Chapter 307

"The two military sects, generals, let me discuss how to divide the gold and silver treasures."

To the surprise of Wang Dou, Cao Bianjiao, and Wang Tingchen, Abate did not dare to fight, and the whole army ran away in a hurry.They gathered all the miscellaneous servants, soldiers and horses inside and outside the city, and left the camp in a hurry.They were afraid of Wang Dou's pursuit, so they had their luggage in front of them. After the elite cavalry were cut off, they set fire inside and outside the city, which was quickly put out by Wang Dou's army.

No matter how you say it, Abate is also a famous general of the Qing Dynasty. He retreated so easily, which made Wang Dou and others a little suspicious. They sent thousands of cavalry to follow them for a long time. After confirming that Abate retreated, the whole army burst into cheers.

I really didn't expect that even with the handyman, the Qing army in Pinggu looked like 3000 to [-] people, and they didn't even have the courage to fight.

The power of Wang Dou's army, and the Qing soldiers who encountered the wind and fled, made Cao Bianjiao and others deeply moved.In the past, not to mention more than 1 Qing soldiers, even [-] Qing soldiers often chased and fought fiercely behind tens of thousands of Ming soldiers. It was so smooth like today, and the price was so light. Both Cao Bianjiao and Wang Tingchen felt eye-opening .

Abatai and the others left in a hurry, not to mention all the captured people, most of the gold, silver and treasures inside and outside the city, cattle, sheep, grain and rice, all fell into the hands of Wang Dou and the others.With the experience of Zhuozhou, Wang Dou dispatched people to count the money and silk, and appease and relieve the captives.

Along the banks of the Dule River to the east of Pinggu City, this place, like Zhuozhou, is covered with dense dilapidated shacks, and nearly [-] captives are surrounded by this area.They lacked food and clothing, and suffered the same pain as Zhuozhou.

After being rescued by the Shun Township Army, they all wept with joy as if in a dream.Especially when the soldiers of the Shun Township Army brought a large amount of food and rice for relief, and clothes and quilts to keep them warm from the cold, these people burst into tears.

On that day, the soldiers of the Shun Township Army commanded the people to dig ditches to drain water, dig and build latrines, and clean up the garbage, dead bodies and other things in the shacks.The common people also cooperated very much. They drank the hot rice porridge and thankfully inquired which department was the master and who was the master who rescued them.

Soon, the name of General Wang, the Guerrilla King of Baoan Prefecture in Xuanfu Town, was spread among the [-] captives. I don't know how many people remembered the name Wang Dou, thinking about going back to enshrine the longevity tablet to General Wang.

Wang Dou, Cao Bianjiao, and Wang Tingchen entered Pinggu City and lived in the garrison mansion in Neizhong.Yesterday, this was the place where Abatai and other Qing generals were stationed, and now it is the place where Wang Dou and others go.

In the evening, all the harvests inside and outside the city had been counted. Wang Dou remembered that when he was in Zhuozhou, the Zhenghong Banner account book he seized recorded that there were more than [-] captives in Tongzhou, more than [-] taels of gold and silver, and [-] grains and rice. Stone, more than [-] cattle, horses, pigs and sheep.

The people and wealth taken captive in Tongzhou were transported to Pinggu, and the account books and other things were taken away by Abatai. At this time, rough statistics: there are about 35 people, more than [-] stones of grain and rice, no gold, no treasures There are no satin, more than [-] taels of silver, more than [-] horses and mules, more than [-] cattle, and more than [-] pigs and sheep.

In addition to the population, the amount of wealth in Pinggu was a little less than the accounts that Wang Dou looked at in Zhuozhou, and it was probably taken away by Abatai.But they left in a hurry, and most of the money still fell into the hands of Wang Dou and others.

The harvest was so rich, Cao Bianjiao, Wang Tingchen and others all smiled and rubbed their hands from ear to ear.

