Chapter 313
There was constant roaring in the field, and all the cavalry from the Ming and Qing Dynasties were galloping like wolves.Unlike before, it was the cavalry of the Ming Dynasty who were chasing at this time, and the cavalry of the Qing Dynasty were fleeing.You chased me and fled, and the two sides did not know how many miles they had driven.

From time to time, outdated Xianghuangqi Qing cavalry were caught up, and they were killed one by one while crying. The long-distance march and the exhaustion of chasing and fighting just now made these Xianghuangqi Qing soldiers and horses exhausted. How could they run faster than Ming army cavalry? Waiting for work at leisure?
In addition, nearly half of the heavy cavalry that had just charged into the battle was lost, "Batulu" and Mei Lezhangjing Obai died on the spot, and the rest of the people were all terrified.Once the vigor is gone, they don't even have the courage to turn around and fight. They just know how to run, run, run, and if one horse dies, they will change to another horse.

Cao Bianjiao, Wang Tingchen and other [-] cavalrymen were in hot pursuit. When they pursued, they divided into several groups, one group pursued closely, and several groups slowed down.After one wave of exhaustion, another wave chases after, always maintaining one's own vigor and horsepower.

Thousands of Ming troops had been chasing after Machang camp, and when they were not far from Sun Gezhuang, some subordinates came to report to Cao Bianjiao that the fleeing Xianghuang Banner Tartar soldiers had already been supported by a Zhenghuang Banner Tartar soldier, and they were not far ahead. Emergency deployment.

It was Zhenghuang Banner Baya Latuzhang Jingtulai who responded to the rest of the Zhunta in Xianghuang Banner. He led 3000 people to support him. It was about half a day's journey away from the vanguard of Oboi. After receiving Oboi's request for help, he led the army to rush there.Seeing the smoldering appearance of Ta and the others, and hearing that Mei Lezhangjing Aobai had died, he was stunned and couldn't believe it.

Tulai was a prudent man, he saw that the rest of the soldiers and horses in the Xianghuang Banner were all downcast, their faces were ashen, and they didn't have the slightest desire to fight.

Affected by them, the Zhenghuangqi sergeants in the headquarters are also panicked.He also heard that most of the Ming army was chasing them, and knowing that the military situation was urgent, they immediately ordered to deploy defenses immediately, and formed a strict military style.

Under his arrangement, the soldiers and horses with yellow banners calmed down more or less, and soon, the mighty Ming army chased after them, and they gathered in less than two miles around them to spy.Seeing that the Zhenghuang Banner Qing soldiers were waiting in strict formation, no one dared to force them to charge forward.

Suddenly dozens of Ming troops rushed out, they roared forward, and some of them dragged several captured soldiers with yellow flags with ropes behind their horses.

Looking at their big banners with the characters of kings, some soldiers with yellow flags inlaid them exclaimed: "Shunxiang Army, it's Shunxiang Army..."

Under their screams, the remnants of the bordered yellow flag became even more commotion. Seeing that the morale of his troops was in turmoil, Tulai shouted sharply: "Anyone who dares to shake the morale of the army will be killed without mercy!"

Zhunta knew that the situation was serious. If the remnant soldiers in the banner caused turmoil in the entire army, it would not only be him, but the entire friendly army might collapse and be wiped out.He tried his best to suppress it, and personally chopped off the heads of the unarmored soldiers who shouted the loudest, so that the entire army formation stabilized.

"Wait for Hu'er, do you dare to fight?"

Those Ming cavalry were showing off their power in front of the Qing army, galloping and clamoring.

They are Yebushuo soldiers in Wang Dou's army, they are veterans in chasing them, after Xianghuang Banner's defeat, they alone have three horses, dozens of them can catch up with Qianqing riding a wolf, no one dares to turn back and fight.

They captured a lot, and captured a few captives, dragging them with ropes behind their horses and clamoring for challenges.

This situation is really reversed. Tulai and Zhunta remember that they were in Tongzhou with the emperor, but the protagonists and supporting roles have changed.Tulai's face was ugly, and he stopped the angry Zhenghuangqi soldiers beside him, but strictly ordered them to line up and guard.

They all got off their horses, drew their bows and drew their arrows, and when the soldiers of the Shun Township Army came into range, they fired all their arrows.

Wen Daxing personally led these nights. Of course, he would not rush into their range of bows and arrows foolishly, but just galloped in circles outside the formation.

Seeing that the Qing army array was always silent, and no one dared to speak out to fight, Cao Bianjiao and Wang Tingchen looked at each other and smiled, shouting happily.He also secretly envied the majesty of Shunxiang's army, as soon as the banner was hit, Dong Nu fell silent.

It's better to stay by General Wang's side to take advantage of it. No wonder after General Wang was ordered to be the vanguard, all the friendly troops in Tongzhou rushed to follow General Wang.Cao Bianjiao and Wang Tingchen didn't understand why Wang Dou would take a fancy to them and let this trip to Pinggu benefit so much.

