Chapter 28 Queue
The eighth day of November in the seventh year of Chongzhen.

A few days had passed since the winter solstice, and the north wind was even harsher. From this day on, Wang Dou also began to select some young men to go out for training.

In Daming, the soldiers in the fort generally didn't have to go out to fight, so it was rare to see the soldiers training, but how could Wang Dou give up because of this?As time passed, the sense of crisis in Wang Dou's heart became more and more urgent. With more force, there would be more hope to protect himself and his family in the future.

Wang Dou decided to start military training. What he is relying on now is the physical skills of this body, as well as the rich knowledge of later generations.However, for the training of sergeants, Wang Dou decided to strictly follow Grandpa Qi's "New Book of Ji Xiao" and "Records of Military Training" for training. The practical one is the best. Wang Dou believes that this is the most suitable training for his army The manual is up.

Right now there are 75 adult males in the castle, but excluding the old and weak among them, only 34 are young and strong suitable for training.And these 34 people, since joining the military households of Jingbian Fort, have been well fed every day, and after these hours of building forts and opening up wasteland to exercise, their physical conditions are completely suitable for the next military training.

Today, Wang Dou took them outside the fort, taking advantage of the slack season of farming, to conduct some military training, otherwise they will have to work again when the farming season begins next spring.Wang Dou's net worth is not enough now, and he can't afford to support off-duty soldiers.As for the rest, the old and the weak and the women, they continued to work inside and outside the castle, repairing the castle and building houses, etc., but seeing Wang Dou and others outside, they still looked curiously from time to time.

More than [-] young people gathered together, everyone was excited and curious. Although the wind was cold and the weather was severe, they still laughed and talked non-stop.Some of these people were originally the children of military households, and some were originally refugees. Of course, they are all military households in Jingbianbao now.Of course they didn't have Wang Dou's sense of crisis, but they were Wang Dou's subordinates, and they would do what Wang Dou told them to do.

Wang Dou looked at them one by one, and found that all these young people were standing crookedly, staggering, even the former military children were the same.

Wang Dou felt deeply that the sergeants who have not been strictly trained are just mobs, and it seems that they should be trained from the most basic formation first.Besides, in ancient warfare, strict formation and strict discipline have always been very important. Those who can maintain a strict battle formation are tigers and wolves. Without formation, they are mobs.

Grandpa Qi also once said: "Open a large formation to face the great enemy. Thousands of people line up in a majestic formation. The brave must not be the first, and the timid must not be behind. Punching with spears, poking with spears, only one of the ten thousand troops Just like one person, so you can be invincible in the world." It is to emphasize the importance of queue and discipline.

At the moment when Wang Dou started, the 34 people were divided into four teams, with a few people in each team. Han Chao, Han Zhong, Qi Tianliang, and Yang Tong each led a team. This made the four very happy. Qi Tianliang and Yang Tong Tong cracked his mouth and laughed straight, he didn't expect that he would also lead troops.Only Han Chao looked very emotional, as if recalling something from the past.

When each team stood up, the four Han and Chao also stood beside Wang Dou.

Wang Dou said loudly: "I recruited you here today to train your battle skills. Right now the army is in chaos and the world is not peaceful. You also know that the Tartars invaded the border a few months ago. Although our place is a fortress, we also need Practice your skills so that you can protect your wives and children in the future."

Wang Dou looked serious, and everyone below subconsciously stood up straighter.The Han and North Koreans are equally serious.

After the training, Wang Dou first asked them to learn to stand in line, turn left and turn right, walk and run in unison, and so on. Everyone was novelty at first, and then became a mess.

That queue can be said to be horrible, not to mention the crooked line, everyone can't even tell the left and right, not to mention the young and strong military households below, even the two captains Qi Tianliang and Yang Tong are the same.At the end of the day, everyone is more tired than a day's work.Only the Han and Chao brothers were able to do their job with ease, they didn't take it seriously at all, and they kept urging the young and strong in their team to stand up straight, which made Wang Dou even more curious about the origin of the two brothers.