However, after hearing Wang Dou's proposal to divide up the money, Cao Bianjiao hesitated for a moment: "General Wang, this battle is a great victory. Will you report the seizure to the imperial court and see how the imperial court will deal with it?"

Before Wang Dou could speak, Wang Tingchen already said earnestly: "Little General Cao, the rescued people, the captured cattle, sheep, food and rice will naturally be left to the imperial court to dispose of, but the money..."

"The soldiers have worked so hard to kill the enemy, but they can't come here in vain."

Cao Bianjiao's generals in the Chinese army, both guerrillas nodded, with a fiery light flashing in their eyes, Cao Bianjiao was actually very excited, and seeing what everyone meant, he went along with it.

Wang Dou didn't care much about the money, what he cared about was the population, food, cattle and sheep.However, unlike the battle of Zhuozhou, the seizures of Pinggu could not be hidden from Chen Xinjia, Hong Chengchou and others in Tongzhou, and they could not be transported away quietly.

Tens of thousands of stone grains and rice, except for leaving a part to relieve the common people, the rest may be collected by Chen Xinjia and others as military rations.Cattle, sheep, population, etc., cattle and population, Wang Dou can try to transport them back to Xuanfu Town, and those pigs and sheep will definitely be kept by the Tongzhou army for food and drink.

At the moment when everyone is discussing the matter of dividing up the money and silk, the right to speak is of course in the hands of Wang Dou, Cao Bianjiao, and Wang Tingchen.

What can be divided is the mules, horses and silver.There were more than [-] mules, and Wang Dou, Cao Bianjiao, and Wang Tingchen each shared [-] mules, and the rest went to the two guerrillas under Cao Bianjiao's command.All in all, Cao Bianjiao Junzhen earned more.

There are also silver taels, Wang Dou and the three each share 10 taels, and the remaining silver taels are also given to two guerrillas under Cao Bianjiao's command.

After dividing up the money, everyone smiled and looked at each other and laughed.

After discussing for a while how to write the victory report, Cao Bianjiao and Wang Tingchen were still deliberating carefully, Wang Dou got up and said with a smile: "Generals, sit down for a while, and I will go to see those captives later."

Everyone hurriedly stood up, Cao Bianjiao sighed: "The general's house is kind, and it is really a great blessing for the country to have a general in Ming Dynasty."

Wang Tingchen nodded in agreement, and he planned how many soldiers and horses he could expand in the future after sharing the silver mules and horses, and he was very satisfied.

Only Yang Shaofan, who was attacking under Cao Bianjiao's command, looked at Wang Dou's back with a thoughtful look in his eyes.


On the third day of February in the 12th year of Chongzhen.

Hearing the news of Huang Taiji's visit to Baodi, the banner owners of the Manchurian and Mongolian banners as far away as Tianjin hurried to see him.When Dorgon and others arrived in Baodi, Huang Taiji himself led the two yellow flags, and the reinforcements from the Zhenglan flag greeted them in the suburbs, and the banks of Qiushui were full of armored soldiers of the Three Banners.

Dorgon saw Huang Taiji's big yellow dragon umbrella from a distance, surrounded by many princes and ministers of the Two Yellow Banners.On both sides of them, there are also excellent fighters from the Ba Yala camp and Gebush Xianchao Har camp fighters.

Under Huanglong's big umbrella, stood a fat man who was less than fifty years old. Seeing this fat man, Dorgon shuddered subconsciously.

That fat man was Huang Taiji, the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, who was known to be mean and ungrateful, suspicious and angry.After he came to the throne, in order to pave the way for his son Hauge, he did not hesitate to kill his own brother Amin and Mang Gurtai successively.

Among the Baylor of the Eight Banners, Abatai, Yuetuo, Azige, Dorgon, Duoduo, Jierhalang, Daishan, etc., which one has not been punished by him?
Companion to a king is like a tiger, especially around Huang Taiji.