Seeing that the Qing army remained still, Wang Tingchen said to Cao Bianjiao, "Little General Cao, do you want the soldiers to charge?"

Cao Bianjiao shook his head and said: "The army of slaves and thieves is in good order. I'll accept them when I see them."

He shouted: "Send the order, the whole army retreats and joins General Wang."


"Happy, happy!"

At this time on the battlefield of Daxingzhuang, Li Guangheng was also shouting loudly, just now he and a guerrilla in Cao Bianjiao Town jointly attacked the Xianghuang Banner and hurriedly dispatched a thousand troops.He also thought that the lack of time for his cavalry training was due to the exhaustion of the enemy, but they were brave and good at fighting, and under the confrontation between the two sides, it might be more or less auspicious.

He didn't expect that when his hundreds of cavalry rode straight into the thousand cavalry of Xianghuang Banner, he would rush through their cavalry formation like a tiger entering a flock of sheep.

Those cavalry with yellow flags, their chaotic formation was no match for their well-organized army formation. After a few rounds of confrontation, the thousand soldiers and horses were about to be defeated.The failure of Oboi and others' heavy cavalry charge was just the last straw that broke the camel's back.

This result made Li Guangheng very excited. All along, his cavalry had played a supporting role in the Shun Township Army. Perhaps one day, they would be able to radiate the brilliance of Guangzong.

Wang Dou is not surprised by this result, no one is more destined to discipline and battle formation than him, the training of infantry is the same, and the training of cavalry is also the same.

Even if the cavalry of the Shunxiang Army is not very outstanding in personal force and poor in riding skills, they will face those cavalry troops with first-class individual quality, but scattered formation and lack of discipline.Regardless of whether they are Qing soldiers or Ming soldiers, there is no reason why they cannot win against the strength of individual soldiers as a whole.

It is a pity that my cavalry unit is a little less, but this time I went to aid, I captured a large number of horses, and the time is ripe to form a large-scale cavalry unit after returning to Baoanzhou.

When Cao Bianjiao and others returned from chasing his cavalry, Wang Dou had already cleaned up the battlefield.In addition to Wang Dousun's township army, there were also [-] cavalry from Cao Bianjiao Town who had previously fought in the Daxingzhuang battlefield.Thousands of people clean up the battlefield together, and it doesn't take much time to clean up the venue.

Seeing how excited Cao Bianjiao and others were, leading their horses and carrying their heads, returning with a full load, Wang Dou knew that they had reaped a lot.

A group of people came back in a mighty way, and heard that the army had won a complete victory, and they cut off the yellow banner slave general forward Oboi, and Sun Sanjie and others who stayed behind were all cheering.When the news spread to the captive people's camp in the east of the city, all the people cheered.

Back at the garrison mansion in Pinggu City, Cao Bianjiao and the others were all smiling happily.

The harvest of this battle was too great. According to preliminary statistics, more than 4000 slaves with yellow flags were beheaded, and more than [-] mules and horses were seized, as well as a large amount of armor, tents, ordnance and other supplies.Even the dead horses killed in Daxingzhuang were all carried away, and sent to the captive people in the east of the city to eat and drink, improving their lives, and making those people even more grateful.

"The captured heads will be divided between the two military sects and the generals."

Wang Dou is generous and authentic.

The first level is meaningless to Wang Dou, if you don't make friends with the two general soldiers who may fight side by side in the future.

Hearing what Wang Dou said, Cao Bianjiao and Wang Tingchen were overjoyed to see each other. The first rank has no meaning to Wang Dou, but it means a lot to them.

These nearly [-] heads were divided, plus the gold, silver, and treasures obtained by everyone... After this battle, the casualties of the entire army were only a few hundred people, all of whom were killed in the previous lure and cavalry battles. Such a big gain for such a small price.This trip to Pinggu with Wang Dou is really worth it!
Throwing peaches and rewarding Li, Cao Bianjiao and Wang Tingchen discussed in a low voice for a while, Cao Bianjiao smiled and said: "General Wang is generous and benevolent, so Cao will not say more."

"We will accept the captured heads, and we will also accept the silver taels found from the slave soldiers. We will send all the captured slave soldier armor, horse mules, tents and luggage to General Wang. "

Wang Dou was secretly happy, he harvested a lot of mules and horses in Zhuozhou and Pinggu, with these horses from the Qing army with the Yellow Banner - many of them were war horses, he was more confident in forming a large-scale cavalry force.

He got up and said: "The two military sects are generous and heroic, but the last general will be disrespectful!"

He said: "In this battle, our army defeated the vanguard of the slave chieftains and killed Oboi, greatly demoralizing the slave chieftains. However, most of the slave chieftains are still coming to Pinggu. The general is willing to work together with all the generals to fight against the slaves." Emirates!
"Work together to fight against the slave chiefs!"

Cao Bianjiao, Wang Tingchen and others also stood up and shouted, then they laughed and hugged each other with Wang Dou.


