Chapter 320 Observation
"The weather in March can change as soon as it is said. It was sunny just now, but now it's raining..."

Wang Dou stood with his hands behind his back, looking out the window at first the light rain pattered, and finally turned into raindrops as big as soybeans, sprinkled on the roof in bursts.Or hit the window eaves violently, and bounced on Wang Dou from time to time.The wind and rain bring a coolness.

Behind him, a voice came, with a sinister meaning: "I am afraid that Ji's worries are not in Zhuanyu, but in Xiaoqiang..."

"The general returned to Baoan Prefecture, and his subordinates realized that there were many spies in the state. The general was famous all over the world, but he also had many enemies. Dongnu was the first... This slave is the best at work, and the slaves have repeatedly suffered setbacks at the hands of the general. How can we give up? The plan of espionage must be guarded against."

"The general's amazing feats have attracted the attention of all people, but not everyone admires them. There is a way that a tree is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it. If it is better than others, the people will not do it. All the things in the world are not enough. A generation with more than enough trouble. When the tide of jealousy and hatred is raging, what should the general do..."

The one who spoke was Liu Benshen, who was rescued by Wang Dou from Zhuozhou.But Liu Benshen is an ambitious person, how can he be satisfied with his current status?After stealing a moment, he came to speak to Wang Dou.

He made a generous speech for a long time, but Wang Dou remained motionless. He looked out of the window with his hands behind his back.His majestic back is like an insurmountable mountain in Liu Benshen's eyes. To move this mountain, words alone will not do.

Liu Ben thought deeply about the telegram, and still maintained a respectful attitude. He continued: "The general's family business is getting bigger and the number of troops is getting bigger, but people's hearts are unpredictable. When the power rises and the people's hearts change, if the future slaves and thieves will Or... the government is wooing, is it tempting? Can they still maintain their loyalty to the general, if..."


Hearing this, Wang Dou turned around abruptly, and shouted to Liu Ben: "Liu Baihu, do you dare to instigate the relationship between this general and his followers? I and the generals have been born and died, just like my own flesh and blood. I treat him sincerely. Will they betray me?"

There was a thunderbolt, rumbling thunder, and the torrential rain poured down. Immediately, strings of rainwater poured down like curtains under the eaves.I don't know whether he felt the majesty of heaven and earth, or was oppressed by Wang Dou's aura, Liu Benshen fell to the ground all of a sudden, and kept kowtowing.

"The general treats each other with sincerity, and each general treats the general with sincerity. However, the subordinates cut their livers and weep blood, but they have to say from the bottom of their hearts: People's hearts are unpredictable. No matter how sincere the general is, it is difficult to prevent some small scum from appearing among them." The appearance is on the outside, but the actual invasion is on the inside, please take precautions early..."

Wang Dou stared at Liu Benshen for a long time, his face softened slightly.

Liu Benshen continued: "The general is admired by all the people. However, the principle of yin and yang in all things, the general shows the yang side, and the subordinates are willing to hide in the general's dark place and become the knife in the general's hand. Eliminate all people and things that threaten the general. The work of a dog and a horse will save you from the disaster of Xiao Qiang."

"If the general doesn't believe what the subordinates say from the bottom of their hearts, the subordinates are willing to commit suicide in front of the general to show their sincerity."

Having said that, Liu Benshen raised his head, looked resolutely, and looked at Wang Dou without blinking.

Wang Dou paced slowly outside the pavilion, watching the rainstorm come and go out of the window. After a long time, he said softly: "There are various matters, you go back and draw up a charter and plan. I will watch it before making a decision."

After Liu Benshen left, Xie Yike tiptoed forward. He looked at Liu Benshen's back curiously, and said to Wang Dou, "General, Yang Zhichang, the defender of the Five Forts, has been kneeling outside the mansion for a long time. Do you want to call him in?"