Arriving in front of Huang Taiji, the banner owners who went out to the expedition all prostrated themselves on the ground, headed by the general who was ordered to go to the expedition, Prince Rui Dorgon, they stepped forward one by one, knelt down in front of Huang Taiji, hugged his With a fat waist, he swung his head from side to side twice, while Huang Taiji hugged everyone's shoulders loosely at the same time.

This is the most solemn greeting ceremony for Manchurians. Huang Taiji's eyes were sharp and indifferent. After Dorgon and others saluted one by one, he said: "Qing waited for a long journey to serve in the army, and Liang also worked hard. It is said that this body is tired. I have pity on you!"

He ordered Dorgon to be rewarded with ten thousand taels of silver and a golden cup to give wine. He also ordered the kings of the Qing Dynasty and North Korea to show off the invincibility of this expedition.

The more Huang Taiji was like this, the more uneasy Dorgon felt.

At this time, Huang Taiji seemed to realize that Yue Tuo, the great general of Yangwu, was nowhere to be seen in the crowd. The decree is to make Dorobeile the king of Keqin County, give five camels, two horses, and ten thousand taels of silver. When the army moves back to the country, they will stop court for three days to express their condolences!"

Seeing that Huang Taiji was distraught because of Yue Tuo's death, and all the ministers around him were consoling, Huang Taiji also stopped crying, and listened to Dorgon and others' report on this battle with a blank face.


"Wang Dou?"

Listening to Dorgon's report, Huang Taiji was expressionless at first, his eyes seemed to be closed but not closed, until he heard a series of victories of the Ming general Wang Dou, from Tongzhou to Dingzhou, to Julu, to Zhuozhou and Pinggu.All the banners encountered suffered heavy casualties under his army, even Abatai dared not fight, leaving all the people and money in Pinggu and fleeing.

The Qing soldiers who entered the customs captured a total of 46 people, of which 20 were snatched by Wang Dou, and even the great general Yue Tuo died under his attack.Hearing this, Huang Taiji suddenly opened his eyes and stared at Dorgon.

The princes and ministers of the Three Banners beside Huang Taiji couldn't restrain their surprise and whispered.

Huang Taiji said in a deep voice: "How about the soldiers in Wang Douzhan's formation, Prince Rui, tell me carefully!"

Dorgon didn't dare to lift his head, and knelt on the ground to report carefully: "Although Wang Dou is a guerrilla in the Ming Dynasty, he has 8000 soldiers. And all of them are well-trained and the battle formation is strict. Under the attack of our division, Wei Ran Don't move. His firearms are excellent, and their range and power are stronger than our division's powerful arrows. The warrior's arrows can't go in, and his guns are seventy paces away, and they have to retreat with serious injuries."

"They are stronger than Zhang Chun's troops in eastern Liaodong, and even worse than the Zhe soldiers in Hunhe River. In terms of our division's swords, guns and arrows, there are 8000 troops in our division, and our army does not have ten times the armored soldiers to encircle them. Think there is no chance of winning!"

Huang Taiji and others were all moved, especially when Dorgon mentioned the Qi family army in the Battle of Hunhe.In the Battle of Hunhe, Qi's army fought to the last soldier, causing huge casualties to the Eight Banners soldiers at that time. In the end, they were trapped with ten times more troops and used a lot of artillery to wipe out those Zhejiang soldiers.

At that time, the Qi family army had only 3000 people, and the Eight Banners soldiers were extremely difficult to fight against them. Now Wang Dousun's township army has 8000 people, and its combat strength is even better than that of Hunhe's Qi army... Maybe the Qing soldiers will face Wang Dou in the future Not only 8000 people, but tens of thousands of people. After all, Wang Douli has made such a great contribution, and promotion must be inevitable.

Huang Taiji walked back and forth with his fat body upright: "I never expected that the small defense officer of the Ming Kingdom that I joked and joked in the past in the Qing Dynasty has become the biggest scourge of our country!"

(End of this chapter)

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