On that day, unitary time.

The army of Huang Taiji and others set off from Tongzhou. After a day's march, it was almost evening, and Huang Shuji ordered to camp at Sun Gezhuang.

After setting up camp, Huang Taiji received an urgent military report from Baya Latuzhang Jingtulai in Zhenghuang Banner, like a bolt from the blue, leaving Huang Taiji and others speechless for a long time.

Aobai's Xianghuang Banner vanguard was defeated, after counting, more than half of the [-] army he led was lost, especially the loss of armored soldiers in the banner was even more serious.Especially as reported by Tu Lai, the military situation was extremely critical at that time. Without his support, the forward with five thousand soldiers and horses with the yellow flag, and the Ming army in Pinggu pursued closely, and the entire army might have been wiped out.

More than half of the [-] army was lost. Those were the two yellow flags he had personally received, and they were the fundamental guarantee for him to ascend the throne as emperor.

Hearing this news, Huang Taiji was in a dizzy situation, and Huang Taiji almost fainted to the ground. He already had "wind vertigo", which was manifested as liver stagnation, easy to get angry, and blood flow surged up, leading to dizziness, stroke, high Blood pressure and other symptoms.

Huang Taiji's lack of kindness and lack of affection for his brothers is partly caused by these problems.

Fortunately, Huang Taiji's life was not over yet, although he made all the ministers and his son Hauge flustered for a while, he quickly recovered.

After waking up, thinking of the situation of the vanguard with the yellow flag, Huang Taiji was furious again, and wanted to pursue and severely punish the vanguard general Oboi who underestimated the enemy and was defeated.

But after thinking about it, Huang Taiji still issued an edict: "Propagate my will, give the name of Batulu, the third class Merlezhangjing Aobai died in a bloody battle, posthumously present Aobai as the banner of Baya Layuzhangjing, and give a thousand taels of silver, Two horses."

"Manchuria's Zhenghuang Banner Baya Latuzhang Jingtu Lai, for his meritorious service in responding to the rescue, he was granted the title of Gushan Ezhen of the Banner, and a third-class public..."

After a series of rewards and punishments, they ordered Tulai's army and Zhunta's remnants of the Yellow Banner to set up camp on the spot, and waited for his own army to join up. Huang Taiji remained silent and looked gloomy.

Seeing Huang Taiji's ugly face, the flag owners, princes and nobles present here are all trembling, and no one dares to speak.

The forward soldiers and horses were defeated, and the mighty general Oboi, who was known as the number one warrior in Manchuria, died on the spot. The generals and officers of the Three Banners who entered the customs with Huang Taiji all felt that the future of this trip was not as good as expected. The spirit that comes is quickly lost.

In particular, everyone privately spread that the remnants of the Xianghuang Banner army who were far away in the Machang camp had been shattered by Wang Dou, and they no longer had the will to fight.Perhaps in the future, when they face Wang Dou's army, they will also run away like the remnants of Zhenghongqi.

No one in the tent said a word, only Dorgon had a faint expression of glee at his misfortune.He opened his mouth to speak: "Although the forward has a small setback, but the Holy Spirit is powerful, our army is approaching Pinggu, even with Wang Dou's cunning, it is also a matter of peace."

There were few people who agreed, Huang Taiji regained his composure, and said with a smile: "Although Wang Dou is a guerrilla in the Ming Dynasty, he is a confidant of the Qing Dynasty. This person should not be underestimated."

He said: "However, what the general was ordered to say is also reasonable. Although our army has a small setback, we must not lose our morale. Tomorrow morning, our army's technical camp will go straight to Pinggu."

"I said, I want to watch the battle in person!"


On the seventh day of February in the 12th year of Chongzhen.

Early in the morning, Huang Taiji's army set up camp. They joined the troops of Tulai and Zhunta, marched more cautiously, and sent out sentries one after another, densely packed.Fortunately, there was nothing wrong along the way, at noon, Huang Taiji's entire army of more than [-] people arrived at the Cuo River outside Pinggu City.


Old White Bull:
Let me emphasize that Lao Niu has always welcomed the discussion of the plot, whether it is support or opposition.But repeated orders, the author must not be involved, why do some people always don't understand?For these people or posts, there is no discussion about deleting and banning posts.

Regarding this book, there are currently more than 24 subscriptions in 24 hours, and the results are good. Thank you for your support.I remember that when this book first entered VIP, there were only more than 400 subscriptions in [-] hours. The current achievement is inseparable from the support of book friends and the author's own persistence.

There are debates on the Internet, should writing a book cater to Xiaobai's taste, or to cater to Laobai's taste?In my conclusion, we should cater to the author's own taste and insist on writing what he likes.I am still very proud of this. The book has written more than 100 million words, and each chapter is written from the heart.I don't care about being famous or not, being able to write something I like is the greatest satisfaction.

Regarding the plot of this book, it is still written strictly according to the outline, without any deviation from the direction.

(End of this chapter)

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