Wang Dou nodded thoughtfully. After he returned to Baoan Prefecture, there were many people visiting and congratulating him.Not to mention the local gentry officials and generals in Baoan Prefecture, even the generals and officials from all over the East Road also came to visit and perform the ceremony.Even the old boss at that time, Xu Zucheng, the guard of the Security Guard City, was respectful in front of him.

This Yang Zhichang, as the defense officer of the five forts in Baoan Prefecture, had been at odds with him since he was the governor of Jingbian Fort.But now it's different from the past, now he is serving as a general of the East Road, and he has made amazing achievements. To deal with Yang Zhichang, it is as easy as crushing an ant.

He also knew what was going on, and knew that it was impossible to do anything, so he immediately pleaded guilty, reminding Wang Dou of Jia Duonan, Lu Xianyang, Zhang Shutong and others back then.Such an opponent is no longer interesting, after a little punishment, it will be fine, Wang Dou said indifferently: "First Division, please invite Yang Fangfen into the hall, and I will see him in a while."

Xie Yike responded and strode away.

Looking out the window, Wang Dou fell into deep thought again. Liu Benshen's advice today reminded him that with the expansion of his fame and power, more and more interested people are paying attention to prying eyes, and it is time to have a corresponding institutional countermeasure.

Right now, my own group is full of vigor and vitality, and there should be very few people who have a different heart.However, as there are more and more generals and civil servants around him, and people's hearts are complicated, under the coercion and temptation of others, it is very likely that a few scum will appear.

Corresponding supervisory agencies are imminent, and it is obvious that simply not accepting at night cannot meet such needs.

Not only that, but with the expansion of one's own territory, population increase, various affairs, military, government and agricultural affairs, commercial institutions, town planning, etc., the relevant institutions and departments must be adjusted one by one.

This battle also made Wang Dou feel the power of regulations and discipline. According to his own training method, he does not need any famous generals. The army is gradually becoming regularized, and it seems that he can fight according to the staff department.

However, setting up a staff department requires a large number of accurate map documents, a large number of personnel who are knowledgeable in both literature and military affairs, and a series of information on opponents for reference.Without an accurate map of the terrain, the so-called staff department is really just talking on paper. It is a brainstorming plan and does not have any feasibility.

Having developed to this point, I should also think about the future strategic trend of this group, as well as the ideological education of the entire army, why do they fight, and will they slack off and degenerate after they get rich?
It is a pity that very few of his subordinates are well-educated and talented, and even the official Feng Dachang and others are mostly of the hard-working type.Strategic staff, the strategic layout of the political game, they don't seem to be able...

Wang Dou thought for a long time, and there was a pleasant ringing of rings, and amidst the sound of small footsteps, it was Xie Xiuniang and Ji Junjiao who came hand in hand.

Xie Xiuniang had a gentle smile on her face, but she was wearing the formal attire of a second-rank married woman, a big red robe, a golden crown on her head, and a peacock headdress made of gold silk.The pearls and jades trembled slightly between the movements, showing a graceful and luxurious momentum.

The crown she wore on her head was not simple, a woman from Daming had to reach the rank of wife to have the right to wear a crown.She is from the rank of husband, and is granted the official status of the second rank. Although she has a salary, she has no real power.But in Daming, a country where etiquette is paramount, even civil officials like Zhizhou and Bingbei have to uphold official etiquette when seeing Xie Xiuniang, and they are more cautious than meeting Wang Dou himself.

People need ostentation and clothes, which is really good. Xie Xiuniang has been with Wang Dou for several years, and was named the wife of the imperial court.Surrounded by a few maids, the dignified demeanor exudes an air of wealth that cannot be concealed.

The former country girl has become a graceful lady.

Ji Junjiao next to her was wearing a plain white silk dress, which dragged six pictures of the Xiangjiang River, and she was charming to the bone.It's just that the clothes seem a little thin.Demeanor but not temperature, women from ancient times to the present have not been able to avoid this problem.

Xie Xiuniang didn't look sideways, and when she came to Wang Dou, she put on a bow and said, "I have seen the general myself."

All the girls behind her saluted together.