For several days, everyone still couldn't distinguish between left and right, even Wang Dou yelled loudly to no avail.It was Han and North Korea who figured out a way to tie a rope on the right arm of each young and strong military household to mark the left and right, so that the situation gradually improved.

Wang Dou also saw the military training ability of the Korean and Korean brothers. From this day on, Wang Dou ordered the Han and Korean brothers to participate in the training formation with him, and the two did their part.

From the training, we can also see the style of the two. Han and North Korea have a better temperament, and they will always patiently correct the mistakes of those military households in the queue. However, Han Zhong has a hot temper. The stick is just a good meal to hit.

Strange to say, his method is more effective, and those who have been beaten will be more stable next time.For being beaten, those young and strong military households seem to be accustomed to it, and even some military households and women who watched the fun laughed, and those who were beaten felt embarrassed. head.

Usually when there is nothing to do, the military households and women of Jingbian Fort will come to watch everyone's training outside the fort.And under the watchful eyes of others, the young and strong military households are also more energetic, and they all work hard, standing upright and majestic.

In this way, after ten days, everyone stood in line and finally looked a little bit neat.

During the interval of training, Wang Dou went to see how Li Maosen and the others were making blunderbusses.

When I came to the workshop, it was very hot here, and the cold outside seemed to disappear completely, and gusts of heat came out straight away.

Li Maosen and the others are working hard to forge some bird guns, and it seems that they are still far away from completion.Wang Dou took a casual look and found that the making of this bird gun was really complicated.According to Li Maosen's introduction, the production of this bird gun is firstly the barrel. After the wrought iron for the barrel is burned red, it is struck on a steel core, which is rolled into an iron tube, and then wrapped in several layers after cooling. After it reaches a certain thickness, the steel core is pulled out, and a section of the barrel is completed.

After making several sections of gun tubes, they are welded together one by one. This is the key. If the welding is not good, it will be easy to explode.After the preliminary blunderbuss barrel is finished, the blunderbuss bore is drilled out with a steel awl, and the crosshairs are set out. This takes the longest time, sometimes as long as a month.

After that, the inside of the bore is scraped clean with a steel bar, and then various assembly.Wang Dou never imagined that a bird gun has so much knowledge and is so complicated. It seems that making a bird gun can't be done well in a month, so let's take a look at it later.


After the four teams of military households lined up for training for fifteen days, Wang Dou asked them to continue training in the morning and start replenishing some things in the afternoon.

For example, let everyone line up for a long run, and everyone must run for one mile without panting, and the queue is not seriously dispersed.After that, everyone was asked to run with heavy loads, and the weight was gradually increased. These are the most basic requirements for training hand strength, foot strength, and physical strength in Grandpa Qi's "Records of Military Training".

Five days later, Wang Dou began to practice adding weapons to everyone in the afternoon.

Among the four teams, Wang Dou only allowed them to train with long spears and waist knives for the time being.Among the nine people in each team, first two brave and quick people will use sabers, and the rest will each use spears.Those who wield swords will either be rattan players or bird musketeers in the future. These two types of arms also need to practice swords.

Everyone got weapons one by one, and everyone was very happy.

Wang Dou first taught everyone spear skills, he said loudly: "You are all watching."

He made a gesture of raising his hands sideways, and suddenly shouted: "Kill!"

Flying forward, he raised his spear and instantly stabbed a humanoid wooden handle twenty steps ahead in the eyes, throat, heart, waist, and feet. All the movements seemed to be completed in the blink of an eye.

Everyone applauded, Han Zhong's voice was the loudest, and Han Chao also praised him sincerely: "What a good marksmanship!"

All the military households asked how to be like Wang Dou.

Wang Dou said: "Without him, if you are proficient, you can stab like me ten thousand times, one hundred thousand times, and you will be like me."

(End of this chapter)

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