu Xiangsheng, Yang Guozhu, Hu Dawei and others were dumbfounded.

Wang Dou shouted: "Use sparingly!"

Wen Daxing led Yebushou and selected ten Qing soldiers from dozens of Qing soldiers who were tied up like twists and turns. Without saying a word, they stripped the ten Qing soldiers naked and took the wooden frame.Nail them directly to their hands and feet with thick iron nails, and nail them to the wooden frame.Or directly pull up their hands and feet, cut them off with a knife, and then tie them to a wooden frame.

In the bitterly cold weather, these people were all erected naked on high wooden frames. The severe winter and the great physical pain made them all howl like human voices, regretting why they came here. in this world.

For those Qing soldiers who were not selected, many of them peed their pants in fright at the sight of their companions.

Lu Xiangsheng frowned, and said to Wang Dou, "Guoqin, you..."

Wang Dou said calmly: "Minister, the slaves are driving our people to attack the trenches. My soldiers need to boost morale. This move can also vent the morale of the slaves."

He shouted loudly to the outside of the wall: "Wait for Hu'er, if you dare to drive our people to attack the trenches, this will be the end!"

Wen Daxing stood beside Wang Dou and translated in Manchu loudly, his voice spread far and wide.

At the end, Wen Daxing yelled again: "Look at my archery skills!"

He turned his head and shot an arrow, which hit a Qing soldier on the wooden frame in the right eye, causing him to cry and struggle even more.

The Shunxiang army shouted for joy, but the Qing army's position was completely silent.

Without saying a word, Lu Xiangsheng went to his central military headquarters.

Yang Guozhu and Hu Dawei felt chills in their hearts, they looked at each other, and hurried to their defense line.


On the other side of the Qing army's position, Dorgon, Yue Tuo, Abatai and others faintly saw the situation ahead, and after hearing the reports from their subordinates, all of them turned pale.That Wang Dou was so ruthless, this time his side drove the people of the Ming Kingdom to attack the trenches, it can be said that stealing chickens will not be enough to counteract the rice, not only did not achieve the goal, but was defeated by Wang Dou, and the morale was greatly reduced.

Dorgon laughed back angrily: "What a king, my general really underestimated him."

Beside Dorgon, Duoduo, the leader of the Eight Banners Manchuria Banner with White Banner, gritted his teeth and said nothing.Jierhalang, the owner of the Xianglan Banner, seemed to be pondering.The rest of the flag owners, especially those of the Eight Banners Mongolian Banners, had expressions of fear on their faces.

Abatai glanced at everyone around him, and confessed: "It's all the last general's mistake. In the first year of Chongde, the last general used this strategy under the Ming general Wang Doubou, and it's just like the current situation!"

Dorgon said in a deep voice: "I don't blame Rao Yu Baylor, this general didn't expect that Wang Dou would dare to do this in front of Lu Xiangsheng, it's extremely daring."

His eyes shot a sharp cold light: "Send me an order to attack. At noon, the army will storm the two wings and pretend to attack the front. Until sunset, our army will never stop attacking wave after wave. I want to see, that Wang Dou Waiting for someone to withstand the thunderous offensive of our army!"

Under Dorgon's order, the drummer beside him rang a huge battle drum. Hearing the sound of the drum, the Qing soldiers who stopped [-] steps outside the Xuanda formation burst into earth-shattering shouts at the same time.They pushed the chariot, screaming and rushing.


Old White Bull:
Hehe, the plot of these chapters has been sorted out, and there will be another chapter tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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