Wang Dou helped Xie Xiuniang up, and said with a smile, "Madam is all dressed up, where are you going?"

Xie Xiuniang said: "The concubine recruited some officials and women, and brought food and clothing, to visit the refugees in Zhangjiabao in the east of the city."

Wang Dou's heart warmed up. As a wife, she always wanted to share her husband's worries and labors.But she paid too much attention to etiquette, for fear that a faux pas would ruin her husband's reputation.Wang Dou didn't want her to be so tired.

He glanced out the window, at this time the rain had stopped, the sun was slowly coming out, and only the water from the eaves was dripping down.He said: "It's a good thing to visit the people, but madam needs to pay attention to her body, don't get tired."

Xie Xiuniang glanced at Wang Dou happily, and said "Hmm" forcefully.

This time she showed her original shape, showing the appearance of a little girl, so some Wang Dou knew Xie Xiuniang's appearance back then.

Ji Junjiao stood beside Xie Xiuniang, her bright eyes were looking forward, she took advantage of Xie Xiuniang's back to turn around, and poked her head into Wang Dou's ear: "I want a son."

Wang Dou smiled and shook his head: "Don't worry, my son will be there."

Ji Junjiao covered her mouth and giggled, and rolled her eyes at Wang Dou, that soft and charming look seemed to penetrate her bones, then she wrapped up her dress, followed closely for a few steps, and followed Xie Xiuniang.

Looking at their backs, Wang Dou stretched his waist long and returned to Baoan Prefecture, surrounded by his lovely wife and son, making Wang Dou very relaxed for a few days.But this kind of ease is relatively speaking. There are a lot of people visiting every day, not only the generals from all over the East Road, but also the generals from the rest of the road. They also send people to show their friendship.

In particular, many country gentry and literati who used to watch quietly, seemed to have other ideas, and came to visit one after another, intending to seek a job as an official.At that time, the Li family of Xingzhuang asked someone to come to talk and was willing to send their daughter as a concubine.

Everything is busy, and it is tiring to put it on others, but Wang Dou is full of energy, and the sweetness of power makes people want to stop.

"I am a born hard worker."

Wang Dou smiled self-deprecatingly, took a rest for a few days, and recovered his breath. It was time to think about the next step and sort out the priorities of everything.

First of all, let's go see Yang Zhichang, the defense officer of Wubao.


"Brother Gongfu, the talent of General Dingguo is beyond our expectations."

In an inn in Baoanzhou City, Ye Xizhi looked out the window at the street downstairs, thoughtfully.Qin Yi beside him stared out the window for a long time, then nodded upon hearing this.

Their inn is located in Cheng'enfang, Xunyu City. There is a large square in front of the street. Looking at the street, merchants gather, camels and horses gather, pedestrians come and go like weaving, and it is extremely lively.

From the crowd walking on the street, you can see the obvious difference among them. Except for some foreign merchants, those who are neatly dressed, swagger, and radiant are the local military households and some civilian households.The ones with timid expressions, ragged clothes, but full of hope are the people from nearby states and counties who came to pan for gold.

There were quite a few people like this, and when they crossed the Yanghe River, the two met a large group of people from all over the country waiting to cross the river.They have complicated accents, among them are the people from Huailai, Yanqing, Chang'an, and even Xuanfu Township.

Ye Xizhi once inquired about their reason for coming, and everyone talked a lot, all talking about going to Baoan Prefecture to work.General Dingguo is benevolent, he can eat his stomach there, and even save up money and food to send back home.Talking about these things, everyone's eyes are full of longing.

I heard that the term "part-time job" was invented by General Dingguo, so it is quite appropriate.In recent years, with the development of Baoanzhou, there is no banditry in Anding, and there are still plenty of opportunities to make a living. More and more people from the surrounding areas come to Baoanzhou to make a living.

With the news that Wang Dou was guarding the entire East Road, the crowd who went to Baoanzhou to make a living reached a climax.

(End of this chapter)

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